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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. If limbless pilots (like Yamato has never done that before) are a killer criteria for you then don't buy the toy in the first place!? A Broken 200$ toy is broken 200$ toy, regardless whether I need 3 sec, 30 min or 3 years to repair it. It only means I have to go out my way to spend more money to fix or replace things. Why should that make me happier customer of Yamato's products? And yet a VF-11 which is only marginally bigger than a VF-1 costs 18800 yen list price. Still think Yamato has super duper price offerings?
  2. There are people out there, that might have different preferences and constraints. Don't have the space, money, don't like 1/60 scale or quite frankly have been deterred by Yamato for constantly being used as QC beta tester. What you deem as superior might be considered as total crap by next guy. Funny how Bandai is accused of re-hashing for their first overall version of the VF-1, unlike a certain other company...
  3. I really don't get why everybody seems so skeptic about this line??? I wholeheartedly disagree with Jenius' assumption and would wager to say that out of all the Macross stuff Bandai is doing, the Hi-Metal line has the strongest staying power out there. It's the only one that encompasses all the Macross series. That would be a lot of money wasted on licenses that Bandai has probably paid for, just to have them hang out to dry. The DX line and all the Model kits will eventually have a somewhat quick death once the second movie has had its run. And what about Robot Damashii your asking? It's a joke, Q-Rare, VF-25F/G and a bit of König Monster if you want. This is the line you should worry about, if you care...
  4. Hasegawa addressing Battroid fans with a kit that has the same attention to details as their fighters? You might as well wait for Christmas and Easter to fall on the same date. They would rather release a gazillion limited fighters with special decals, than acknowledging that a Valk has other modes...
  5. Guys I need your help. Looking into trying some Gundam markers, but I'm lost as to which ones to get. Here are some questions to go on: - How do "Slight", "Real touch", "Weathering" and "Basic" markers differ? - How fine or thick are these pens (millimeters) and how do I tell (labeling scheme)? - Which ones do I need if I wanted to do some panel lining and some colouring for small areas like hydraulics, pistons, pipes etc.? - Is there a copper coloured marker out there? - Clear coating necessary after applying? Any help is appreciated, thanks.
  6. Err right... Bandai didn't announce VF-19 kai before Yamato and then went on to produce the fan requested VF-19S. The toy world does not only revolve around Yamato's "creatve geniuses"...
  7. lechuck


    Mark my words, the VF Hi-Metal line will have a VF-0D! Bandai will capitalize on this.
  8. Crossing fingers that DYRL Hikaru -1S doesn't end up being web exclusive!
  9. Who cares whether Shoji was, is or will be a Gundam fan. What difference does that make in your day? More worrying, is that some people really think Bandai has nothing better to do than sabotages everything Macross.
  10. Nothing beats the elegance and gracefulness combined with power that is the Galaxy class, especially that stardrive section. Another favourite of mine is the Prometheus class and its multi vector attack mode. And last but not least, shuttlecraft type 11. The sleekest one out there.
  11. Thanks for the heads up. I was toying with getting it from AmiAmi, glad I was undecided. 3500 Yen is a great price for the VF-19S.
  12. Make it a MG and I'll buy even if it comes in one colour!
  13. Am I the only one that thinks the gullet in Battroid mode is supposed to sit flush with the underside of the nose, so it sort of forms a straight horizontal line instead of the diagonal supporting position? And plastic covers for the leg cut-outs are just as aesthetically important as removable intake covers for fighter mode. It shouldn't be classified negligible just because Battroid isn't the favourite mode for some people.
  14. No, I have never had this problem with FF 3.6.x. You seemed to have figured out a workaround yourself by disabling browser.download.manager.scanWhenDone in the config window and the problem is not new for FF as evident by this link Unable to download or save files. So what exactly you want solved kind of eludes me!? But just in case this doesn't suffice for "His Majesty's Ungratefulness", I have some more obnoxious things for you to try Have you tried pausing Norton, to see if FF downloads work? Can you download files with IE? Does your FF use the default downloads folder? If yes, then try setting it to prompt for a download path. Maybe reset the downloads folder: reset anything under browser.download.xxx that has the status "user set" Have you tried uninstalling and then re-installing FF? Regards, your obnoxiously friendly forum member.
