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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. If you want to know more about the two HG kits, it's being talked about here:
  2. MPG-14 "God-oh Bombaa" at Tokyo Toy Show, planned release is June '25. https://www.taghobby.com/archives/803975
  3. I would have preferred one that doesn't have that stupid head design.
  4. I don't subscribe to the notion that Hasegawa kits are bargains they are being touted as. To make it just look decent, say on par with an OOB build Bandai kit, your are going to have to invest more work, time and resources. Put a price tag on those points and your bargain is actually the more expensive route to go. And after all that one is still left with limitations, like simplistic articulation for example.
  5. Latest test shot.
  6. Lancelot Albion Zero Interesting that they chose to use purple as the accent colour instead of being the primary one, and I think it really works that way.
  7. Those gorilla arm proportions and oversized lower legs are not doing the HMR any favours, the HG kit is the only winner here.
  8. Hopefully that is fixed too, personally I wouldn't complain if they ditched the entire "armour off" feature from the original Qan[T] and glued everything in place.
  9. Speaking of which, I'm surprised not much has been done with the Hi-Nu – no HWS, maybe different backpacks, no repaints, no redesign variant etc.
  10. Looking good. https://www.taghobby.com/archives/801107 Biggest annoyance with Qan[T] was that its armour (especially around the forearms) didn't sit firmly and would just become loose, hoping that has been remediated this time around.
  11. Next to the Guren, this was also was also showed off. Not sure if this is supposed to be Black Lancelot Albion or the Zero type. Also Lancelot siN has to be in the cards right?
  12. Sentinel RIOBOT Mazinger Zero! https://www.taghobby.com/archives/798915
  13. Mazinger Zero incoming! https://www.taghobby.com/archives/798915
  14. SMP Dancouga – finally an outright version from the 'Blazing Epilogue' OVA! Now someone needs to do a Chogokin toy of this. https://www.taghobby.com/archives/797802
  15. Eh... seems like they are trying to do a Suicide Squad thing with Star Trek – acid characters with team play. I feel like this is not appropriate for something like Star Trek.
  16. Like I mentioned above, the higher standards for MP didn't kick off until around the second half of the line with MP Inferno, although personally I would also include MP-28 Hot Rod in there, mainly due to the greater degree of articulation that's implemented. I'm perfectly fine with MP-49, what's the issue – lack of paint? That's going to be highly subjective based on personal experience and preference, a price point doesn't automatically equate to or dictate a certain value a toy should hold for everyone or over other toys. My argument was never that SS86 OP can't be a good or fun toy to someone because it doesn't have MP DNA in it. The thought of wave after wave of 4th, 5th, ... n-tier characters that in one way or another are mostly sharing same base-bodies is not enticing – this constant chasing for team X, season Y or comic book Z line ups is lost on me. I prefer MP release pacing and selectiveness. Not sure what you mean with by this, Takara strives for unified robot size/scale amongst characters, their designs are based from animation, if possible they will go for a licensed alt-mode and there is dedicated focus on maximising articulation. Some of these points have been a baseline since MP-10. Actually MPG does belong to the T-Spark by being part of the Transformers sub-brand, just like Zoids and Diaclone. Takara states this in their product announcement pdf over at https://www.takaratomy.co.jp/english/. As these three lines are already established, they weren't part of the marketing push for T-Spark and the new lines. Also for a little more background, there is a short interview that HobbyJapan did with the person in charge of T-Spark and the various lines. https://hjweb.jp/article/1602914/
  17. https://www.instagram.com/p/C9v5sjVqh3Q/?igsh=bHF1ZW81Nm1jbm41 Jubilee Iceman, AOA Cyclops and X-Man Venom (Spider-Man 2099) Clark Kent and Batgirl Doomsday
  18. As posted in the other thread (why do we have two now?), I like the different interpretation Hen.Dou.Ryouku line is taking, and I'm also linking this VF-1J Battroid very much.
  19. Honestly like this refreshing take on the VF-1. Battroid looks like it will be fun to mess around with and as already mentioned fighter gives of a VF-2SS vibe – a more futuristic spacecraft, that can't be a bad thing.
  20. Haha, it does read like one of those Debbie Downer postings. 😄 But in my defence, it wasn't so much criticism towards the actual SS86 Optimus, but rather an allergic reaction to the notion that Hasbro lead toys are anywhere near on par with Takara MPs (or at least the later half of them when they upped the ante on engineering). I get why a comment like that can come about, because it's the same subject matter and has similarities in look with a previous toy, but that doesn't make it a Masterpiece or high-end toy – there needs to be a differentiation. The inflationary usage of this MP comparison with every second Hasbro Transformer nowadays kind of irritates me with the thought being that it generates a false perception that you can essentially can get "the same" but much cheaper, which is most never the case. Hasbro's entire modus operandi on how they perceive and approach toy making basically counteracts the idea of their stuff being premium toy equivalent.
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