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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. Graham, if Yamato released a VF-1S with the things you listed, then I would definitely grab one. Key element for me is that it must come packed with the two pilots. Otherwise it would mean I still need to buy a Hikaru-1J if I wanted the correct pilot, and it would make the whole TV VF-1S thing kind of moot.
  2. Ahh MG Gundam F91, to date one of my worst build up experiences. I had the internal mechanism on one of the VSRBs break in half, one of those guidance thingies on the tip of the beam launcher break and worst of all one of the shoulder fins connecting clip break. I don't know if it was the kit or a fluke of incompetence on my behalf at the time, but it took a lot of enjoyment away from me. @Ghost Train Your painting looks crisp and clean, good job. Paint scheme looks a bit awkward to me personally.
  3. I refuse to have this thread without the VF-1S!!!!
  4. Exo, please elaborate why the split? And you haven't finished your job properly. Where are the Hikaru VF-1S images?
  5. This is interesting news and the problem solving seems to be going in a positive direction. But at the same time it also means a bunch of us do have "inferior" products or at least ticking time bombs when it comes to the shoulders. Nope, on a personal level I don't feel all to happy about this development.
  6. @VFTF1 Why do you refer to the WHITE BASE as White Horse? Are you watching a bootleg or something. Oh, and it's "Char" with one "r" only. OK, I'll stop Gundam lecturing now. Well I think there is going to be another anime after Gundam 00. I'm inclined to believe it's going to be UC because of the 30th anniversary thing and this website http://www.gundam30th.net/ they put up. For a while it was rumored that Unicorn would get animated treatment but latest rumors say that it could be a SEED movie. Personally I favour anything on the back heels of CCA, so that would be either Unicorn or maybe Hathaway's Flash. On the other hand I wouldn't say no to Crossbone Gundam anime either. What I don't want to see is something dealing with OYW again and I'm indifferent to whether Tomino is involved or not.
  7. I too was wondering why they haven't released a re-colour of the YF-19. But I think Yamato wants to get the M+ trio in original colours out first and then re-start the line with colour variants.
  8. Good review Jenius. I wish your pictures were a bit bigger, but if it is because of web space restraints I understand. Oh and One more thing, can you say something about the toy dimensions. How tall Battroid mode with ankles extended? Did Bandai get the scaling right or wrong? Graham were is your review or are you not going to bother?
  9. Basically any and all. Programming, SQL/database and run office and multimedia (audio/video/games) apps.
  10. Yeah, I was thinking of going 19" or 20" widescreen. Should it be 16:10 or the more TV compatible 16:9 format? What about brands, any company's I should stay away from? And what about the reaction time? For e.g. is 5 ms slow, average or fast?
  11. So I want to update my monitor, but I'm completely out of the loop as to what is important/must have on a flat screen. Ideally I want something that is bigger than 17 inch and I don't want to spend anything more than 250-280 Euros. Any recommendations or pointers would be appreciated, thanks.
  12. I had the exact same breakage, same wing and attachment point. Mine was the VF-1S Hikaru Valkyrie. To repair it, I used a dab of super glue on the edges of the circular hole and stuck the piece back on. Seems to be holding well, although I am way more careful now.
  13. Slightly different views of VF-11 at Hobby Complex
  14. Alright, got my VF-1S Hikaru (my first 1/60 ver.2) two days ago and all I can say for the moment is that Yamato have done a fantastic job. This is going to be my benchmark to judge other VF-1s and Valkyries in general. Battroid is gorgeous, everything locks snugly into place and the joints are tight, almost too tight at times. Two VF-1S'... one craptacular... My one complaint is the lack of side covers. Not just for aesthetics but I think would have been a practical thing to help support/hold that square shoulder plate in place. I can't tell if the shoulder hinge/plate is new but when holding it in the light one can see a very mild texturing on the canted edges of the plate (side with the ball joint). Does that make it POM? I forgot to take pics of this piece and I don't want to un-transform my Valk at moment. My crappy take on this Valk's most memorable scene... I tried Overdrive for the first time and the experience was great. They even e-mailed me back to ask whether I wanted a specific amount in the invoice. The end result being that it took exactly one week to arrive and best of all I paid nothing on customs/taxes.
