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Everything posted by Jemstone

  1. Who??? Never heard of the guy... ....Sonny Crockett? Yeah, sure, he's up at the top just below "The man": Clint Eastwood! Well, the real Sonny Crocket wouldn't have had his ass used and handed to him by a no name actress like Mr Johnson did..... He prolly wishes he was really Sonny.
  2. BTW on Colin Farrel. J's ,you know Colin is only famous because he went out on ONE date with Britney Spears and he cusses alot in interviews. Nothing to do with acting talent. These days whenever I think back to Don Johnson..... I see that music video/single he released. It still scares me to this day.
  3. Any female who tells you that The Matrix is "cool" needs to be dumped immediately. Chances are she is either 15, or has an IQ under 80. Or both. ... Or she is some goth chick and likes any movie that uses almost no light, regardless of true quality of the story. Well... I see the men are handling this quite nicely. The Matrix is so passe it's not even funny. (I like dit but no it's not exactly "popular" thanks to Revolutions) You guys all crack me up.
  4. LOL I haven't found one that inspires me since the last one mechamaniac sent me that had a crushed Zent soldier's head under Milia's Quad.
  5. You're not? Sure coulda fooled me. Selective treatment is obvious in your posts whether you were consciencely aware of them or not doesn't change a thing. Just remember you were the one who went around calling people "obnoxious" for opinions they didn't even state. You didn't like the consequences of that. Live with it. Now I actually believe you didn't mean some of what you said because you were really just joking (poser fangirl) but some other things you said... I don't buy that you didn't mean them. This "conceited bitch" knows better. How does my blanket comment show hostile intent towards anyone particular on here? This place is "light" for the most part. I believe you're guilty of what you are complaining about. You couldn't wait to trash someone for thinking the Enterprise donations were lame. Your motives never entered the equation for me other than you put words in my mouth and accused me of something I didn't even say. Only you not only pointed fingers but posted in such a way as if you had nobody targeted specifically. I let you know what I thought but even then you still never bothered to understand my original point. SO I then told you to get a life because fact still is I don't really care. I'm just not going to roll over and be talked down to whenever someone feels the need to trash me for things I'm innocent of. EDIT: If you'd like I'll pass you soem yoshinol and we can brush this udner the carpet.
  6. What? Minmay's panties?
  7. Takes one to know one, and your better equipped. And don't buy First Contact on my account, it's not my favorite or anything. Besides, I don't want to see Nausicaa again. Damn straight! It doesn't say much for your manhood now does it? If you don't appreciate animated masterworks of art then that's your own problem. No, Mr March, you're not a en evil "female" that hurt his Trekkie pride like an insecure and sexist fool he is. He saves the venom and "psychosis" rants for strong women (of color in my case). Don't believe so? See if Togo was referred to as "psycho" and he's been just as adamant as I am. I'm used to his sad type. They don't like to be "beaten" by girls and therefor always go for the standard "insanity/bitchy/c*nt" attack. Then again he actually bothered to read your post adequately before replying and throwing out labels. That's a good question because supposedly every episode of Enterprise cost 5 million to produce. Something I also find hard to believe and wouldn't be surprised if UPN was inflating numbers. I'll bet it's about a million per episode.
  8. Not worth it to me personnaly...But now that used sets can be found at places such as EB Games for $9.99...well...its still not worth it to me crap is crap, no matter the price the same can be said of current music and movies Bingo! That's why some people would ratehr find means of getting them "free". Nobody wants to pay good money for crap and both the film and music industry have been releasing a whole lot of crap lately. (only DVDs I've bought recently next to the Miyazaki stuff are Spider-Man 2, Big Fish, Sky Capt and Saved. The Incredibles is the only other DVD coming out that I'm getting. Most of the rest I don't mind getting a bit torrent of.
  9. I knew you were reading these posts. I just wondered if anyone around here remembered the name you used one time. I still use that name. It's no secret. It's also been my AIM SN since 99 or whenever it was AOL started to allow 16 character SNs. See.... That's how I know you're a soldier.... Most of you guys like that kind of gal.
  10. MSW, few quick questions. Your points are all valid but I'm going to use the first Robotech DVDs as an example. The legacy box sets had an MSRP of $44.99 for the not remastered VHS dumps onto DVD with a mediocre extras disc (unless you wanted the Sentinels). Would you have paid the $44.99 for that if it was the only source to get those episodes (throw Animeigo and ADV out the window). Do you think that set of discs was worth the $44.99? If not what i the alternate you would do (again no Animeigo or ADV remastered releases). Thanks.
