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Everything posted by GrimlockCW

  1. i vote for Skull-1 as he's got more to backup his work all them edits from gutsandcasca seem true thus far.... and cause he was only trying to be legitametly helpful and less objectionitive about things. /ignore Hurin "ignoring hurin* i wish boreds had them functions like games
  2. hence the reason i RARELY watch dubbed anime the script is always the first thing butchered, even in a high quality dub but what REALLY gets my nerves is when the subs are blatently off as well, i know very little japanese, but i do know a bit to catch things. Fansubs usualy come closer to a proper rough translation while keeping it in grammer with the language differance
  3. dumb question, i had all my valks on the same shelf in my old barracks room for awhile, only one that yellowed was the VF-11B i had sitting in fighter (so it looks funny in any other mode now ) yet my 1/48 1S didn't change at all... same with my 1/60 1J is it a differance in plastic used? or should i now hang something over the shelf their on now and keep'em from being hit with the bar light thingy my new rooms uses?
  4. oh oh i wanna post i wanna post! my midget collection of random stuff that is! wow, i feel minor and poor after seeing all them collections though.. i waited for my VF0 to arrive so i'd feel less stupid i must forwarn, i SUCK at image resizing so they may loadup a bit bit, hence only links, also, they may be big for anyone with a resaloution under 1024x768.. maybe even then, i use 1600x1200 for desktop res.... some of my Macross figures here more of them down below Statues and Gashapon over here the box behind the one statue also contains issue 12 of Tenjho Tenge... i thaught it was only the statue when i baught it (in japan) but it was actually a limited edition release of that issue with the statue! More Gashapon in the window Halo anyone? and the darkside on top of my TV hmm oh yar, comparison shot of my perfect grade gundam and the 1/48 1S taken back in my old barracks room the gundam now sits next to the gashapon in the window till i build his construction thingy and put him on the shelf proper like i kinda whip'em wherever they'll look good to me, no fancy displays, i live in a small room atop a garage/barn all alone, so why not?
  5. true, but a lower setting would take longer to overload than a higher, though give less protection.
  6. LOL i wanna see this pic.. P.S. i can't say Funimation doesn't do a good job voice wise, but like i've said, they butcher scripts (and its way to obvious from the DVD's, why would they do that to themselves?) and cut scenes and episodes, though most of their DVD releases with get a complete uncut thing going (hence the reason they had to add "Uncut" to the DBZ releases) but their campaign strategy to shut down fan based websites and such in order to try for more cash.. their on my list with harmony gold as "avoid at all costs" okay i'm done O/T anyone got anything ON topic to report?.. i'm out of stuff
  7. WOW is all that can be said for the skillz shown in them statues... seriously i can't say anything bout it.... just WOW... and reading through that answered my question to (on Komilia) i've never seen all of SDF Macross (i only have disc 5), and barely any roblowtech psst can anyone PM me a link to someplace that sells the subbed discs?? preferably all of them or a boxed
  8. Dude, this forum is full of "those guys" that like to talk about this stuff. If you don't care about the topic, don't post . 417864[/snapback] Macross is a fair bit more consistent than Star Trek. We just poke at the places where the physics diverge from reality. 417878[/snapback] i'm biting my lip on that one... cause honestly their fairly the same
  9. only problem with stuff dubbed by Funimation (A.K.A Fu&*thefansimation) is they butcher the script, and sometimes cut whole episodes from the series they dub, + license HORRID vid games to be made :/ most of the games anyways, some are getting decent to good lately Fullmetal Alch if yer wondering. Pioneer, and ADV do some awsome dubbs and only censor for TV airing but rarely cut episodes for it unless the network themselves cut them. Manga Entertainments, a "meh" IMO some good some bad, never cut though. ANYWHO back on Topic, if i had to choose i'd shoot for ADV to do it to DYRL, they'd do it some justice i think.
  10. if i ever see him online agian i could see if my buddy in Japan could find it fer less fer ya, but i dunno... ain't seen'em in awhile
  11. Ace Combat Zero its the next one in the fighter game series.
  12. What? The "core" bundle is 300. The component-video hard-drive-equipped "premium" version is the 400$ one. 417855[/snapback] beatcha to it
  13. wierd, i got my premium bundle 360 for $400 (HDTV Cables, and 12 gig HD) the basic (without the 12 gig HD and cables) should only be $300
  14. it can also be found on E-bay, buy used, it'll be cheaper. but thats if u can find it. i baught it on launch (March 30'th) for bout 4,000 or so yen
  15. if they turned it up though that'd drain more power, and if attacked it could overload the system and essentialy shut down the whole shibang no?
