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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. Or he is a bad-guy following his own plan...
  2. These do look nice. Pity the ships are not in scale with each other, so any incentive for me to look into these has been killed. Does the Enterprise-D have a saucer separation, can anybody show if so? General question: Why is it seemingly impossible for any one company to produce a line of star trek starships in scale with each other? Is a license to do so exorbitantly to high or is the state of star trek merchandising so bad, that it would not be a profitable investment? Nothing new, for example the Enterprise-D has been rehashed in the same old 1/1400 or 1/2500 mold from Ertl/AMT with all its inaccuracies over and over.
  3. Lower legs are a bit long, but I can live with this. What really annoys me are the arms and shoulders, poor to almost useless by design.
  4. Thanks dizman, forgot about rrobbert184. Coincidentally he has started review for the titanium Nu Gundam now, so will be following. I did break down beforehand though and got it in the end, just worried about getting rid of the nubs. Which brings me to another question I have, what technique do you guys use buff/polish the area around the nub after getting rid of it?
  5. How is the VF-19 off-scale to the other M7 valks (which one)? In fact Yamato's VF-17 is too slim and not beefy enough in Battroid mode. The VF-19 had the perfect design approach - first the battroid and then work your way to fighter mode. And it shows with everything being in proportion, parts locking properly and being functional in the way I would expect it to be. Why this design approach was ditched in favour of the reverse way again beats me and can be seen with the subsequent VF-17 and VF-4.
  6. And still no V2 Gundam... How complicated can it be Bandai!? And really nobody with a MG titanium kit on these boards, that can help me decide?
  7. Agreed. Nice and tidy. None of that bloody "La Forge" visor, gaping holes or third eye nonsense designs Kawamori was pulling on us. Clean, simple and functional, that's what Battroid designs should always be.
  8. Nu Gundam is my favourite, so I might be a bit biased, but I would also say the MG Ver.Ka would be a great choice if you haven't got one yet. I don't have the MG 00, but as a comparison it is light years ahead of MG Unicorn Gundam. Pros: - Build-up is great - Uses the LED light-up feature - Evoke mode as an added feature - Evoke mode doesn't distort proportions like NT-D mode on MG Unicorn - Plenty of very good articulation, it can do a proper bend at its knees!!! - New manipulators Negative: - Connectors for the fin funnels are a poor design - Feet articulation could have more range - A second custom beam saber + backholster would have been nice, they do it for the fin funnels. But this is just a very personal gripe of mine By the way, has anybody ever bought a titanium variant MG before? Are they worth it? Being a sucker for all things Nu, I am contemplating getting the titanium version for display and using the normal version for fiddling.
  9. This pretty much sums up how I feel about the release. I must be the only one here that is not really excited about getting the extra payload. I am not going to even try them out, a quick glance and they will forever stay in the box. Bare bones would do, but I would have liked the idea of a variant with FPs + arm cluster + stand. That would be an ideal seller for me.
  10. ...and suddenly the head design look ugly... Can someone with the game somehow take a close-up pic of the head.
  11. I went with NY, I can bypass customs and I can avoid explaining to a customs person what it is. Oh, and it is 6200 Yen for EMS shipping to Germany.
  12. Thanks ron5864, it's a 3.0L Diesel S. I think Jaguar doesn't sell Diesels for the US market.
  13. Hi all, hope you don't mind if I claim a couple of seconds to show off my new ride. So much joy seeing and driving the big cat at the moment.
  14. Almost 250 Euros, definitely steep. I think I will get one, but from a shop that helps to bypass customs. So HLJ, AmiAmi and HobbySearch are already out of the equation.
  15. Well got mine from AmiAmi (haven't got around opening it yet), but like others I had to pay 33 Euros for customs and I am not happy. What is AmiAmi's official stance on this? I think I have had items arrived from them w/o the full value declared and then sometimes they do it. I suppose it depends on the idiot that is processing your order. Oh well I should be happy I didn't have to waste petrol to go down to customs only for them to ask me to pay...
  16. If he stays in the black armor, then it should at least be that his visor changes to blue, white or green when human part takes over. The black and red combo make him look too evil and unsympathetic for one to identify with.
  17. The price of live action... Stick to the animation people, all those WB/DC original releases have always entertained me far better.
  18. Yeah the DS9 Dominion battles and seeing so many Galaxy-classes (my favourite) was great. Although I always questioned why they sent them in with the main saucer and not just the battle section.
  19. JUST CLICK THE DESKTOP TILE AND IT'S CLASSIC WINDOWS!!! HOW HARD CAN THAT BE? Seriously the whining at this point is just pathetic.
  20. And how many 1/60 YF-19s did you get after a favorable review!?
  21. Just to be clear, that is 8 October and not 10 August right?
  22. Hi, my remark wasn't aimed at your review but to the notion that the -19s are "fairly awful". If you can and want to, you should review the VF-19S, because that is the complete package (minus the speaker packs of course).
  23. I am excited for this kit, already in German customs. Can't really understand why so many are against this kit. Sure it deviates in some areas, but the Yamato's and Hasegawa's are not 100% accurate either (if that is even possible with a purely fictional object). One downer I have though is that there are no side covers, one of the most neglected areas for the VF-1 Would have been nice to see what Bandai could come up with here.
  24. Please not! For as much as I like the quality production that Unicorn is, I don't think I can stomach another long drawn out release. I just don't have the patience anymore and I rather take a dip in animation quality. Either that or they make all the OVA volumes secretly and then release them all in one go. While I would prefer something else, I must admit the mecha "get-together" has me intrigued. Seeing a Dijeh or Shokew in action kind of tickles me. Oh and I so hope we get to see a Nu Gundam stomp and crush Turn A's head!!!! But the biggest positive I take from this is that there is a HGUC V2 Gundam planned and to me this means that a MG cannot be far behind! Bandai has insulted me enough by not acknowledging my wants....
  25. Rubbish! The Hi-Metal -19s are fine little articulated toys. A lot of people have wrong expectations, asking for integrated landing gear, perfect transformation and what not on a 16cm toy that is based of VF with the most usage of anime magic! Back then I read anymoon's review and it is one of the very few where I didn't feel it was fair to the toy and it doesn't help when its failings are constantly compared to a larger toy...
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