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Everything posted by Jemstone

  1. Well, one of Bollywood's favorite villains is dead. Amrish Puri died not too long ago. He was Mola Ram in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
  2. That's quite untrue. Obviously you missed when I vented to him pertaining to this. Nothing about this forum's integrity is questioned.
  3. OMG.... This game is like a dream coming true. Never again will I have to imagine the SDF vs Gunbuster and so much more.........
  4. Did I tell you that I always liked you?
  5. Thanks. I was about to make a similar complaint. Too many jokes (Macross or otherwise).
  6. ::watches Macross, then flashes back on robotech::: Nope, most of the dialogue most certainly does not come from Macross. "Remember one thing Gentlemen, ROBOTECH" "OH Rick" "Protoculture flower blah blah blah" "I will steal your protoculture blah blah blah" "Narrator: Blah blah blah blah blah robotech blah rick blah masters blah" "IT IS MY TIME TO BE A STAAARRR!" Need I go on? Actually my particular favorite is when they actually DO follow Macross dialogue but it makes no sense. Example: Minmay to Rick: It's called "My Boyfriend is a Pilot Now" (on her new song) We then hear "Stage fright... go away. this is My big day...."
  7. I think I've missed the point of this thread? Is is dumbest looking or ugliest lookign toy? Cuz I cane name quite a efw in both categories.
  8. Uhh... No. I don't want to be accidently smacked by some kid "phoning home" with SF moves as a form of dialing.
  9. Cuz it's an anime forum? Besides too many times political/religious debates have gotten out of hand.
  10. I shall pass if that's the case tho I was looking forward to it. I'd rather a value pack that at least came pre-packed with a game at least. I'll just wait for a resoanble price drop as it seems many folks will with the system's glaring design flaw and possible LSD screen problems. Yeah, I'll pass.
  11. I got 3 different things by answering the final question 3 difefrent ways. CNN.com The Weather Channel (weather.com) and eBay EDIT: add Metafilter and Amazon.com to it all.
  12. Don't be so sure about that.... The series maybe dead but something tells me it will somehow worm it's way into syndication.
  13. Treatment, thanks for posting that. That's a very good question to why such a find has gotten so little press stateside.... I'll bet you anything had it been located elsewhere like say in the Atlantic ocean, it would be all over the news as the possible "Lost City of Alantis". Great discovery tho.
  14. I knwo you're an animation student but aren't you a full time student? I'm asking because most worthwhile schools these days give student services enough budgets for these things. The anime club here ha sthats et up every Sat. They were currently watching Gokusen, Mezzo DSA and Champloo on that set up (film clubs have the same). I should think anynody wth the resources (especially on a University campus) should utilize the most of these oppertunities.
  15. I know it was a joke but a distasteful one. That was the point and nothing being taken seriously. I'd hope you'd joke that your mother's dumplings are as tasteful. (that last comment is directed at nobody in particular but ALL involved)
  16. I think Fuu's boobies are somewhat unexpected, so I'll expect to see them before the series is over. Did you guys really NEED to go there? So distasteful sometimes.
  17. This thread = funny! But enough with the Pokemon bashing already.
  18. Thanks. That's pretty interesting. Do you know how old these are? I'd like to know the story behind these sketches as well.
  19. Yep. Mecha that's, thankfully, completely unrelated to the original topic.
  20. The link was given. That should be the end of the thread. Even the Macmini thread is closed. Panzer, don't you have a "how to stick my own foot and penis into my mouth" class to attend to?
  21. One thread is killed for being a useless "look what I found/crap" topic yet this one is glazed over yet rehashing old stuff (and real useless chatter)..... Love the moderating.
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