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Everything posted by Californium

  1. Zoids are great fodder for modding. Lots of random "scf-fi" parts. Nice Gorem review, Drifand. Nice Gorem besides. That over-the-shoulder cannon on that powered suit has always reminded of something else, and I finally figured out what it is: the cannon on the old Orguss transforming kit; minus the "shield" part. Very similar shape and detail.
  2. Blergh indeed.
  3. I am fearful. I wonder if they'll have a Sue Calvin character?
  4. Could be a nice line. The name of the line alone makes me a bit more interested. I'd love to see four or five Dunbine mechs done in that size and detail, although that's unlikely.
  5. Holy crap! It's the SDF-1 !!! I had the gold-chrome one. I can remember wishing even then that he had more articulation. I've thought of that watch a few times over the years and wondered what ever happened to it.
  6. I'd rather see some CCA gokins in the KS line. The detail and styling is an improvement over past lines though.
  7. Impressive! Really great stuff. Would I have to be a doctor to join the Physicians Association of Jion? Please say no...
  8. Just don't load that new Microsoft system, --what's it called? Oh yeah, HOS.
  9. Looking at this pic, I wish they would start representing the autobot emblem with just the red and let the background color, whatever that is, show through. I've never liked the thick white outlining and background for the emblems they use on the toys now. That's a minor complaint though.
  10. Those are great choices. Great Zeon designs. The Sazabi would be frickin' huge though. About 18 inches tall and almost 12 inches wide. I shudder to think how mush such a thing might cost.
  11. Yeah. TFKenkon had this pic in his Hound test-shot gallery. Looks to be a great figure.
  12. I can't stand about 98% of gundam designs. ( Mermaid Gundam, anyone?) But that 2% or so is fairly kickin'. I tend not to care for the really complicated designs. Usually I prefer mechs that are simple and elegant. Designed toward a single philosophy. Like the MKII, or the Nu. The MKII is indeed a really nice PG. Goes together easily with a fantastic and solid final product. A PG Jegan would be awesome. Fairly large as well. PG Labors is a fantastic idea. The detail in those designs just screams for a PG style treatment. What scale would those be in though? 1/24th? PG Votoms might be neat. Unfortunately, the future of PG kits in the real world is likely a short one.
  13. Ok, looking at the heads closely, I don't see much of a difference. If your referring to the square thingy that's on his forhead, then it's pretty much the same. It's just the picture was shot in different angles that makes the head look different. That's all I see. Am I wrong? I guess I'm just seeing things because of the lighting. But it looks to me like the Alternator has a flat face like the sideswipe sculpt, whereas the Binaltech Hound has a face that angles out to form cheekbones of a sort. Edit: Yeah, I'm probably just seeing things. . .
  14. Different head sculpt for Alternator Hound?? Something i've noticed. There seem to be two different scuplts that were used on Hound during the prototype phase. That's something I've mentioned before. But going back over the pics, it seems that one is exclusively seen on the Alternator prototypes, the other on the Binaltech protos. Anyone else notice that? Anyone else even see a difference, or am I crazy? Here's a group shot I've made to show what I think are two different sculpts. I've triplechecked that the pics on the left all come from Binaltech and the ones on the right side all come from Alternators. I doubt Hasbro would actually release a different sculpt than takara's. Which is too bad, because I like the alternator proto sculpt much better than the Takara sculpt.
  15. RX-93 Nu Kampfer Turn A And lastly... A 1/60th scale PG SuperDeformed Zaku II. (should have ALL the features of the regular PG Zaku.)
  16. They had better not make Jazz/Meister red. A yellow Tracks is bad enough.
  17. An entire world of recursive computer models. Wow. "Can't...move...my person......... Too...many...polygons!" Dateline: Second Earth 1255^2 picoseconds AR (After Reboot) The US Army's plans to alleviate world population pressures and avoid future conflicts by storing major population segments electronically ran into great difficulty earlier today when the Windows operating system crashed. The Secretary of Defense declined to comment on whether or not backaups had been made of the last 4.2 million SE occupants to have been added to the program, but he did admit, "Yes, their meat selves had been destroyed already. We thought, you know, they wouldn't be needing those anymore, and maybe they didn't. We'll check on that." One Army technician who asked not to be named stated: "Yeah, they got hosed out of it. Blue screen of Death. Literally. What can you do?"
  18. Not a big fan of those Sir Not-appearing-in-any-series Fix figures. There's always room for more Doms though. Have they totally killed plans to release those 7" MSIA MK-II's? I know they were slated for North American release only, so with Zeta not showing on CN... Anyone in the know?
  19. didn't they learn their lesson with that metallic paint incident? edit: Quick, lets find something else to panic about!
  20. ah.... What has demand ever had to do with Toynami's production choices? nevermind...
  21. Holy Hell Jung! That is most impressive. EXCELLENT work! WOW. Amazing job.
  22. Is it "Official" that a Tread/beta will be made? I don't suppose there are plans to make a quality Gurab that's scale to the MPC...
  23. http://www.toymania.com/news/messages/4569.shtml ....I thought the canopy was supposed to be clear. Just another display model with incorrect paint?
  24. treatment: That "safe-mode" pic is priceless!
  25. "My god, it's full of...trashed rovers."
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