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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. Just finished Code Geass. This anime had me sitting on the edge of my couch especially those last couple of eps. with it's twists and cliffhanger. Can't wait for season 2, although I'll probably collect and watch in bigger sessions. I don't think I can stand watching this only on a weekly basis. The Z-01 Lancelot is very cool looking peace of mecha. Will have to look into a plastic representation of this. I see that you peeps also had the WTF! reaction with Nina doing the naughty thing. What exactly do the producers want to tell us with scenes like these??? As for Viletta's boobs, can't see what the problem is, it wasn't shocking to me. My verdict so far... well let me put it this way Cornelia: "I Cornelia vi Britannia order you to buy the DVDs and any ascociated mecha merchandise!" Lechuck: "YES YOUR HIGHNESS!"
  2. Hey ruskiiVFaussie, sorry for the late reply. Here are some pics of the Sota and High Dream Ryus side by side. The Sota Ryu is the new 2nd version by the way and HD figure runs under the Capcom vs. SNK moniker. As you problably can see the face on the HD Ryu is kind of iffy. On the other hand Sota's hip ball joints tend slightly spoil the flow of the overall figure. As for articulation they both have roughly the same amount. Leg-wise I'd say the Sota one is ahead whereas the HD is better in the arm department.
  3. Those new pics have made me so excited, can't wait till summer. Oh and one more thing SIDE-OOOOHHHHH COVERS YAMATO-SAN!!!!
  4. Thanks for the info. MAHQ says the the Dragonar is 17.6 meters tall so this scales to roughly 1/125. Rats fits in with nothing scale-wise. Hmm... pick it up or wait and see if this shows up in Bandai's R3 line at a bigger scale...
  5. All my wants and wishes seem to be coming true lately. First the new 1/60 VF-1 and now Revoltech Street Fighters. Guess which character I'll be getting first. After the High Dream and Sota version this will be my third. Now if only my dream of some nice ladies knocking on my door would fulfill itself...
  6. First pic of the new/old Enterprise My feelings on this movie are kind of mixed. On the one hand as a Star Trek fan I'm happy this franchise is continuing with this movie on the other hand I'm not really interested in re-visiting Kirk, Spock and Co. We should be going forward with Trek not constantly doing prequels of some kind. And I seriously doubt I can tickle "WOW" out of myself when the classic bulbous Enterprise of the 60's does it's flybys in the movie.
  7. Anybody know if there are any differences between the PAL and US version of Final Fantasy XII (I know I'm late for the party) And does the PAL version have a 50/60hz switch or was sqenix lazy again. Reason I'm asking is because one one of the family members are in the US at the moment, they could bring back a copy.
  8. Alright you Newtypes, care to share the name of the fansub group that did all of V Gundam. Numerous times I have downloaded this show and every time the releases from various groups come to a grinding halt after first two or three episodes. Earth's gravity is pulling me down... must... watch... V Gundam...
  9. I find this horrible, sticking Sci-Fi characters in a fantasy universe. And what's with Lucas stooping so low. I thought he was a lot more anal in what way his Star Wars stuff is used? If it's sales they are after they could stuck Musha Gundam in there, it's BANDAI NAMCO afterall. Sales would be tenfold and they wouldn't even have to worry about how the game does in other territories. Man, the mix is so bad. That's like watching an episode of Star Trek with Picard on the bridge, the Enterprise stuck in a hopeless situation surrounded by a fleet of Romulan Bird of Preys, then suddenly the camera focuses on the rearward turbo lift and out walks McGyver with his swiss pocketknife. Builds something out of Geordie's Visor, Data's head and Riker's communicator to help Picard and spares a couple of secs to tells Worf he hates Bath'leths. Yeah that's how bad this mix is. I mean there are so many other more fitting characters and franchises they could of used... Senko no Basara, Warcraft, heck even Sol and Ky from Guilty Gear could of done the trick. But the best fitting would of been Samurai Showdown which then also serves as tribute.
  10. Got a Unicorn, but haven't got around to building it jet. You should check out this thread over at hobby fanatics (further down the bottom). There also seem to be another mod (HJ), although I must admit that I'm absolutely clueless at the moment as to what exactly has to be done for any of the mods.
  11. I was aware that the soundtracks I mentioned were from Miss Kanno. I was trying to give some insight to the type music one is to expect from Turn A, after all Yoko Kanno has also done Cowboy Bebop and that's a very different score. Some random thoughts and comments after letting the show sink in: - For a '99 anime made for TV the animation is exceptionally high and consistent throughout the 50 episodes. - Like I said I don't like the mecha at all. What's interesting though is that Turn A seems to give a good sense scaling between mecha and other vehicles or houses. I mean in UC you got your comparisons too, but it never seemed to be so striking as in Turn A. - Also I liked how they used the Gundam for all sorts of tasks. Like playing bridge, helping with transport of stuff and so on. I wish there was more anime that portrayed the (main) mecha and it's pilot in these type of situations, you know show the mecha solve problems in an innovative way. - The goofy looking and doofus acting of some of the "enemy" characters (e.g. Corin, the hippie group, Sweaton) that were introduced during the course of the show was somewhat to my disliking. - Overall I think Turn A Gundam is somewhere in top 5 of my internal Gundam rankings, but the epic CCA still takes the crown.
  12. Finally got around to finishing Turn A Gundam. And I must say this anime has a great story and a very nice ending. The only big disagreement I have would be how they treated Sochie. While watching I was actually hoping for a twist in character relations and routing for her, but it was not to happen. Man Sochie's ending is so sad... Also this Anime has a magnificent score. It sort of combines the best of Escaflowne and Macross Plus. If you like those soundtracks then this is a must have. My only critique would be the the horrible mecha designs, they are all ugly. Zero points from me.
