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Everything posted by GrimlockCW

  1. so how is this one? any good? i never saw it while i was in japan, and i dug through every store with games i could find :/ found Mac Plus for PS1 though. but its controls are weak beyond description.. + it was made before analog was standard it seems :/
  2. true, but i see alot of whining about sound waves in space, and controls of the valks and such, none of its possable, so why worry? its a ficitonal show! Basara controls the VF-19 in the OVA by hitting the controls with his guitar, why not just attach and go from there? as it appears in the main series? alot of good points, storywise i agree, mac 7 sux but fictionaly its on par with most anything released back then, and most anime in general as to weather it was good, its a matter of opinion, most people i know said the silent hill movie was awsome, but out of nowhere i heard someone say they wished they could get their money back. theres no point argueing something that becomes a solid matter of personal opinion. its like trying to get me to eat fresh tomato, no matter how much ya tell me its good for me, i still won't do it, cause i hate them.
  3. nice, very nice but not everyone has theirs posted of yet, or may not submit for such a thing. + the ones in works can still get pimped out as progress proceeds this way, not that most people don't make extra threads for that anyways good guide to the main site to see all the compeleted and absoloutyl awesome completed units though
  4. Sorry, but I think this has a place in this thread after having read most of it, I ain't seen it yet. Far be it from my newbie arse to argue with anyone here so this is my only intervention Mac7 is a SHOW people! Love it, Hate it, it's still there and won't be going anywhere anytime soon So same differance in this just replace comic with TV show Edit: Disclaimer! I don't know where I found that, or when, or from who. So I'll take nothing for the image's existance.
  5. whelp, got a temp patch going with the 1A fer now small piece of solid tin i dug out of my scrap heap of junk worked fine as a back brace to it till i can figure something else out, but it'll be easier to get a look at things when working this way, bit loose, but i had to make it that way to keep it from breaking right off when put to motion. also found out my other one was a factory fault, the right shoulder joint under where the intake connects was never attached! luckily the screw and all were there so a small screwdriver and 5 min fixed that either the factory did it or the store where i baught it had done it, it was the display one (in gerwalk mode) when i got to it, so the box was also under counter trashed (simple fix there to since i'm a packrat with my old boxes) i don't see the store having done it, as the figures in grand shape looks untouched minus myself and the store clerk who fumbled with it before i took over, and that joint has to have a screw removed to position/remove, and it was a pain to get to it to boot.. hmm bah... still unsure what direciton i wanna go with this sucker.. i need something to remove the paint/decals first though i guess :/ can't wait till payday.. VF0S in my cart and i'm digging for chemicals! WOOT! lol anywho, haven't said it yet, so the true point of this post is, thanks for the info thus far! i can't wait to get this project rolling!
  6. 2 pages doesn't have much to go through... heh any online hobbyshops recommended? may as well tack that on there, there aren't any near where i live... lest i wanna take a 200+ mile drive :/ there may be one under the radar somewhere.. i'll hafta poke around i used some flat white spraypaint on an old jetfire and his legs, once awhile back, came out real nice with a clear coat over the legs, think it took an extra coat to blend proper, mayhap i can try fer that agian..
  7. i've got some newb questions! so i'll post'em here and save thread space, then pray someone sees this and doesn't ignore it over the first post hmm.. guess ya could say i'm thread jacking, but it seems pretty finished anyways i've lurked for years and always LOVED the stuff seen in here... i'm jealous of this so i wanna try! posted once long ago i think, but got chased out, i can't remember.. i think it was when everyone was PO'ed by Harmony gold and the Yamato/Toycom dispute sooo... 1. is there a VF-22 customization kit for the Yamato YF-21 out and about someone may have made and would make agian and sell ? i recall something like Yamato was going to, but then pulled it last minute.... and on the 21, anyon know a way to replace/rebuild the yellow antenna on the head? the tip busted off of mine and i think it got sucked into the vaccuum, or the cat ate it, i'm not sure, but i never saw it agian, honestly i think the house ate it. 2. anyone know how i could fix/or replace a broken tail joint on my 1/60 Yamato Max VF1A? da danged blasted bugger fell and snapped that thing off :/ i've got both the parts still (i think), its the joint piece itself. nothing for glue to stick to, so thats out.. and putting something to stablize on top would interfere with its function, and the bottoms to rounded to stick something there :/ lest someone knows a material that'd work 3. on the 1A, since its a spare anyways, should i go TV max 1A on it or try my luck and a Minmei Guard thing, and since i'm on it, are them decals able to be in the 1/60 scales? i've yet to PM whome i was told, so may as well flash it here while i'm on the subject. 4. tips for a customization newb? lessons learned, or site that teach? tools/chemicals prefered? 5. anyone/place i can find customization info outside of here for added aid? 6. O/T for this forum in general, but i'll get it out, anyone have a spare YF-19, even broke or not but still there, they'd sell? i lost my chance to get that bugger long ago, and i'm still beating my skull into the wall everytime i see a pic of it.
