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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. Why not? Just look back 100 years and see how much the real world has changed. Specifically look at what Europe had to go through and compare to what it is now. I won't deny that even today there is still many "wrongs" in this world and maybe we won't make it the time span set by Star Trek, but hey growing up has never been easy.
  2. Great review Jenius. And thanks for following through with the requested picture comparisons. Couple of more questions pertaining to how good the hip/intake area in Battroid mode is: - Are those back plate thingies an irritating obstacle like canards on the YF-19 and the metal tabs on the VF-0? - Good range of movement? - Does the groin joint sort of have lock so it doesn't constantly collapse back in like on the YF-19? - And is it in anyway loose?
  3. Sorry Grand Admiral, but your mod is horrible. The Galaxy-Class is just fine the way it is. It's funny you complain about the short nacelles, because one of Andy Probert's earlier designs of the ship had nacelles even shorter. They basically didn't extend past the end of the ship. Myk seems to be on the same wave length with me when it comes to ship designs. The Sovereign-Class is abit iffy for me. on the one hand I actually admire it for its streamlined approach, on the other hand I don't like the fact that its missing a neck, no saucer separation, very lengthy nacelles and its placing above the saucer. John Eaves once said in an interview that he took the best elements out of the previous ships that carried the name Enterprise for his Sovereing-Class. But quite frankly it just looks like an Excelsior MK. II with a touch of Refit-Connie.
  4. I agree. Growing up with 24th century Trek, I find the Constitution and any of its derivatives quite ugly. Also add the pyjamas and the consoles with gauges and buttons to the ugly list. How I miss a Star Trek show that actually embraces design and aesthetics. You got to be kidding me. The one with the most awkward nacelle pylon design is the Refit-Constitution. Andy Probert's elegant Galaxy-Class all the way!!!!
  5. Jenius a couple of request for the review, if I may: - comparison shot with 1/60 VF-1 ver.2 in Battroid mode - comparison shot of VF-11 and YF-19 Isamu Dyson pilots - shot of VF-11 Isamu sitting in YF-19 (if possible)
  6. This thread is boring without pics. gamu-toys
  7. I can only agree 100%. Yamato goes to the trouble of creating removable intake covers, but they can't give us side covers!? It just does not compute with me. But hey, at least we got that completely useless removable fuselage gimmick that everybody likes to show off in their photos... @DyNo Great stuff. When, where and how much?
  8. OK, so clearing up distribution rights on DYRL isn't easy, although I'm not sure on why Big West seems so powerless or at least willing to except status quo. One would think the DYRL situation has certain priority with Big West to get it sorted out, so they can make some money with the product outside of Japan again. And what about all the other shows. As I understand the first page, we can get Macross without HG interfering. Only a name change is necessary. So what is the holdup? Why aren't companies exactly knocking on Big West's door to distribute M7, M0 or the new MF?
  9. I find with Macross in general that the Battroid mode doesn't get to shine as much it could. I'd like a nice line of non-transforming, accurately scaled Battroids with cool features. The Battroids themselves would also have panels that could be removed to reveal internals or they could be replaced with a clear plastic pieces. For example, the centre section of the chest plate on the VF-1 could be replaced with a clear piece so you could see the pilot sitting vertical in his cockpit. Or a panel on the side of the legs to reveal those reaction engines. And its gimmick could be that you can pull out the cockpit when tilting the head forward. On YF/VF-19 you could have internal missile bays and removable side panels on the back to reveal how and where the pilot is sitting etc. .... you get the picture. I think a line like this would make for fantastic Macross toys or maybe even models.
  10. lechuck

    Yamato Toy TV

    Anybody else notice the white coloured YF-19 in the background. Don't know if this is the one with dorky "Double Nuts" name, but it has definitely got a Hikaru vibe to it.
  11. This might be a stupid question, but how can you not know who has film distribution rights to DYRL? I mean shouldn't at least Big West or Tatsunoko have some type of documentation on DYRL distribution contracts!?
  12. Call me a nay-sayer but I feel Yamato kind of spoils it when they aim for a big scale/magical +30 cm threshold for some of their properties. I would have preferred Patlabor stuff in 1/60. Price would be cheaper and allow for a better milking of the property. Feel the same about Votoms, Yamato should have done those in 1/35 or 1/48.
  13. And Hikaru VF-1S to my knowledge.
  14. If they can release "Virgin Road" variant, then why can't they release a TV -1S with correctly painted head, TV arms, TV Fast Packs and Hikaru & Roy pilot figures!!!!
  15. It's me again, keeping this thread alive. Anyway more info on Aoshima's 1/48 M9 Gernsback (Ngee Khiong): 18cm tall. Painting required. Fully poseable, with movable cockpit hatch. Wide array of weapons and accessories included: Anti-Tank Dagger, Monomolecular Cutter, "Boxer" 57mm Scattershot Gun, and rifle cases. I still think ALTER's pricier Arbalest has the advantage, can't wait until may rolls around.
  16. Like everybody else I'm not buying another YF-19 until it is reworked, so that you could call it ver. 1.5 or 2.0. And with the YF-19 in mind, I am not sure I should be happy or sad that Yamato might get a chance to make VF-19.
  17. Didn't like Wing either. I was lucky I introduced myself to the wonderful Gundam X first (love that post-apocalyptic setting) before going onto Wing. And although the latter was produced after X it is a very poor representation of Gundam. Poor characters, endless monotone monologues, constant alliance swapping, and more monologues, which then leads us to an obligatory battle. That's what I remember Wing for.
  18. Kensei don't waste your time, there really isn't any good arcade sticks for PC. The best is you buy a PS2/PS3 stick from Hori or MadCatz (Street Fighter IV) and get a good USB adapter to hook them up to your PC.
  19. Well it looks like Yamato already have paint variant in the making, albeit not the ones posted on the first page. Latest Hobby Japan shows Yf-19 in classic Hikaru colours:
  20. Images of VF-25G over here (scroll down a bit): http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/search/labe...-Gundam%20Stuff
  21. lechuck

    Graham's Sig

    On an off chance, it could also mean that Yamato wants to give 1/60 Monster a second go.
  22. lechuck

    yamato's next move

    I'm going with VF-5000. Why? Because from its overall fighter structure and transformation it's a close sibling to the VF-1 and VF-11. Those two valks are the latest from Yamato and the VF-5000 seems like the next logical step to give us something new without going into completely new territory (e.g. VF-17). And with the VF-22 on the way, its featuring in Dynamite 7 should also be considered as a viable point.
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