  11. Gee, thanks. Your opinion is so valued that I don't know what I'd do without your vote of confidence in my sanity.
  12. You can just ask me directly instead of being a sarcastic pussy about this. Maybe because the Stargate fans didn't accomulate millions of dollar (still wondering what kind of financial backing since these "millions" of ST fans would never bother in reality) to save a Stargate show??? Not that Atlantis even deserves to be saved..... Johnathan if it makes you feel any better, I will go out and buy the two disc edition of First Contact on DVD. EDIT: Duke, ya beat me to it.
  13. Hell, I remember when she was Violent Woman (?) over at RT.com and had those infamous arguments with that Invid-dude troll. Those were the good old days. That ended long ago. Invid turned out to be a pretty cool guy once he got seperated from Alpha. Heck, I don't even visit the Arcadia boards under Violent Woman anymore. Why are you guys talking as if I don't see these posts?
  14. So it's some kind of big conspiracy? Psycho fangirl. Your IQ is no higher than 72, is that your problem? I have no idea what part of that dark hole you call your ass you get some of that BS you spew. Yes, it's some major conspiracy and even involves a grassy knoll. Davic Duchuvney will make a statement soon. I'm sure all those millions and millions and millions of Trekkies agree. Magnus, that's good advice. You should take it.
  15. Ouch! Touche. Johnathan FYI, I prefer the term "sow" it's so underused.
  16. Maybe he thinks I am a newbie? Afterall, he also thinks I'm 'unhinged' for getting on his case for wrongfully accusing me of things I never said. Something that absolutely gets under my skin but I guess he's Mr Perfect and can insult anyone but not expect to be insulted back. He's taken this very personally as you can see.
  17. Ah, but what about the "girlies" themselves? LOL I'm the oen he's sooooo upset about. Yes, he's very thin skinned. Still playing the part of the innocent, major? This is rich. You're no victim.
  18. See that quote right there shows just how much of an idiot you are. I think it was already made clear what you said that "offended" me. How about "obnoxious" instead of just apologizing for completely misreading/misunderstanding my post with your tangent next to putting words in my mouth? Now you can add "unhinged" to the list of why your existence offends me. Now you want to act all "innocent" by being picked on the big bad "G"emstone? Oh please. Some people are too stupid to live...... BTW don't bother bringing mospeada into this or Robotech for that matter. It has nothing to do with the fact I still believe Trekkie's on their own could never amass so much money (my original point which I gather still escapes you).
  19. The thread was nuked? Looks like it's still standing to me. I was just playing the part of the "obnoxious" poster that the major (who's still gabbering on and on btw) labled me as for giving a simple opinion he couldn't read correctly. Sheesh, don't be a baby about your poor thread.
  20. I don't know about that. I mean, licensing explains why we don't have Ferrari or Porsche etc, but it doesn't explain why we have like every car Honda has made for the last 30 or 40 years, including all the shitty ones no one would ever want to even own in real life, let alone race in a game against tuned 3000GTs, Skylines, etc, but we have only a handful of brand new or classic American cars. And it doesn't explain why they obviously have a licensing deal with GM (and specifically Pontiac), yet the only Pontiacs they could manage was some ugly concept, a G6, a Sunfire, and a classic GTO. No Firebirds, no Trans Ams. What? No Trans Ams? Did I read that correctly?
  21. That's just really sad. I'm sorry, has to be said, its pretty damned disturbing. Don't say that!!! You might hurt his feelings!
  22. You silly, silly man. When my comment was made it was not for just one letter but your OVERALL LACK OF READING MY POST TO MAKE IT SOME KIND OF PRO TSUNAMI RELIEF DONATION!!! Basically completely twisting what I said into something else and putting words in my mouth! Your reading comprehension skills were weak and that's why I said that comment. Had nothing to do with just one letter or a few typo or grammatical errors. Do you FINALLY understand now? Oh wait, you're still gabbering on and on. So you don't. I will sum up everything nicely for you then. Major Johnathan, please, please ,please get a life (the phrase which agitated and offended you so). You can start by just giving up this futile quest to prove you aren't a fanboy. Whetehr you're a fanboy or fall into "accptible fan behavior" for cosplaying or just a sympathizer for the trekkies... I don't care. I just don't give a damn. EDIT: You're a pretty thin skinned guy, aren't you?
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