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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. I am pretty much set on getting the individual seasons once they start coming out. Can't miss the opportunity to see that beautiful Galaxy Class design in glorious HD. But I wish they were a bit more bolder with the SFX, e.g. saucer impulse engines should be glowing red, warp out could me more like in later series/movies. Fixes I would like to see are: - Starship scaling: various Excelsior class ships, Stargazer, Borg Cube come to mind. And I finally want a visual confirmation on how big the Romulan D'Deridex class Warbird is compared to the -D!!! - Warp fly-byes should have those engine streaks - no phaser fire from photon torpedo tube (Darmok) - updates on beam/replicator effect Icing for me would be: - a new Wolf 359 battle scene - Season 4+5 cliffhanger "Redemption" should get some much needed SFX for whole Romulan blockade/detection thing - new shots of the saucer separated stardrive section
  2. CCCP is good, but I dropped it after the thumbnailing support for matroska files vanished in their latest version. Now I just use VLC Player for my media.
  3. I wouldn't mind a re-release of some early variants with the neck and side covers packed in. I would like to have a Ver. 2.5 of Hikaru DYRL -1S one day, so my mind and heart can finally be at ease when it comes to those damn shoulders. Graham please talk to Yamato about this!!! But even if these are kits, I'm still interested solely because of the side covers. (Yes, they mean that much to me!)
  4. You are not alone. Until now I never new that G1 Prime could do that! And while we are on the topic of Primes, why are a lot transfans particularly fond of Power Master Optimus Prime. As a kid I had this incarnation, but always felt it was inferior in every aspect to the G1 version (which I never owned). Very plastic-y/gimmicky, poor articulation and the transformation was more of the unfold/split kind. It felt like it was an official KO of sorts from Hasbro.
  5. I was 98% sure the FA Unicorn Gundam was coming, which is why I didn't bother with OVA version. But am I the only one that is kind of hoping that the FA Unicorn Gundam loses the transformation gimmick. My Ver. Ka Unicorn is annoying to handle in NT-D mode, with to many parts collapsing/unlocking when holding it wrong.
  6. What about Metal Armor Dragonar. Nobody has really tackled this from start to end. And the 1988 Aura Battler Dunbine: The Tale of Neo Byston Well OVA needs a decent subtitle release.
  7. If it a) continues where we left of in 24th century b) time jumps further in to the future c) is completely new and detached from what we have come to see, but still retains those Roddenberry values that define star trek then I'll be really excited. But should it turn out to be a) some type of prequel again or b) a semi-detached, retro re-imagined version of star trek then I have absolutely no interest. And cannot stress this enough: Aesthetically pleasing starship designs!!! Do not give us crap like JJ's wretched version...
  8. lechuck

    HLJ Yamato Sale!!!

    Can anyone definitely confirm if the VF-1J is the broken shoulders version or not. It says it was May 2010 release. I really hate Yamato sometimes for screwing up the VF-1 line.
  9. Looks awesome, now give me Hi-Metal version of this (and VF-25 too) Bandai.
  10. So without spoiling it, how good or bad is "The Origin"? Is this supposed to officially replace the old '79 show and does it fit in with the rest of the post UC continuity? Or is this like JJ Star Trek, a craptacular messup in all its glory. On a side note, we might finally get a modern MG RX-78-2 without the sucky looking outer shelling of the Ver. 2.0. As for Gundam Age, well I can't say I'm flabbergasted about it but I'll definitely give it a full viewing considering there are not that many new robot mecha series to begin with nowadays.
  11. Not really Macross either, but I wanted to get some replacement part from HLJ for one of my MG Gundams. They replied, albeit with a standard mail thanking for all support because of the earthquake and so on. Now I'm not sure they are actually processing my request or whether I should send the mail again? Don't want to spam them, but it has been two weeks since I originally sent my request and I have not really heard back. Anybody have the same issue, what to do?
  12. I recently bought the TV Hikaru VF-1S (with fast packs) and I have noticed that the head seems to be "springy". As in it always wants to go back in neutral position, when trying to tilt it down. I also have the DYRL Hikaru VF-1S (very first release) and I can tilt without any problems. Is this Yamato's QC at work again or is this supposed to be some kind of feature fix that they introduced later on?
  13. The opening for Break Blade is called "Fate" and sung by KOKIA.
  14. I have enjoyed Break Blade so far, even if it feels Gundam Seed-ish at times. In an era where good quality real robot mecha shows are far and few between, this is a welcomed addition. I think either 6 or maybe 10 installments are planned.
  15. The thing that bugs/worries me the most from all of the images so far, is the gullet/lower torso section in Battroid. The gaps are too big and the angle of the thing is wrong as well. It should have a much more "tucked in" positioning.
  16. Err... I'm more curios as to when Yamato started adding removable nosecones to the 1/60 VF-1? Or is this release going to be the first one?
  17. You forgot the most important: It has already been deduced and concluded that Bandai and the Gundam franchise are to blame for the agony and pain this design has caused MW! MW professionalism at its best.
  18. Graham will be sending out free replacement shoulders for the VF-25...
  19. Well that sucks. Does that mean I'm going to be charged by AmiAmi for re-shipping again? And how do I find out what actually went wrong, so it doesn't get stuck a second time around?
  20. Maybe you guys can help me figure out something. I ordered from AmiAmi about a month ago and got it shipped via registered SAL Small Packet. Now I'm looking at the tracking page of JP post and after just sitting for 3 weeks in my country the latest entry reads Status: Returned to Sender Details: Retention Somebody please tell me that my parcel is not on its way back to Japan!?
  21. I don't know why but I immediately thought of that Robin Williams movie "Behind the Horizon..." or something like that.
  22. Crazy, I just finished Orguss and Orguss 02 last week and like them both. Orguss Orguss 02
  23. So to clarify, the bundle pack consist only of the three -1As and is web-exclusive? Regardless, all I ask is that DYRL Hikaru VF-1S doesn't become web-exclusive. I just want to be able to order that one freely from one of the online shops.
  24. Don't like how the gullet sits, creating that unsightly gap under the nosecone. Hope that it's just prototype thing or wrong transformation or something.
  25. Any Macross trans-fans here that has second run PP01 Faith Leader? The size/scale really appeals to me, but I'm not the most informed when it comes to Transformers. So maybe someone can answer following questions - How is the general fit of things? - Is it durable or fragile? - What materials are used? - Does it improve on the first run PP01? If so, what was improved? Any help is appreciated. Thanks. PS: PP01 has no Autobot insignias, where does one buy aftermarket stickers?
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