  15. Fighter looks good, but in Battroid mode the spark isn't coming across. It seems too busy, too many corners and edges. I'm missing the very streamlined and roundish looking Battroid mode of the VF-11. Oh and the feet are horrible. I also noticed a potential problem with articulation. It seems that the intakes are hitting against that back plate thingy. I circled the area I'm talking about in the picture below. Stuff like that spells frustration to me, the YF-19 is already a pain in this department.
  16. Man, if I could get a Euro for every time Gundam is blamed for a "Macross fail" on these boards, I would have enough extra change to actually buy Yamato replacement parts.
  17. Just when you thought this thing was dead, Alter magically gives us a life sign. http://www.alter-web.jp/mecha/09/05/index.html Looking really good. Price does seem a bit high but considering I'm fan of FMP and no other company is interested in making quality toys, I will be getting this. I can't tell from the open cockpit image, but I do hope there is a Sousuke figure in there. (I hate it when mecha is sold without pilots)
  18. Yeah. It sounds like a lame explanation to justify the mess they will be creating with the Trek-verse. You know, I've also never really liked the time travel/Star Trek combo. The ones I like are - The City on the Edge of Forever - Yesterday's Enterprise - Cause and Effect But there is just way too many bad usage of time travel in Star Trek: The Voyage Home, that cliffhanger with Mark Twain, All Good Things, First Contact and anything in Voyager. What really baffles me is why they have never capitalised on the parallel universe thing. Star Trek has done way better with this plot device.
  19. Thanks QuinJester. I'm really liking the 1/100 stuff. These last couple of months I've sort of resigned myself from the want for PT Valks. Except for a few exceptions, Battroid mode is mostly never captured properly. Add to that the bigger scale and higher price and I find myself never wanting to mess around with a PT Valks that much. Anyway, for the moment this line looks like a winner to me. Can't wait for the first picture of a VF-19S to arrive.
  20. Whenever referring to the JP Tamashii site, please save the images and load them up directly. BECAUSE THE OTHER SIDE OF THE GLOBE CANNOT SEE A DAMN THING!!! (I really hate Geo-IP, borderless Internet my a**) Thank you.
  21. Eugimon, thanks for that link, this is exactly what I was looking for. My DVD player with Divx/Xvid playback isn't cutting it anymore and I've grown tired of constantly re-encoding everything.
  22. Can anybody recommend me a good media drive, I mean those things that hook up to your TV and allows you to play back your movies, music and pictures. Basically I am looking for something that can handle the following: - Containers: avi, mkv, mp4, ogm - Video codecs: Divx/Xvid, H.264, WMV/VC-1 - audio codecs: mp3, ogg, wma, aac, ac3 - subtitle formats: srt, ssa/ass, idx/sub Is there a site out there that discusses this stuff? Any help is appreciated, thanks.
  23. We are probably not going to budge on are viewpoints but that Q&A excerpt neither denies nor confirms "same universe". And still I'm going to lean out of the window and say Abrams is trying to fit this movie in somewhere in the time line. Why else bother with all the retro designs? But come May 2009 and it is indeed a reboot then you won't hear me complaining.
  24. Why is everybody calling this movie a reboot all of a sudden? Abrams has never officially stated this. I think he has said numerous times that he wanted to go back to the start of things and explore how the original crew came to be - meaning we are still dealing with the same continuity and not a new one. If it really was a reboot then why bother retro refitting/designing things from the sixties. They could have just done complete new interpretations of things, for e.g. a completely new and different Enterprise, an iBridge without gauges and knobs or uniforms that are not based on designs from 40+ years ago.
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