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Everything posted by Jemstone

  1. That's the reason the bridge bunnies in macross 7 love that exedol guy donchaknow? There's all kinds of crazy poo (pssst mass orgy) that goes on there when max is away. I have my own theories about women: Women want the older men. People wo act like kids are unappealing to girls cuz boys don't mature as quick, so they go after people older than themselves. They think that dirty minded old men won't try anything that younger men would. They want a father figure as well as a BF which will make them feel safe. What do you think? Should a survey be done to prove if my theory? Solution to getting women: act much older than you are. Hide the toy collections, the geeky sci-fiction novels and merchandise, the macross models, then when its too late and you've gotten married, that's when you can relax and be yourself. Women are like deluded princesses thinking about only romance and are vampires for attention not seeing the real world for what it is. You just have to keep up the illusion for as long as you can until they get old enough and it is too late for them to compete with younger women for attention so that they have no option but to stick with you. And keep reminding them that if they left you, they can't get any better than you and might have to settle for worse. Them being happy without you is all a fantasy. The way a women's mind works is that they treat the boyfriend like a fashion accessory. They want to show off what they caught to thier girlfriends or other women to make them feel more special than everyone else to make them jealous. You're just a pawn in thier little mind game. They rate you like lab rats in areas like love, romance, performance in bed, looks, but these are just an illusion. The quality won't last forever because nobody can keep up the romantic vision of being the perfect guy forever. The only way is to lower thier standards (when they ask you if "they look fat in this dress?", for goodness sakes be honest and say yes) and bring em down to earth where they belong instead of in the clouds. I really hope you are joking.................... If not you're by far the biggest idiot (and most likely a virgin if you haven't paid for sex or you are the miracle charity case of some sympathetic very dumb girl) on the history of this board regarding women. EDIT: This is me censoring myself so the mods stay happy.
  2. Well, his latest ban happened in this thread a long time ago. Ignore my part in it. I was naive back then. . . LOL! You still are.
  3. Lose some teeth, put an engine block on your lawn, only wear a stained wife beater, and start porkin your sister... Only THEN will NASCAR be for you. I'll kill the first person who responds to this juvenile attempt at humor and gets a great and informative thread closed. Just let it go people. I'm with her there, it is starting to get bad around here with the NASCAR-bashing.... Notice as a Nascar fan I have said NOTHING at all thus far? Yeah, everyone should be VERY happy I've stayed silent.
  4. Well, it does remind me of a Knighr Saber Power Suit Armors from the Bubblegum Crisis.............
  5. LOL, where, in France? Trek has a cult, but not wide appeal or popularity. How often are trekkies made fun of because of their very strange behavior? Is it really shocking to anyone that they like to diddle little boys as well? As much as I love to bash Trek, play up the cinematic bombs, and revell in the cancellation of their television shows, Trek has a long way to go before it reaches Battlestar Galactica or Babylon 5 levels of science fiction obscurity. Even longer before it falls out of public awareness. Ridicule the fans all you want (and trust me, I do), but I cannot deny that even as the wretched monster that is Trek slowly dies, it's still pumping out merchandise and feeding one of the largest sci-fi fandoms on the planet. Interesting enough............... Major Johnathan has said absolutely nothing on this matter (and he's been reading the boards).
  6. That's the problem with you guys right there. "Chicks" and "girls"??? Get some WOMEN!!!Ya know the mature and grown up female types........... Most of you guys under 25 are far worse anyways and it's amazing you mature at all.
  7. That's exactly what I am thinking. Why was this stupid topic resurrected????????
  8. A7, to answer your question..... Meh.
  9. I don't mind mine. It's better than what a co-worker told me last week.... "If it weren't for the fact God made you cute, you'd be scary". A gay guy told me that.... So I guess being part of the Anti-Hero's goon posse can't be all that bad. EDIT: I think Keith should get his back. Ya know... "Don't listen to me." LOL
  10. Whoa whoa whoa.. HOLD IT right there, son. Who the fracking hell are you calling "chickie"? Sawyer made that show for me and not because he's a "bad boy" but was the most interesting and twisted guy on that island. The thought of him possibly being fish food is not an option. Definately getting season 1 on DVD.
