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Everything posted by Kiyora

  1. Omg Lol Ty for posting that up. I've been trying to find pictures of us in our costumes and now I've foudn one! Ty for the compliment on our costumes. -allie
  2. Hello, This is Allie (the Miriya cosplayer from AX06) and 'Skyros', aka Mike, will be signing up soon- or I'll make him. I just wanted to say thank you guys for a fun time. We were excited to see so many fans like us there and to be able to take place in the tournament. There were so many good players it was fun watching all the matches. The poster was awesome. The drawing for it was good and well put together The art for Robotech (the picture of Kiyora) was such an honor to recieve. We really want to show our appreciation for the picture for it must have been hard to part with, athough I'm sure he has another one hidden in his house somewhere. ^.-. Thank you again and we hope to see you guys next year, or even some of you guys at the small Anime gathering happening in Sacramento the Saturday/Sunday approaching. I don't really have much information on that one but I'm sure information on it will not be to hard to find. -Allie
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