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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. From Gunota another pic of MG Hi-Nu: http://www6.ocn.ne.jp/~midori-b/newpic/nes-g0686.htm
  2. I hope it isn't too late... Graham can you ask if Yamato ever plans to revisit the 1/60 VF-1 line and give them an upgrade. A great looking and functionally better VF-1 in 1/60 is sorely missing. And I know a lot of you peeps are tired of the VF-1, but I'm not dammit!
  3. Two pages of endless debate of which vendor is/ships better... I would really prefer to read more on impressions or see some more pics of the YF-19.
  4. Personally I don't even think the 1/48 VF-1 should have been listed for this pole. It's not a new Valk type that was released this year and re-colours don't make it any newer either...
  5. Quattroaction go with the 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru and if you got spare cash buy the fastpacks. You will get a great looking Valk with plenty detail. Also it has stiff joints and it won't suffer from easy breakage. PS: Vielleicht reime ich mir das nur zusammen, aber du kannst nicht zufällig diesen Satz lesen/verstehen oder?
  6. I voted YF-19. It look great and it's joints are tight - that's worth a million votes already! I don't have a 0A but the floppiness of my 0S has left me some what dissatisfied with the Valk and is my least favourite in my collection at the moment.
  7. OK guys got my YF-19 three days ago too, thanks to HLJ. HLJ got some slight negative critique a couple of pages back, so I thought I'll post my ordering process here: - Ordered on 11.12. - Shipping notice on 20.12. - Package arrived on Thu 28.12. I can't speak for others but I think that went quite fast considering I didn't pre-order. And if it were not for the holidays then it probably would of come here faster - so thumbs up from me. Although I do have be honest and say that that YF-19 wasn't the only thing I ordered, so maybe they gave me higher priority or something... Anyway on to my quick review of YF-19: First of all, this thing is work of art. Beautiful in fighter mode and menacing/ready kick butt in battroid mode. Transformation process from fighter to battroid is essentially easy to do. The only real problem I had was unlocking the cockpit area (the pull back and slide down part..). I had to try this several times... maybe because I was afraid of breaking something else in the process. I'm glad to report that all the joints are tight and almost none of the parts are loose or wobbly. I say almost because the left plastic shoulder (the one with "19" printed on it) bit seems looser than the right. I've tried to look into this but couldn't come up with an explanation for the problem. It could have something to do with a plastic peace that slides in and out when you hinge the shoulder. This only a minor problem, the shoulder still hinges and it doesn't change/screw the look of the battriod or anything, so there is no need for restless nights because of this. As for fixes/improvements other than rear landing gear and gunpod? Well for the second round/repaint version Yamato should improve on the lock between gullet and nose for battroid mode. It works the way it is but it is a bit to loose for my taste. Make the tab a bit wider or change the diamond shaped hole for a slot and the two parts should lock firmly together. So what's my final verdict on the YF-19: A must buy for any Macross (Plus) fan! I've only got one now but I'm definitely getting another one later.
  8. lechuck

    VF-0A poll

    Not liking the VF-0 battroid with the ghost attached, looks awkward and kind of ugly with backpack hanging low. How does one even handle/grip the whole thing? Ha, it just occurred to me that the wings can't be folded when the battroid is equipped with the ghost...
  9. Thanks for the great review Graham. I'm really happy to hear that there won't be any 1st run loose joint syndrom on the YF-19. As of now two things bug/irritate me with the Yf-19. First, this unsightly gap. Can this be fixed in any way? Second, amputated Pilots. I not a fan of this and really thought it was a thing of the past. I realise the pilot figure has nothing to do with the YF-19 itself, but considering they spent so much time developing it you would of thought a full body pilot figure that fits should have been a piece of cake!? Aside from those two things, this valk looks so cool... especially battroid mode. PS: Quick, somebody make a pick of a YF-19 beating up a 1/55 Toynami...
  10. I think when people mention they want a MG or PG Valkyrie, they want something of that quality. It doesn't necessarily need to be under Bandai's MG/PG banner. Besides even if Bandai feared this they could put the VF-1 under their R3 line, which is exclusive for robots from the 80's anyway.
  11. Coming back to the topic of recolours again. Would you guys buy "what if" versions of other Macross characters, for e.g. Hikaru, Roy, Max, Millia paint schemes for the YF-19? I realise some of these might be just a colour stripe here and there but I think I would buy a Hikaru version. Since we've gone the way of none canon paint schemes anyway, this shouldn't be a problem. And they might sell better than the standard "no name" versions...
  12. Yeah I realise that PG are not an easy task to make and that they are not every mans cup of tea. But I get this feeling that the current interim between the Strike and the possible next one seems to be extra long. How long was the last interval between GP-01 and Strike? I'm trying to collect my favourite mechs in one scale (not easy), that's why I have been staying away from MGs (PG 1/60 goes nice with valks). But my interest in these have been growing lately. Would the Nu Gundam be a good first purchase or should I just wait for the Hi-Nu (maybe even a Ver2 Nu)?
  13. What I want: PG Nu Gundam. Nu-ff said. Seriously though, what happened to the PG line. Bandai seems to have completly dropped the ball on this one. Hi-Nu will probably be a great inclusion for the MG line.
  14. God I would kill to be able to walk into a shop like that over here... Have the colour suggestions that were mentioned here, actually been implemented. I thought the dark grey parts were supposed to be a different colour.
  15. Ahh... I like that pic. It nicely shows a natural evolution/growth of the valks, well that is until Macross Zero bombed us with the "Big O"... Oh and Yamato if by any chance you see this pic, please make all of the valks listed there, but in ONE scale (1/60).
  16. Guppy where did you get that S-Type head from? Looks like a scaled down 1/48 head or is it from a Hasegawa VF-1S?
  17. Arrrg... Am I the only one that can never see any of the thumbnails/links/pics that Graham puts in his posts???
  18. Technically it would be the seconde time Yamato has screwed up with the colour of head lasers. The Hikaru VF-1S lasers should of been all white, but they are not... You would of thought these mistakes would not occur at all because the plastic is white anyway. Save the paint and money...
  19. Yay, I'm downloading this too. But sadly I still have to edit/recode the episodes. I've never been able to understand why almost all of the fansubber blatantly ignore the overscan area in the video and place the subtitles there!?
  20. Hasn't Kawamori basically done that already with those VFEX-Valks he drew up. I think one of them was called Schneeblume or something. They looked vf-1-ish and also kept the swing wings... Looked good overall except for the A-type Aibo dog head. Hmmm...I wonder what a VFEX S-Type head would look like... On the otherhand you could also say the VF-0 is the re-imagining of a modern day VF-1...
  21. Are the shoulders tight on the 0A or just as loose like the 0S?
  22. Graham or Sebastian can you give us quick word on the shoulders. Are they tight now, do they still use rubber + small ball joint system or has something changed?
  23. Well at least they treat you guys as important customers unlike some two other continents on this world, which are considered third rate customers...
  24. Well my memories of this system are not so fond. This console had me learn a lesson the hard way, namely never to buy console solely on hardware specs. Third party support was horrible. There is something eminently wrong when everybodys playing some nice (and far more) fighting/rgp/action/horror games and all I can counter with is "It's Me Mario!"... Anyway because of this console I went into gaming abstinence for 4-5 years and eventually got my self a ps2 and still enjoy it to this day.
  25. Was it not MW itself that told Yamato to start packaging the Valks in fighter mode...? Oh, and I like both Valks and Gundams. Why does one always have to better than the other...
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