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About Jemstone

  • Birthday 11/16/1978

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    1370 or so if not more

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    Stupid question for a an anime specific site, no?

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  1. Geee.... I wonder who possibly could have suggested that to you. How would this topic become a problem? For once a guy on MW is showing an analytical view of sexism in anime that's quite open minded, considers cultural reasons, not bias and not a single "whore" joke made and it's a potential problem? A likely story coming from you. The first article is completely correct and one needs not look further than analyze an anime like Golden Boy for proof.
  2. Enough of the bull already. Oh, come on now. You knew I had to reply sooner or later. Roy and myk both get off on this kind of stupid chauvanistic crap which can be argued as a disguised bait (wait, you mean none of you made bets on how fast I'd reply?). The fact they are idiot males and "human" does NOT exonerate their behavior at all. Dare any of you try to reply to justify the stupid antics in this thread. A7 can't make an innocent "Babe" thread without it denegerating to pure sh1t! See myk only says these things cuz of the stupid and very cheap whore that bore him! Hahaha. See I can make whore jokes too!
  3. I'm not comaplaining but it would have been kickass if they had Dr Jerry Punch for that part.
  4. How so? It's a student parody film of video game adaptations these days. What's there to hate?
  5. No, you aren't since I feel the same way.
  6. Here's a closer pic of the letter. It also says "phone". The number on it is Behrooze's girlfriend's number.
  7. Someone told me this last night:
  8. Just give me Geno, Mallow, a Belmont, Bomberman, Mega Man, Fawful, Hector, Capt Olimar and Mog, I will be happy. Noting too extreme like Cloud Strife but realistic.
  9. I wouldn't say that. Apparently, Kojima has wanted Snake in Smash Bros for a long time now and had asked too late for him to be included in Melee. So he got his wish for this next game. Now we need Mega Man and a Belmont (I'm sure Team Sonic is there).
  10. Solid Snake's gonna get his ass beaten by Pokemon.....
  11. Which did you search? The thread itself or the feedback thread dedicated to it?
  12. Roy, in response to the last time we spoke via PM about a "problem". Here: Funny who thing who sent it, right? Someone I'm not supposed to be communicating with whatsoever. This can't possibly be bait. Of course not because nobody on MW actively seek to provoke me, right? Including the ones I consistently have stellar arguments on the board with.
  13. True but I'm not trying to gain sympathy at all. This is not a sympathetic type of argument since my only real role was pointing at the obvious and asking, to the point of nagging, "hey what's with this?". Most people already know where I stand. I think they really have no idea where it is THEY stand and that's why things are a mess. I had to handle Roy in a way which on his own (albeit sorts of ignorantly) illsutrate my gripe. There he was a mod that casually stated a topic was too girlish for a board full of guys. Slap to my face right there (and a guy created the thread). Then continue to carry this attitude in a thread asking what's the deal when he was more than overtly sexist with his reasonings. Since he was the guy in power he chose to ignore it and pretend he was of no wrong doing but accuse me of over reacting. I'm sorry but I'm nobody's bitch and neither should anyone else on the board be a mod's just because. Fact is alot of guys on here are immature and it takes insulting them where it matters for them to respond. A pitiful tactic, yes. However, what's more pitiful? The tactic itself or the fact it's the only tactic that seems to have any results? You decide.
  14. Not at all a cop out answer. Thanks very much, J's. It's not exactly a subject with an easy answer because it's so subjective. Whether is be the long deleted Rainbow Brite thread or the recent Baseball thread, sometimes there really doesn't seem to be any logic behind why a thread is deleted or kept when you look the existence of other threads. I think a uniform rule is the best option right now because you know people aren't going to monitor what they say (or why else need mods?) My biggest gripe with MW has been this so called sensitivity issue which has proven to be too intangible and volatile I feel to be used an as excuse why things are done the way they are. Some topics are by no means sexist at all (just as the majority of posters really aren't sexist in the slightest) but how they are handled is easily percieved as sexist. If the topic isn't killed despite clearly going out of control and not a single mod so much says a peep then it just reflects badly on the ones adding to it, the mods not saying anything and the community that seems to be ok with it by tolerating it (the point I was trying to make with Mod Roy). It's just simpler for me to point the gender based sensitivity ones since I seem to be the only female left willing to say "hey watch it" rather than giving up on MW altogether. Which just happens so much because nobody else is working on the problem but me it seems (so I have a reputation for it). Not to say I don't expect this type of stuff at all (trust me in my field I'm all too used to it) but I prefer more constructive reasonings in response to certain topics. Look no further than the Shadow Chronicles screen shot thread to see what I mean. "Oooh boobies" is expected but some added stuff is not....... BTW As perceptions go regarding that topic, I was told by someone (no, it's not Abombz) that MW is giving a pedophile like vibe with stuff members say which is why she left). I don't see the pedophelia connection but I digress. I'm saying people need to watch what they say yes, but to leave it on the shoulders of the mods to take it upon themselves subjectively, gets us nowhere. especially, if the mods themselves are "human" and just as bad.
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