  15. Err... go to nvidia.com, click on "Download Drivers" top-left of the page, select your model "GeForce Go 7 series", select your preferred OS and then click "Search" button and start downloading
  16. Announced at Comic-Con, press release ripped from eventhubs.com: And because reading is boring, here are some video links More pumped for this, than MvsC3. I find it blessing that a constraint has been placed for only SF and Tekken characters. This way we won't have the completely weird and wacky characters, that just don't fit in filling the roster.
  17. OMG, no Tampo printing at all!!! This toy is so much FAIL!!! Quickly somebody get me a panic button, it needs to be pressed right now!
  18. This is exactly what I felt too, while reading this over in the toy section. I was thinking... "Did they rip this from Macross Mecha Manual?" But I was to lazy go and actually check it up.
  19. Err, Wave is making 1/100 fighters and Battroid kits for VF-1 or do you mean MF stuff? Otherwise I agree or better said hope that Bandai expands on their Macross kits. Fully transformable Valks in their R3 line or MG/PG representations would be great. Aside from that, I'm expecting Bandai to show their Hi-Metal YF-21 and maybe first pics or an announcement for the YF-19. I don't expect anything groundbreaking new from Yamato. It'll be typical Yamato giving us another poster full of words announcing the VF-19 Kai or at best CAD shots. (Whoohoo... if that doesn't make the world gasp in anticipation. )
  20. Things I've watched in past couple of months and weeks: Round Vernian Vifam Story/Plot concept was OK, but my suspension of disbelieve wasn't really working with the things the group of children in this anime where pulling off. Armored Trooper Votoms: Shining Heresy Great stuff. Chirico Cuvie doing his thing again. Only disappointed about the sad twist in the story. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood I thought the first anime was quite good, but this one is even better. Story, characters, fights, everything fits so well together. The only gripe I have is the first 15 eps, because if you watched the first anime these are quite similar and thus being a bit boring. So is the announced movie a recap of the TV anime or something that continues the story?
  21. Yamato's YF-19 is 1/60 scale plastic poo, anybody saying differently is flat out lying! Don't waste hard earned 200$ (or whatever it costs nowadays) on that thing.
  22. Yes it's 2010 and we still need to decide between PT and aesthetics! A 12-14cm toy still has the same dimensions today as it did 30 years ago and guess what it will still have them in hundred years time. So cramming in a PT heat shield and landing gears in this type of size toy while still trying to adhere to the line art/anime looks is not as simple as you make out to be. Not to mention the economic feasibility for Bandai; one landing gear is at least 3-5 jointed moving parts alone on a VF-1. Everybody is already complaining about how "expensive" this toy is for its size. And what if we added landing gears, heat shields and whatever else, the toy would probably end up being a less joyful experience, because parts don't sit well, are loose and floppy or we come right back to the question of aesthetics. As it is, the HM VF-1 has exactly one mandatory part for transformation, that is the heat shield. EVERYTHING ELSE IS OPTIONAL!!!
  23. OK, if a mostly parts-free transformation was the priority here, then I see where you are coming from. My reasoning though is based on the overall looks and any extra parts that may help to enhance it. If Yamato/Bandai can supply me with removable/replaceable intakes from the get-go, then I think side covers - which are way more integral for the appearance of Battroid mode - should be mandatory, regardless if it has been done in the past or not. If you don't like what Yamato did with the 1/60V2 Battroid then that is absolutely fine with me, I don't want to force a different opinion on you. I just seemed to notice that you tend to highlight the slightly wrong head position more often, than say the overlong nosecone on the 1/48s. But now that I know that it irks you a lot, I'll read your reviews with this in mind.
  24. Another good review from you jenius. But here are a couple points that came to mind while reading: No mention on the lack of side covers. Should be a (half-)minus point against the Hi-Metal and while we're at it, also against the Yamato Ver.2s You're quite harsh and keep complaining about the head positions on Yamato's Ver.2s, sometimes making it sound like Battroid is a complete fail because of this. At the same time your 1/48 reviews seem to be more lenient about Battroid proportions and as far as I can remember never really critically complained about in direct comparison to another VF-1 toy. Why the so strongly difference in appreciation here?
  25. If you have any, please pose with some MG Gundams or any other toys/models in 1/100 scale. Thank you.
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