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Everything posted by Jemstone

  1. I saw the first episode.... It really is just something for perverse middle-aged Japanese men to watch.
  2. So......... is this like Hello Kitty but with a bunny? Effect, having range is great in this kind of business.
  3. Dr Bang, huh? Must be a sex therapist.
  4. They did in a anime called Sabre Rider and the Star Sheriffs didnt they? No, mroe closely related to the anime "Outlaw Star" than anything as far as anime goes.... And I still wouldn't use that show to describe it... EDIT: Gaijin has made the point very nicely so i'll shut up now.
  5. Funny hwo you think "Professor Snape" and I think "Hans Gruber". LOL
  6. Dude, I'm glad you're getting that cuz I could have just told you straight up that's how you come off in almost ALL the game related discussions in the past year. Like it's all about graphics, you have allt he answers cuz you work for Gamestop and not much else. Not saying that's exactly how you are but it is how you come off as. Anyways.... Once again, JBO, please give me back my mind. LOL
  7. You guys posting pics of beautiful but now totally demolished cars are evil.
  8. Let me say "Congrats" before this thread gets locked.
  9. Neither did I. But then.... I never read the books.
  10. The only thing you can trust that kind of man with.... is that he will contantly screw up and turn you off *cough* points to the old lady in the amazing race show *cough* LOL It's too bad Gretchen and Meredith were painful to watch last night. I'm begining to think they really are blind coupled with Gretchen asking 'Why can't we see these things?"
  11. LOL "I'm pregnant with his Imperial child!" Damn.... I hate when that happens. LOL
  12. The only thing you can trust that kind of man with.... is that he will contantly screw up and turn you off LMAO! I like this response much better!
  13. Not really. That will always depend on the individual man....
  14. JBO, please give me my brain back....
  15. That is funny and also very sad. I had to check the article's date to make sure. Makes me wonder what kind of people they have working at CNN to just be getting this..... What's the next article on.... the use of slang?
  16. *snicker* Come on Jem....you're supposed to be the cynic around here. LOL I was.... Untill last summer when I got a behind the scenes tour.... I suppose Lucas would have to be completely out of his mind to screw it up tho.
  17. See.... That right there is an example why I miss Boston so much. Stupid Redneck Savannah....
  18. I thought this thread was a joke playing off the Lucas one?
  19. Not surprised. I was shocked when I heard it was going to be a trilogy but after that.... Not surprised at all. Disney plans to milk this thing untill anyting pirate related becomes dry and redundant. Just like the first Carribean film.
  20. And people are just NOW realizing it's going to be awesome?
  21. That's funny cuz a co-worker mentioned the same thing last Fri when the new Pope was "presented" to the public. "That ugly new Pope looks like the Dark Emperor from Star wars". I can't get enough of the harry Potter/Star Wars synopsis.
  22. What are the odds that Sci-Fi Channel will jump on the band wagon to restart Firefly as a series only to cancel it prematurely ala Fox?
  23. Except for the second epsiode. That crap was embarrassing as all hell after such a greta premiere episode. Not sure what I think about this new 'anime'. So far the designs don't work for me because the PPG should be super deformed with big heads on tiny little bodies. They look that way because the whole show is a parody of super girl anime series (not that the series is geared towards girls). So I don't know what to think. Guess we'll wait and see.
  24. Hey, some women are pretty butch and don't need weapons training. Anyways, this just reaffirms my belief that she'll die at some point whether by seasons end or next season.
  25. Ditto. Kusanagi in the manga was awesome. I hate everyone in the movies. SAC is alright but i'm not crazy about the characters in both seasons either. As for the VA stuff... I don't get. I never watched the dubs.
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