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Everything posted by Californium

  1. Oh. Well never mind then. Any pics of a blisterless 0S? I've not noticed any in Graham's review or in the pic thread.
  2. Removeable fuel blisters would be a welcome change; certainly one I'd like to see. Even if it left mounting holes in the torso, so long as those holes were reasonably sized and/or convincingly arranged. . . it would be a nice option to have. Has anyone tried taking the blisters off of the 0S?
  3. Ye gods man! What good is bein' a kickass weapons delivery system when the weapon you be deliverin' is so. . . . tiny? Just make the gunpod a bit bigger please. I trust the rest be nosebleedworthy.
  4. I, too, vote bunny.
  5. possible spoilers.... ? No. Gunbuster hasn't returned yet. (12000 years is a long time.) But I suspect it's about to... Remember, Gunbuster returns to a far-flung future Earth. And in every episode of the sequel Earth has been mentioned, especially by Nono. But we haven't been there yet in this series. Also, who would want to see Noriko? Who's been waiting for her for a long time? Who has to remember to greet them when Noriko and Kazumi arrive? Who has hair like flame? What's one way she could live long enough to.... Just a thought. Pay it no mind.
  6. Sounds nice. I'd be a little concerned with how the swing bar is mounted to the inside of the back plate though. It doesn't have that secondary swivel that the 1/48 has, so it would be easier to stress the plastic holding it in place. And as the legs necessarily carry a significant portion of the toy's mass, that seems to just be asking for problems. I'm only going by what I've seen in pics though. No inside info here. Anyhow, they should get to the CF pretty quickly this time around, as there aren't as many schemes to choose from and they'll want to stretch the mold as much as possible.
  7. That Jetfire looks pristine. I'd make that trade in an instant. Fast Packs will be released again eventually anyhow. Maybe not for six months. Maybe not for two years. But they'll be out again.
  8. does the CF not come with a pilot figure? I've got this thing pre-ordered now. I can hardly wait any longer. It'll be my first 1/48. And such a long wait its been. Looking for a decent CF valk is why i joined MW to begin with. (hence my screen name.)
  9. I'm fairly certain Char never pilots the Marasai. It's a titans suit. here's the MAHQ page: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/z/rms-108.htm And for those who might want it, this is the address of the trailer so you can download it directly: http://movies.apple.com/movies/jp/movies/s...trailer_480.mov
  10. this pic if from the HLJ website. Notice anything hiding in the Argama's shadows? looks like a certain suit with wing binders, but in chrome... gold chrome perhap? Maybe they originally intended to plate the thing and that's a plated shiki prototype. Or maybe it' a future variant release. or nothing at all.
  11. Thanks for the input Hurin and Shin. I think I'll place an order for my beloved CF soon. The durability of the design--or lack thereof--sounds a bit scary though, having looked at some of those other threads; what with cracking hip joints and intakes, breaking backpack hinges and whatnot. I'd hate to end up with a lemon in my hand and a hole in my wallet to show for it. It does look great though, so I figure it's worth a gamble. At least once.
  12. wow. what news. ages ago i joined MW when hopes grew that Yamato would make a new valk CF. I got into the whole collecting thing after getting a 1/60 CF, and since had been waiting for a 1/48...until giving up on the idea some time ago. Thought it would never happen. Or that if It did, I had lost interest anyhow. Then I get this email from BBTS. skimmed through it. didn't expect it to contain anything I'd want. Usually doesn't. I'm not that much of a collector. But wait. what did that say? rereading...Yamato. 1/48 CF? huh? but... I clicked the link, looked at the pic. Slowly my mind awoke to the vision before me. Yes, I remembered wishing for such a thing. I remember falling in lust with my little 1/200 scale CF gerwalk 1A kit when I was 7 or 8 years old, taking it everywhere with me for months. So now I have a few questions. And I know there are other threads where I can find some of the answers, and i'll look at those as well, but I want to ask them here, seeking fresh, time-tested answers from those who might know or care... How solid and poseable is Battroid mode in the 1/48s? I mean, I have this 1/60th, and it's a great toy and all, but frankly, it's just not fun for me. Too loose and fiddly in bot mode. Is the 1/48 better? Easy to stick in kickin' poses? Good balance? Holds a pose nicely? How would it compare in this way to, say a non-transforming SOC like a mazinger? (an unfair comparison to be sure, but I'm trying to get an idea...) [edited to be less annoying ] anyhow, thanks much for any input!
