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Everything posted by Californium

  1. Some had silver, apple green, black, or dark grey. Largely depends on the factory they were made in. Some had 2 or three of those colors (See F4F Wildcats). But most were the same color as the aircraft's underside: light grey (Grumman grey) or dark sea blue or insignia white. (White would have been more common in late 1943 through early 1944, then not again until the late fifties.) Eh? They were in almost every close-up. That's an assumption I wouldn't make. But hey, whatever floats your carrier.
  2. Ah. High quality, sure. But for me, these things are toys, not scale models. Besides which, white is way too light a color for VF-1 gear. It's more like silver or light grey or even medium grey. Agreed.
  3. I like the metal gear as is. I see it as a nice little callback to its chunky monkey predecessor. You certainly are not the only one. I also mentioned the Phalanx, Tomahawk, and Queadluun-Rau by name.
  4. Ha! Yeah, that oughta do it. Thanks!
  5. With the release of the DX Chogokin VF-1D, I'm probably done collecting Macross stuff. But there are a few ways Bandai might entice me back for another round . . . - Finish the Hi-Metal Destroids - Hi-Metal Q-rau, Millia colors, TV style - DX Chogokin SDF-1 Macross, TV style (How the hell has this not happened yet?)
  6. I lucked out. Not very noticeable on mine. Curious; is anybody planning to put some scale bullet holes in their 1D? I was going to before I got it in hand, but I'm so chuffed about how it is now, I've dropped the idea. But I figure there's gotta be somebody out there...
  7. It's about half a centimeter longer than the standard canopy, which is long enough to look good, but not long enough to fit instruments/control yoke/foot room for the instructor's seat.
  8. Wow. What the hell, LP? That sucks.
  9. I'm sure it's just a matter of time. Bandai won't let any Valk with that much screen time go. And if they make the SO, they'll make the Elint. Meanwhile, a DX of the TV version SDF-1 doesn't seem any closer now than years ago. Go figure.
  10. Not interested in the inevitable DX Super Ostrich?
  11. *gasp!* With a chunky sculpt and spring-loaded bare-metal landing gear and a permanently closed canopy and cockpit short on interior detail... Seriously, I'd buy it.
  12. lol. that would make the fan racer chunky monkey scale.
  13. The fan racer is 4.25 inches long, including the booster covers. Works out to about 520 cm real-world length.
  14. Loving this orange beast.
  15. Loving my 1A Max. I still think it's crazy that such a plot-heavy scheme never got a chunky-monkey release, and I'm really happy to have it now in the form of a stellar DX. My only quibble would be the overlong head-laser. They made this thing a frickin' narwhal. I cut off nearly 7/16th of an inch within a few hours of opening the beast up, (and drilled and sanded and polished back to factory fresh -- I'm no barbarian), and it's still a little bit longer than the lasers on the 1J. And, I think, looks nicely like most of the animation and lineart now. I attached some post-surgery pics. A few notes: - Not a big deal, but I do wish the shoulder lights were more orange than yellow. - The yellow for the wingtip and back-of-hands light-strips are a deeper yellow on this release. I think I prefer the paler yellow on the 1J. - Swing-bar connection is much tighter on this release. Never bothered me on the 1J, but for those that complained, looks like it won't be an issue going forward. (At least, if my sample is anything to go by.) Awesome release. Bring on the 1D and the TV-style 1A cannon fodder.
  16. Better pics from that recent show: https://ameblo.jp/digitamin/entry-12453374625.html
  17. Thanks much for posting this. I went ahead and grabbed one using paypal since I hadn't snagged one yet. We'll see what happens.
  18. Same here! Blue is notoriously difficult to photograph, and the lighting there looks kinda weird. I'm betting the twitter pic that spacemanoevres linked gives a better approximation of the real color:
  19. https://hobby.dengeki.com/event/742091/ http://toysdaily.com/discuz/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=279440&extra=page%3D1&page=4
  20. So there was a second round of listings for this thing? I didn't even know. I thought things were already over when I got cartjacked all over the place on the first night. Anyone know why the order-stopped listing at HLJ keeps switching between being limited to 1 per person and 20 per person? Seems weird they would be messing with the listing at this point.
  21. Heh. Max's HUD is . . . very blue. Almost looks like the 1A head has some hidden light piping or something. If it's just photoshop, it's a lot more convincing than what they usually do. Edit: Ah. I guess it's probably 'cause the lens isn't entirely recessed like it is on the 1J.
  22. I'm always down for a wish-list. And with a Max TV-1A in a deluxe mold finally on the way, (how did we never get one in an official 1/55 release?) now seems like an especially good time. 1) DX VF-1D 2) DX tv version SDF-1 3) HMR Q-Rau (Millia tv version) 4) DX cannon fodder VF-1A ...That's really it. Anything else is just icing at this point.
  23. Da hell is wrong with skittles? You one ah them shaved-headed anti-skittite freaks er somethin? Skittles is almost as good as guardian legend; and dats some damn good stuff. Slap some disco on that an you got a hell of a party. But you wouldn't know. You're too busy driving around Illinois an listenin to ride of the Valkyries an thinkin bout how you're gonna weather your toothbrush to make it look more "realistic" an "battleworn" an poo.
  24. Come on Yamato. Tampoed markings. Phalanx. Spartan. YOU CAN DO EET!
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