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Everything posted by Coyote187

  1. check this out
  2. I would like to have them all, but the superO is at the top of my list
  3. I think I need to add something but I don't know what. The dementions are 36"X12"X12"
  4. here
  5. and another
  6. the quality is still bad but here is some smaller pics
  7. Coyote187

    Mao Nome

    YES lets see MORE!!!
  8. I just printed them on quality ink jet paper. as far as the pics, well as of now I have no digital camara , all the pics were done on a throw away , I'll try to clean them up on "picture it 7.0"
  9. Coyote187

    Mao Nome

    are you kidding! lets try that again but with an "E" cup
  10. Its 1\72, all models are hasgawa
  11. The floor is just a premade shelf painted and clear coated , all the detales are made with Microsoft word and cut out and "modge podged"( a clear glue ). the walls were 1\4" foam poster board painted, and the panel lines are air brushed, all the doors and details were made one the same word program and pasted.
  12. from the top
  13. and with
  14. here it is with out any valks
  15. Oh yah! HHHOOOWWWLLL! back to the topic at hand , thanke guys keep them coming !
  16. hey I used to have alot of cool fan art saved , but after I got a new hadr drive I lost all of that cool art. How about posting some Pics of Misa & Millia ect. I just love the work you guys do , I just wish I could do half that good. Thank you
  17. Nope. Their newsletter is as vague as ever. My advice though, would be to start saving now... especially for the Monster. Is there any hint on how much the monster will cost?
  18. I never did like the chunky monkeys, even back in the 80’s. I had friends that had 1\55s but I never wanted any, I thought they looked like whey rode the short buss to school! I was (at the time) RT fan and there just not very much as far as toys, but I still wouldn’t buy one. Now I have three 1\48s and I’ll but at least one of every one released!
  19. I would have liked to have seen a good dubbed version, but I am alright with subtitles as opposed to bad dubbing or that awful RT Minmay singing
  20. I will buy every 1\48 yamato comes out with. I want them all!
  21. Was there ever an English dubbed version of macross ? And if so can I get it on DVD?
  22. Does any one have any pics of them with the decals on?
  23. when will they be out in the U.S.?
  24. Coyote187

    1/48 VF-1A CF

    as far as the CF Im all for the "J"
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