  13. Thanks much guys. I'm keeping an eye on ebay now. Something that somehow I hadn't thought to do for small figs before. Does seem to be a bit of a mixed bag though. I'm sure i could find some great deals on stuff I want over a long period of time though. In the meantime, some of those sites look good. Dungeontrader especially seems to have a lot of stuff i'd be interested in; likely i'll place an order at one of those sites soon. The Cygnar trenchers are the Warmachine troops I'm looking forward to the most. Their proportion, detail and styling remind me of something from Miyazaki, Maybe Nausicaa, and look just like the soldiers from a novel I'll be writing a few years from now besides. thanks again.
  14. Hello all, I'd like to get some input from the macross community. Years back I got into painting gaming figures from warhammer and the like. I don't like gaming with them. Just painting. Anyhow, i've long since run out of the figures a college friend gave me, and I'm trying to find an online shop that carries figures at decent prices. I'm especially looking for a place that sells figures from a steam-age fantasy called "war machine." Preferably some shop in the US. Bonus points if they ship from somewhere along the east coast. There seems to be a wealth of online gaming shops, many from the UK, and sorting through it all and trying to find good deals is daunting. Does anyone here have a favorite store they buy from? Maybe know of a reasonable gaming forum that could point me in a good direction? Anyhow, thanks much for any help.
  15. So, when and how does Obi find out that Anakin survived and is, in fact, vader?
  16. I wanna see the Gerwalk mode. Graham I wouldn't even wish that kind of hip-dislocation on a clone.
  17. Plus, there's this nifty little thing called "The Force" that allows its users to perform deeds that would otherwise be impossible. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Anakin called on the Dark Side to save his life while he was burning in the lava/hot sand. Gee, that there force is some powerful stuff. Even lets people breathe co2, so2 and all the rest of that air utterly lacking in free oxygen one would find on a "lava planet." Or maybe this galaxy is populated by humanoids that don't even breathe oxygen. But then they likely wouldn't use iron in blood production and their flesh would be a different color. Hm. I don't mean to bash the story or anything. I just mean to point out that maybe it's best not to expect it to be at all realistic. What with all the single-biome planets and whatnot.
  18. I like the way young Vader gets all self-conscious about his itty-bitty hands in that very last scene. It shows he's still human, with all the foibles that implies.
  19. Did they change the design of the suits they are releasing, or are they releasing multiple designs of each suit? here's a pic of a slightly different version of the blue suit...
  20. That's awesome. Fantastic job aging that thing.
  21. A story that never made the cut in the original series, but which needs to be told. For your safety.
  22. this took me hours. tens of hours. perhaps more. the last few days were a blur of artistic inspiration. the casual observer would no doubt fail to notice the layers of detail, the painstaking attention to realworld physics, and the gritty display of character therein. i know i did. all the stuff i added over the last year really completed the piece nicely. my best life's work yet.
  23. Translation: "Though your apricot jam is a worthy topping for your toast, you did not spread it evenly over the entire slice. Therefore, you suck. I'm going to go hug my schwartz."
  24. wow. What's with that anakin pic halfway down the page that very clearly mocks golgo 13?
  25. i also notice stuff in the teen titans that remind me of other anime, in saturdays episode where beast boy got a job, when the container containing the alien leader first breaks off to show him, it looked just like the massive orb like container containing Akira when it broke apart, complete with massive tubes breaking off shooting steam everywhere from the movie Akira. That reminds me... When the NewTofu refered to itself as "The source"... Anyone else pick up on what that is from? I'm sure it's spoofing something i've seen. Can't recall what though...
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