  8. sweet, thanks, i'll look'em up i've a spare VF1A max here that could use a new look
  9. hmm i didn't see anything differant photage wise when i had it.. ahh well, guess i'm shot down. twad decent at least, and better than the way the wing commander movie came out! *shudders*
  10. awsome stuff! retarded newb question, where do those decals come from? is there a place or someone that sells'em?
  11. far be my newb arse from knowing anything so i'll ask about it instead. i once dloaded a copy of DYRL (some 8 years or more ago) that was fully dubbed, and rather well to boot, even maintained the japanese songs for Minmei and the zentran chatter and such... i once saw it for sale as DVD in a shop while on vacation in florida, but never since, it was fully labeled Macross The Movie - Do You Remember Love? and marked as "English dubbed only" anyone else seen/heard of it? i've never heard of the Clash one mentioned above, so maybe it was that, but this one seriously didn't suck IMO, as it matched lines with most of the movie in japanese when i got that DVD finally (and long since deleted the dloaded one, the picture quality was horrid)
  12. You can do that with Wing Zero Custom, too. ^_~ 414226[/snapback] yeah but the Valks move about 100 times faster in fighter and will overall take alot less damage moving through, assuming u can fly anyways
  13. close enough when yer stuck fighting it
  14. How do you unlock those? 414092[/snapback] lol theres an easy control set, when you select, select the second one, then its hold the L1 button and press R1 or R2 to change up or down. and it changes weapons to hold L1 and press one of the shape buttons. saves the hassle of selecting weapons individually in combat, and overall speeds things up a LOT, making a much more fast paced game IMO. kk, now for the unlocks! you get them when clearing certain conditions, what they is i dunno, after you first load your game from the start go down one menu and go to the mission select screen, select pretty much any mission then go to the top and launch, now it'll be your usual character select but with new menus! bottom most is the unlockables, they cost a LOT of points, and what ones are visible to unlock depend on what ya did, i dn't have the 1J GBP1, my friend got it, but i dunno what was required. at Gamefaqs.com, there was once a thing that said clear the 5 bous stages but theres more like 9 or so of those, and i've cleared them all, it may require a higher difficulty setting type thing i dunno, ain't been working on it much lately. Milia 639, actually sux without upgrades... even then she's not so hot on the field agianst anythign cept small fry enemies, shes FAST, but weak. since that was so, i was kinda disappointed they didn't throw in Max's Quad for fun since it'd only be a repaint and new face to add. then next menu up from there is something i haven't figured out, go up one more and you can upgrade your units, unlock more attacks, power, combos and so on. the 50000 slot is often blanked out, i'm not sure what opens it but sometimes it'll be upgradeable, i think thats what unlocks special combos (like the ones oftens seen in A.C.E 1, where it was circle, circle, square, and it'd melee, mellee, shoot, and so on) the middle menu, i dunno what it is, its locked to me, and i haven't been playing much lately, as i've a stack of unfinished games to complete now that i've out of the military and have time to do so, i think i shall hmm got Gundam Climax U.C.? my friend had unlocked EVERYTHING in that game, 72 mecha, a ton of vids, and char profiles... every little thing! some of those units are INSANE! specially since the Phsyco Gundam (think SDF1 sized black gundam) is playable! i gnabbed his save of course EDIT: Fixed typo on Milia 639 (9 dangit 9!... my brain no worky)
  15. thats 100% A.C.E 2 Final mission with Wing 0 Custom.... i usualy whipout the Valks for that one... not to mention with the Valks u can just haul arse past the enemy units unscathed and get the G-Gundam to blast that whole and its done
  16. ain't seen it mentioned so i figured i'd point out a few things of it. i was in Japan a few monthes ago and saw an awsome preview for a game caleld A.C.E 2 and guess what! VALKS! and even Macross based missions (hell it ends on a Macross DYRL note! won't say how, but it does!) it includes Max's DYRL 1A Hikaru's DYRL 1A Hikaru's DYRL 1S Hikaru's TV 1J with GBP1S armor (this ones a pain to unlock) Fokker's DYRL 1S Milia 639 from DYRL (another pain to unlock really) those are the playables, it also has numerous Zentran ships and other enemy units and an assortment of Macross based Missions! i baught the game when it was released at the end of march (i was still there waiting of course!) and i gotta say, if battlecry or ANY Macross/Robotech ever used controls as simple as these, they'd own the market!! Gerwalk can actually slam into reverse and outrun enemy units/missiles! or bust tot he side and strafe around the enemy in circles (in fact its best to just hang out in Gerwalk and do this often...) they game also includes Mecha from a dozen other series like Brain PowrD, Various Gundam Series, Aura Battler Dunbine, and more! so its a guarantee no american company will get their heads out of their arses and allow this game to come to the north american continent (damned licenses!) or that'd be AWSOME figured i'd give a heads up, it was released in march and i tried to post back then but my registration didn't got through for some reason and i forgot until now. i baught a Japanese PS2 while i was there just for this game (and the DVD's i baught while there as well as a few other games) give it a looks i say! www.ace-game.jp P.S. i also found the Macross Plus PS1 game.. anyone know the controls for this one? i can't figure it out! lol, or rather, their just wierd or something... i never was to good with PS1 titles pre-analog
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