  11. Oh wow, Airwolf..... This takes me back. Jan Michael Vincent was the hotness back in the day. Too bad I don't remember much else about the show. LOL
  12. This thread has been a riot. Max, just ban the moron for good. It will save you having to go thru this some other time.
  13. Yeah, Ben-Man and DestroidsRage were one in the same. That guy was all sorts of weird. Heh. You don't know the half of it.
  14. You'll love it, Keith. It almost went by too fast. It seemed much shorter than its running time, the movie just never slows down. You are not supposed to walk out feeling good. That was the rise of the empire and most appropriate.
  15. Dude I was up till 3 am in the wee hours of Wed laughing my ass off. The extra sex scene was insane.
  16. I didn't even pick up on that. That's pretty funny. I wonder if anything Spider-man now will be made as launch games. I don't know if Spidey will make PS3 launch, but a game based on the Ultimate Spider-Man comic book series will be out this fall. Apparently, you'll get to play some levels as Venom. Thanks for sharing Capt. Update. Only I know about that game and don't care since I hate that book series (I sold off the comics which I got as a default subscription from Marvel to replace dead books like Gen X). Just saying I wouldn't be surprised if yet another Spidey game was used for a PS3 launch at the rate Sony is going. Look, I know you're easily antagonized, but was that really called for? How the hell am I supposed to know what games you do and don't know about? You asked about a new Spidey game, I told you what I knew. If I had to guess, though, no, I don't think that there will be a Spidey game for PS3 launch. As far as I know, Activision still holds the game rights, and they still have Treyarch working on Ultimate Spider-Man. If the PS3 is going to launch in the spring of 2006, I don't think that's enough time to crank out another game, unless they handed development to another studio. A more likely scenario will be that a Spider-Man game for the PS3 will come out around the same time as the third movie. See, Mikey, therein lies your problem. You like hearing yourself talk whether you know it or not. So you tend to just go off on tangents and add info and details nobody asked for. I didn't ask about a new Spidey game. I first said I didn't pick up on how Spidey was tied in to the PS3 in ads then wondered if Sony would make Spider-man game a launch title. Didn't ask for any info on the next upcoming Spidey game which any up to date gamer knows about. Lay off the tangents because they make you come off as a know it all about games which can get annoying and yes, I do get annoyed easily. (I know lots of people like you offline who are all trying to get out of that bad habit). Now this post of yours is more on target reply wise to what I was saying. Youire right that the a PS3 game would most likely be released with Spidey 3.
  17. I didn't even pick up on that. That's pretty funny. I wonder if anything Spider-man now will be made as launch games. I don't know if Spidey will make PS3 launch, but a game based on the Ultimate Spider-Man comic book series will be out this fall. Apparently, you'll get to play some levels as Venom. Thanks for sharing Capt. Update. Only I know about that game and don't care since I hate that book series (I sold off the comics which I got as a default subscription from Marvel to replace dead books like Gen X). Just saying I wouldn't be surprised if yet another Spidey game was used for a PS3 launch at the rate Sony is going.
  18. I didn't even pick up on that. That's pretty funny. I wonder if anything Spider-man now will be made as launch games.
  19. Hey, were you around in the SNES days when some games were $75? Just curious.
  20. When I saw her last night I was like "She's baaaaaaaack!" and knew off the bat something was gonna happen to Tony cuz of her. you can't just make up with your estranged wife on those shows and not get screwed in the end.... I bet she gets away too.
  21. Ok... Now this.. I'm just going to have to object to. LOL Way to screw up an ad featuring "brack" people.
  22. Ah, she's a cute little Meltran. Train her well.
  23. I don't hate the film. I just hate that Tom Cruise was in it. Can't stand the guy. Ruined the whole film.
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