  13. As long as I get my DYRL Hikaru VF-1S Strike and SDF Hikaru VF-1S Super I'm a happy camper (preferably not as a first release). And if they're going to make non-canon schemes, then I hope they make use of the S-type head more often. Looking back at the 1/48 line I find it disappointing that we've had to this day only three valks with them and one of them is only limited.
  14. Ferrari actually do that... it's called FIAT. I like the design of the Legioss, but why are those forward wings (or whatever you call them) on these newer releases always curved? I find it sort of spoils the sleekness the fighter or is it a compromise for the transformation.
  15. I'm interested in the Dragnor 1 with Cavalier? Anybody got it yet? How is it and how tall is this mecha?
  16. For an early version, I'd say the animation looks good. But I'm not really liking the artistic approach the game is using. It looks to "western", I'm not getting the "anime cool" vibe from this game.
  17. Being the scale fanatic I am this is absolutely terrific news. It seems miracles do come true during Christmas. Two things I'd like this release to have is - SIDE COVERS!!! - NON AMPUTATED PILOT FIGURE!!! Otherwise I'm already completely satisfied. Hopefully the Euro stays stronger than the dollar over the course of 2008. It makes buying these things a bit more affordable.
  18. If anybody is interested dalong.net has the first part of his review for Unicorn Gundam up. I'm a bit disappointed in the less than usual amount of articulation that this MG Gundam has. But for the unique feature this Gundam has I'm willing to sacrifice this. Can't win'em all as they say...
  19. Looks like the GN-U line has already started. While surfing on the toyboxdx forums there is a thread discussing Yamato's Braiger offering. In that said thread there is a link to someones site with pics of the toy and future offerings. And lo and behold a pic of the YF-19 and YF-21... It's getting ridiculous that we have to constantly scour the internet for some pics instead of getting this from Yamato first hand with the somewhat close connection we have to them. And no I AM NOT BLAMING OR AIMING AT GRAHAM with my comment. It's Yamatos "secret agency" approach on everything that's getting on my nerves.
  20. Bump Any progress on the chest lock for battroid mode. This one major flaw on the YF-19 bugs me to no end, you know.
  21. I'm open to Bandai making Macross toys. I couldn't care less what Bandai did or hasn't done for Macross in the past. What counts, is here and now and it's going to be either hit or miss. MG, PG, DX, HCM or the all mighty SOC Spec would be welcomed. The only downfall to this would probably be Bandai opting for an incompatible scale with Yamato's stuff. On the other hand if we get nice 1/100 valks from them, then I'd have something to pose with my MG Gundams. Gundams squaring off agains valks in your own home, how cool is that! Yamato's designs are wonderfull, but I've never been quite happy with the battroid modes. They always seem to be missing that 5 - 10% that counts. Either the design is slightly off (aesthetics, funktionality), it's floppy or they forget/don't bother to put locks in the right places. I don't think there has ever been a battroid offering from Yamato that has perfected on all three of the mentioned points.
  22. I thought I'd post this in here. What's up with the YF-19 Fast Pack edition being so rare. It seems to me that most of the retailers had this for like 3 1/2 weeks in mid summer and then no more. And retailers that do still have it, want my two kidneys for it... Graham any word on a new batch coming? What about a chest lock for battroid mode?
  23. I was looking at mac books in a store the other day because of the discussion on the previous page. I'm not really in the market for a new laptop, but curiosity struck me because I hear everybody raving on about this hardware. So I looked at these things and honestly judging by the specs for both mac book and pro version I see nothing that warrants the extra 200 - 300 Euro price tag apple likes one to pay for - unless you really have to have OS X running. For that extra cash I could get a higher class laptop that would outclass the mac. As for the design well it doesn't look bad but it isn't revolutionary either. So what's the deal or is it just typical apple hype everybody is jumping on?
  24. Didn't the predators have their hair hanging like that... Oh and I think we have to thank Full Metal Panic for introducing mecha with hair.
  25. The lower have of Ryu in that first pic reminds me Hulk. And I'm praying that the game doesn't actually feature that magazine artwork. Visually Guilty Gear has surpassed any of the Street Fighter incarnations. Animation-wise SF3 is still king. My dream/fan boy move list for Ryu: normal moves: Basically everything stays the same, except for hp and standing close hk. The hp has to be the straight punch again with good speed, range and priority. I really hate the hook punch he received in 3S. The standing close hk should be the classic 2 hitter. I don't know why they took this away from Ryu in 3S... normal specials:2 hit overhead (f+mp) Hop kick (f+mk) NEW: 2 hit elbow that knocks down, sort of like in alpha when you pick X-ism (f+hp) special moves:Tatsumakisenpukyaku Shoryuken NEW: Get rid of the stupid Shakunetsu and instead have a 1 hit Hadouken that is knockdown and push back like when Sean does his Hadou super For the super super moves I'm a bit undecided. My first choice would be to give Ryu only one super move: I call this move the "Shin Denjin Hadouken". A lighting fast 8 hit hadouken with electrifying animation that takes a good chunk of health. The alternative would be:Standard 5 hit Shinkuu Hadouken NEW: "Shin Shoryu Hadou". Ryu pulls of a heavy hitting shoryuken that katapults the opponent straight up high in the air. Ryu then automatically does 3 hit super hadouken that pushes the opponent back like the Sean super move. As you can see I'm emphasizing the Hadouken, because that is Ryu's trademark move.
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