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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. What! You guys don't like CG cut scenes?
  2. I am still liking it, articulation looks great and the Strike is probably just transformed wrong. Also smooth arms, no cheap indentations for arm packs and it looks you actually have room to move on fully decked out VF-1. Nose and/or wings are not long in Battroid, sunken head (Jenius must be jumping with joy) and waist joint!!! It's funny because I just messed around with Yamato's VF-1 the other day and maybe I am spoilt, but I found articulation to be pretty poor. I mean it has got all these (click-)joints, but you can't really put it all to good usage, especially the legs and lets not talk about the poor range for the knees...
  3. Bit on the fence with 3.0, just bought a G3 2.0 a couple of months back after long debating. I do like the design of the 3.0 more than the retro look of 2.0, but I don't like that it comes without a proper core fighter.
  4. Wouldn't it be irony if his Star Wars turns out to be a better "Star Trek", because he actually has to continue/expand the universe rather than rebooting and screwing it up.
  5. So Shizuoka Hobby Show is just around the corner and Bandai have count down on their hobby site linking here: MG Evolution This must be the "big" annoucement they previously talked about. Things that pop to mind for "Evolution" - A second scale (1/72) to bring it closer to PG, and then maybe droppping PG altogether - RX-105 Xi Gundam, base work done with Robot Spirits Ka. - V2 Gundam, Bandai said they were taking their time with this to work out the transformation or having the tech to pull it off - A separate line dedicated to Ver. 2.0 for older kits - The count down banner has a faint RX-78 in the background and Gundam Origin is supposedly coming... - Totally left field, but maybe full metal frames as separate buy to give your MGs that Chogokin feel... (just dreaming)
  6. Of course it's Friday and of course mine has to land in customs, sitting there over the weekend. Now I have to try and find time after work again to go there. I say again, because I went there today to pick up four pieces of replacement parts for one of my MG kits that they retained. By the time I get my VF-171 in my hands it will be old news already. Grrrr, I get so agro when it comes to customs. Mankinds worst idea ever!
  7. This thread is boring... http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/gouki/dx28/dx28.html Happy labour day!
  8. Considering the first movie was a creative disaster it is not really suprising the next installment is continuing were we left off. In this regard I would say JJ and his gang are on course... whatever that is worth for the franchise.
  9. I don't get the hate either. The thing hasn't been released yet, but we already know that Hasegawa or Yamato's toy are the better VF-1
  10. More Crossbone X2... (webshop exclusive btw)
  11. Need some help with Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY. Using Win 8 Pro 64-bit + Steam client + updated GFWL. When I start it runs the launcher, but when I click "Play" from there nothing happens? No error messages, not even hidden tasks hanging, nothing... Tried Google, but could not find any workable solution. So anybody ever had this issue and got it resolved? Also is there a way to backup DLC downloaded from GFWL, without having to redownload it at later time again. Had to redownload 1.5 GB for the Harley DLC for Bataman Arkham City...
  12. Pictures right up to Gerwalk, but none for Battroid - that is very hurtful of you Duymon
  13. Fresh!? The franchise was served on a platinum platter to Abrams. All that was needed was to take those core Trek (or Rodenberry) values out and to insert them into a completely new environment/setting. New characters, designs/aesthetics, uniforms, aliens... etc. Heck, we could have even had transforming shuttle crafts and I would have accepted. Why? Because it would have been really new and different --> fresh! Instead we get a semi-detached retro-rehash retelling, with very limited creativity and borrowing from left and right. Nope, that is not fresh. It is fermenting Sci-Fi action that has been repackaged and rebranded as Star Trek. As for longevity and renewed interest in ST universe - I doubt it. The movies are advertised as your typical summer blockbuster, interest and attention spans will last for the duration of the movies and then forgotten until next time. There is very little that would make for kids, teens and/or tweens to further investigate/indulge themselves with Star Trek.
  14. Sorry no offense, but please tell me that Europe (or Euro Union) is not represented by that ugly Russian looking one... I will be watching this though.
  15. Bandai, Takara, Aoshima and Kotobukiya would be the ones I trust.
  16. Pre-ordered from AmiAmi earlier. What can I say it's Macross, it's Hikaru's VF-1S... I'll buy blind
  17. Start Trek IV was very popular too, part V could of had them at a zoo and saving Pandas or something. Point is, original Trek was very varied in stories, but always with some key moral/ethical point in focus. IV had environmental stuff for exapmple - and yes even II had it - remember "Genesis Project" and the implications that were being discussed. New ST, hmmm... lets see.... don't do time travel? Going crash, boom, bang just puts Star Trek in the same pile of shows with this concept, nothing to alienate it, to put it above other shows...
  18. Looks like I have to carry the torch for MG... Strike HD Age-2 Double Bullet and another Bandai trumpcard suprise... Crossbone X2 (shot lance!)
  19. Very exciting stuff, I think Battroid is going to have some great articulation.
  20. No word on the controversial head, no word on the overpriced fast packs, Yamato's release tactic with the -17D... Jenius you are letting me down here...
  21. Way to spoil anticipation for episode 6.... Please use spoiler tags, if you are going speak of content, see example above how it is done! Anyway OVA 7 has been announced for Spring 2014, talk about torture!? I was hoping this would be done with by October/November this year.
  22. Let me sum up the European release: late, expensive and of course some features dropped already.
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