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Everything posted by Californium

  1. anyone else notice hints of FLCL and gatchaman in the last episode of teen titans? I care not what anyone else says; that's one hellishly fun toon. Also, in cyborg's recent episode: From the makers of Azrat and Methrion, now Synthos. I'm glad to see JL:U finding a definite direction now. The first few episodes, while entertaining, left me kind cold. It's building nicely though...
  2. Ye gods! What humor is this! The duke and earl and all their doorknob fetishist friends playing russian roulette with a thread purporting to contain images from a movie not yet released. And when they happen to see something they think they oughtn't, it's all, "My eyes! It burns--it burns so bad! Whyfore, knave, have you left this bucket of acid here, and this eyedropper there? Did you not know that it would cause me to dropper acid into mine own eyes?! Egad, what naughty rapscallions you all are!" Could such evils ruin the life of a fanboy? *shiver* Trick question, of course. But the whiners would never know why.
  3. White Devil.
  4. I've noticed that a good many like to whine about the topic at hand. They, at least, are on topic, though annoying. Worse yet are those who bother to whine about the whiners, thus prolonging the pain. Thankfully, it's just a message board, and nobody has to contribute, nobody has to as much as look. I, foolishly, do both. Personally, I will not see EpIII in theaters. I will not rent it. I certainly might watch it on tv. That's how I saw ATOC. HBO is there to satisfy my morbid curiosity. I did go to see TPM in a theater. Not on the day it opened though--not close. Was I dissapointed? No; I had been bracing myself for suck. Did it rape my childhood? No; Lucas's movies are no longer capable of impressing me, much less time travel and forced intercourse. Was it all bad? No. ...
  5. The Falcon is supposed to be pretty old. Anybody know just how old? Really, I would think that the more advanced the tech in general, the longer a given machine would last. (excepting forced obsolesence.) (Mostly because the more advanced a culture is the steeper the learning curve and new technologies occur less and less. Thus the older tech is meanwhile perfected and lasts longer...) All the more so since the SW galaxy has clearly been jumping around in hyperspace for ages and ages. I'd always assumed that the Falcon could have passed hands again and again for the equivalent of a century or so. That individual planets might have armed forces or industries which buck a design trend would be a given. But that in the space of 30 years an entire galaxy would trade in all their crap for a new design aesthetic, whether or not their Spaceship X was actually going on the fritz, seems a bit silly to me. But while i'm a fan, I'm no fanatic, so I'm probably missing some things.
  6. What about the really important fights? "Snake Eyes" vs "Storm Shadow" Snake Eyes: 347 000 Storm Shadow: 31 300 Winner: Snake Eyes ----- Snoopy vs "Red Baron" Snoopy: 3 840 000 Red Baron: 340 000 Winner: Snoopy! (did anyone have any doubt?)
  7. Have you bought from them before? How good/reliable are they? I preorded the Mac Plus movie edition from them back when it came out, and had no problems at all. Sounds good enough for me. Thanks much.
  8. Have you bought from them before? How good/reliable are they?
  9. I fourth that and second Dunbine.
  10. The event is sponsored (at least in part) by Bandai. Proof positive that Bandai is actually a secret arm of the Japanese government long dedicated to promoting youth interest in robots such that kids will grow up to create the robotics technologies which will allow Bandai to finally build full-scale working Mazingers and Dunbines and Gundams and take over the world. And by the looks of those fighting/walking robots there, their plan is rather far along. Amazing stuff.
  11. Best reply in any topic ever.
  12. what does it say on the hatch? can't make out much.
  13. collection dx.com has some Evangelion soc reviews as well. http://collectiondx.com/search_results.asp...n&Submit=Submit but i agree, no need to read about them. just pick your favorite and buy. you'll end up owning at least two of them inside of a month. excellent toy. very well made.
  14. "CAUTION: ROCKET FIST MOUNT CONTAINS EXPLOSIVE CHARGE. KEEP CLEAR." you just don't see enough of that on modern military hardware.
  15. Silly you say? I like the ravage-bot. nice head sculpt. Blends the classic angular style with BW ravage proportions. Not a fan of the color choice/use of red; At a loss as to how I would make it any better though. Not something I would get. But I like the overall look better than ShouldaBeenStreaker/Deadend.
  16. By that logic, I could carve one out of a block of wood that would total both of them. Okay, I admit it. I'm curious. Precisely which logic is "that logic?"
  17. Upper legs could stand to be thicker. Arms look a little small as well, and you'd think they'd want to make them bigger to solve issues with the lions being widely different sizes. Otherwize, looks nice. But I won't touch it. Toynami doesn't know ass about qc. Yeah, I bought a Legioss. Sigh. Someone needs to try the gokin fight test on this thing. drop this one on the original toy from five feet up. Then the original onto this one. Repeat until one or both is shattered into robeast leftovers. Declare winner.
  18. Zoids. Just a great toy concept. "Hmmm. Let's take fighting robots, all sorts of animals and dinosaurs, motorized toys, and model kits... And then smash them all together with a giant rubber hammer!" "But, whatever could we call it?" "Gundam?" "Naw. That sounds stupid. Never catch on. Something else." "Zoids?" "That's it!" "Will this do?" "No. We'll need a much bigger hammer than that."
  19. So, how big are they? And do their helmets open? What materials? they aren't PVC are they? (I wouldn't think so, but the sign in that pic...) In any case, they look great.
  20. Here's the original story: http://www.guardian.co.uk/life/news/page/0...1290764,00.html And yeah, where's Gattaca? BR is cool though. But 2010 kicks 2001's ass.
  21. Bah und Humbug. Screws not glue, damnation. oh well.
  22. I don't understand these people. Why even get a sound barrier anymore? You just know some nut in a Hornet will break it again. Sigh. It's no wonder insurance costs so much now. Edit: Sorry. I hadn't bothered to look at the pic. I get it now. That guy isn't a nut. He's just trying to escape that giant alien cotton wad. Still, if that kind of thing happens with any regularity, its all the more reason not to get a new sound barrier.
  23. Not sure about the music, but that was a fun movie. Better than the likes of Top Gun, though that ain't difficult. I always had problems with the race in the beginning. Who would "race" with flaps deployed like barn doors? But that can be forgiven. Especially with Lou Gossett Jr playing the part of Ben Kenobi.
  24. Superion and Bruticus? Hmmm...
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