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Everything posted by Jemstone

  1. Yep. I'm ususally with JBO on this sort of thing 100% all the way but this time I decided that I should get another. You never know what the future holds and I don't plan on buying any new Macross sets should they ever occur. So I just took a sealed original 9 disc set off ebay.
  2. Rose of Versailles is historical fiction. It ended the only way it could possibly end. I don't see anything wrong with the end since it marks the beginning of the French Revolution and we all know what happens to Marie Antoinette (real once living person) and many other aristocrats. The final episode was just a recap of events you can find in any history book on France during that time period. OMG! ;p means I'm joking usually... of couse she dies, I do understand that many of the events in Rose are based on actual FACT! including the ending... IT WAS A JOKE... I couldn't think of 10 different items... so I posted a joke as the final one... give me a break. I'm sorry, if it didn't come across as a joke... but that was my intent... sheesh Ah well, Didn't notce the attempted non smiley at the end there to clarify your "joke" (and you had such a good list goign too untill then). Your own fault.
  3. Banky, is that old guy with yet the comprehension of a 15 year old????
  4. Hmmm flipping it that becomes "My hood raped my child".
  5. My sentiments exactly. First thing that popped in my heard when I heard this news. (but then there is always the conspiracy theory that HG wants to bury the original Macross series in favor of pushing Robocrap )
  6. Rose of Versailles is historical fiction. It ended the only way it could possibly end. I don't see anything wrong with the end since it marks the beginning of the French Revolution and we all know what happens to Marie Antoinette (real once living person) and many other aristocrats. The final episode was just a recap of events you can find in any history book on France during that time period.
  7. Funny little thread but you know it's dead.
  8. LOL yeah when I get tired enough but I don't think I could ever do an Eva marathon including the movies again. Did that back in 98 and to this day I wish never had.
  9. I've seen the ending, but only on CN, not the original, and never enough of the series continuously to really get a feeling for how good or bad the ending was. But it doesn't sound like you've really seen the parts that really deal with Knives' psyche and the means he will go to in order to achive his goal which make the ending is just inadequate. Especially considering Vash's final decision. Well, Geneon is reissuing the series for cheaper under the "Siganature Series" label. Try for that when they are all out and get it as a cheap set.
  10. Marathon. So far this vacation (last 2 weeks) have completed: Kare Kano, Macross Zero, Boogiepop Phantom, Heat guy J, Inuyasha seasons 1-3, Midori no Hibi, GiTS: SAC season 1 and currebtly working on Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien. I cram ina s much I can watch in a day with few days in between. Great vacation! EDIT: ROD OVA as well this past weekend.
  11. I guess it's better for you to see Trigun's ending before you discuss it. EDIT: Also, don't bother with Panzer.
  12. I second this list but you can also add Boogiepop Phantom to that (concerning Toka anyways) and Dangaioh!!!! Does endings like Trigun count?
  13. You sure you wouldn't rather prefer Duke Nukem?
  14. I'm not bitching you out. You haven't seen me bitch anyone out. I'm pointing out how you keep trying to justify the whole thing as a way to undermine the gripes people have for a good reason. See, there ya go. No, it's not unbelievable. It's all perfectly valid. I didn't cancel my odrer but I see nothing wrong with those who want to. Especially if you look at the hefty price tag money is being shelled out for an incomplete set.
  15. Heheheh... You couldn't help it in the end, huh?
  16. Have you ever played a Doom game in your life? yeah... why? Because I'm having a hard time getting why you can be so confident that this film won't be lame. So far the plot has nothing to do with games.
  17. Have you ever played a Doom game in your life?
  18. You stop right there. Glad you understand why fans are pissed but don't try to justify a reason for it. Whether Bandai couldn't get the rights or not to the vocals is NO excsue for them not being upfront about this. There is NO JUSTIFICATION WHATSOEVER! Just like there would be no justifying Lucas if he did the same which is a legitimate example because Lucas has already made it clear he will change elements of his movies on a whim to suit his "vision" and change his mind as they come along.....
  19. Sorry to but they are very real. Which is the whole point of Engrish.com because some are so bad you gotta wonder why they even botehr trying to put signs up in English. Hell, some music is pure nonsensical Engrish like the opening music to the Hellsing series. If anyone can make sense of these lyrics, please translate. World Without Logos Don't be cool vibration Revlofantasy Tell me fool talk show day and rain Every stardom the rating Don't stop horror show inner darken Jus suc ra ra oh Oh no harbor won't you buy valley show Take me want to talking revolution No havea won cheese have lay show (No have a want cha have late show) Diviphon de have worry star Shooby dooby doo shooby dooby doo durul Shooby dooby doo shooby dooby doo durul Devil beam to the crashing Revoluflymachine Adjust blue G Jus sekiran Oh no harbor won't you buy valley show Take me want to talking revolution No havea won cheese have lay show Diviphon de have worry star Shooby dooby doo shooby dooby doo durul Shooby dooby doo shooby dooby doo durul
  20. This is a great idea. It would also be nice to get more TV (including cable and potentially other legal broadband) exposure, although it would also be a good idea to provide the viewer the option of viewing with sub or dub. (For example, use SAP for the original Japanese, and a closed caption signal for the subtitle.) Otherwise, the only stuff I would buy sight unseen would be Miyazaki movies and Macross stuff, unless the price is really low. Ewilen, this is what I've been saying for a years that an anime network should be like. Unfortunately that's not even how it's been when ADV finally launched their network. Furtehr mroe it's still rarely available for even what they do show to be widely seen.
  21. Good cuz otherwise I was gonna think you were losing your mind.
  22. Ok. <weeps> I had hoped that reality wouldn't sink in concerning this and they would just "forget Aliens and Predator and simply move on to the next franchise to kill. "Disposal income"..... There's just so much wrong with that to even begin.
  23. Ditto. That reminds me...I gotta dust off my Animetal collection, especially with a new CD just released. BTW, Jemstone, what's your favorite Animetal cover song? Oooh.. that's a good question. So far my fave album to date is "This is Animetal" and Animetal Marathon IV is usually on my MP3 playlist. Usually anything with vocals by Eizo Sakamoto.
  24. Actually, TM Revolution is just one person, and he's moderately popular in Japan. Quite frankly, I think he's overrated and for the most part sucks. I only like 2 of his songs and that's it. Ditto.
  25. So in other words, the only way as a consumer to stop a possible sequel from being made is to AVOID the DVD release at all costs!
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