  16. saywha?
  17. now that would creep me out.. i'd grab my Rap4 .43 cal Pball gun and go hunting (think M4A1 assault rifle realistic mock magazine fed, NO HOPPER CRAP, speedballs for cowards) granted i'd prob get in trouble, but thats if they find me
  18. yeah 1vs1 split screen i was decimating my buddy with my VF1 since i could nail it into gerwalk and haul tail in reverse when he tried to attack me melee my only complaint agianst A.C.E 2 vs the original is in the original you could land on the ships in 2 you can't :/ i wanted so bad to land on the Macross's shoulder and shoot down Meltrandi
  19. yes but that an unarmored transport, the valks are nicely armoured and can take some seriuos pounding, so i doubt a few bits of extra pressure is gonna hurt them not to mention as i recall, Fry flushed the toilet and resolved that issue, though it wasn't his intention
  20. maybe if we bug them we can get the guys at Manga Entertainment (Mac plus dubbers) to do the movie! HG said they don't own the movie right? though i'm rarely impressed with any anime Dub, at least they'd prob bring it back to full color and good looks with a cleaner sub sry, but 99.9% of dubbed Anime truly have either bad voice actor selection or rewrite the script so badly it wrecks the show, many'a good anime have failed stateside from this, but find the Original unedited.. and it tends to blow the mind how they could commit such travesty (SP?)
  21. creepy, but not as creepy IMO....
  22. Yes, much like prisoners who've been tortured into capitulation. They are brought to a point where they "want" to help the bad guys... 417702[/snapback] or commit suicide, wichever comes first or fits into their morale honestly at first i thaught Basara was just giving everyone headaches, then it seemed like Sivil was getting off to his music... strange concept, but it sure looked that way after a bit with the way she began to react 417707[/snapback] That's what I was thinking. 1) She kept describing her reactions as "This... feeling" (on my sub anyway), not "the pain" or something like that. Perhaps its the equivalent of "He makes me feel funny down there..." 2) She keeps going back for more, her reaction is *squint, squint, gasp, tense-up, convulse, gasp, scream* 3) She keeps wanting to make out with Basara while in possessed humans. I'm on the Lux episode now, haven't been able to watch it for a few days. I actually didn't realize the City 7 dome was a barrier! Is there any documentation on this? This does make more sense in terms of the show. At first I though that infiltration group hit one of the docking bays, and there were just enough to occupy the next few shows worth of action. I thought it was weird b/c we see footage of Elgerzorines blasting through windows on the other ships, but they just show up all the time on the Macross. A big barrier bubble doesn't necessarily seem like a great idea, though - it better have a super-dang-stable, dedicated reactor. And again, if this keeps happening, shouldn't closing the shell be standard procedure whenever the bad guys fold in? 417713[/snapback] it did become a standard procedure at some point, most of the time anyways, unless they folded in so close that there was no time to close it, though i don't think it ever closed on Lux..
  23. I find a valk in water slightly more believable than a valk on Mars... wings work under water (eg hydrofoil), and now you have buoyancy to help. 417712[/snapback] + with the intakes closed, the valk (even to fly in space) would require to create its own fuel/O2/heat, like a space shuttles engines and fuel. so its not that odd, i dunno why (i read it somewhere) someone looked at Mac 0 odd cause of the Valk under water... i mean, normal jet fuels wouldn't have worked on the VF0's to begin with even a AV-8B Harrier jumpjet has to refuel after a vertical takeoff! it burns most of its fuel just jumping! so i wonder what fuel was used...
  24. Yes, much like prisoners who've been tortured into capitulation. They are brought to a point where they "want" to help the bad guys... 417702[/snapback] or commit suicide, wichever comes first or fits into their morale honestly at first i thaught Basara was just giving everyone headaches, then it seemed like Sivil was getting off to his music... strange concept, but it sure looked that way after a bit with the way she began to react
  25. always the easy answers but i guess makes as much sense as any.
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