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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. Happy for those that wanted a PG Unicorn Gundam. I guess that means no more new MG anouncements for this year. This probably explains why there was no MGs to coincide with OVA #7 release. Still waiting for a regular release OVA bare bones green Psycoframe Unicorn and Banshee Norn.
  2. For me it's water slides > good stickers > dry transfers If the plastic backing of dry transfers wasn't so stiff and as cumbersome to apply, then I would rate them much higher.
  3. Well it's an oldtimer that that they have revamped for modern times. But have you seen the MBs, modern cars that have a slate tacked on to the dash. Really ruins the cockpit.
  4. Which MG kits where those? I am pretty sure that every MG since Gundam Mk II Ver. 2.0 has had this approach in the manual.
  5. You do realise that Optimus Prime has the same "brickish proportions" too, just like in the cartoon. Optimus Prime is coloured - just like Star Saber - after the cartoon (see a pattern here). Takara doesn't really care if people outside of Japan have any connection to Star Saber, the pole was not directed at Americans, Europeans or you or anyone else. And I fail to see what the iconic status has to do with the actual toy implementation? MP-10 might be "the greatest toy of one of the most iconic characters", that still doesn't garantee it to be the best toy of line. If you like Star Saber, that's great. If you don't, that's perfectly fine too. But please stop spamming this thread with these childish denounceations and move on. The whole "spacebrick" thing was maybe funny ten pages ago, now it's just stupid and annoying.
  6. Wow, Star Saber looks so much more refined as a toy compared to Ultra Magnus (and not because of the lack of colours in that image). Star Saber definitely stands a good chance of dethroning MP-10 as best MP yet.
  7. Err... Bandai has been doing that for quite a while now with other MG kits and not just for Turn A or X.
  8. I was excited, then I went to the site and saw 1/144 scale... meh
  9. What exactly does the logo represent, can't make it out?
  10. Amazing what an integrated waist joint can do for the battroid. Now if we could only get some double jointed knees, torso joint and forward pivoting shoulders in future valks... Pic request, can someone do some close-up profile shots of the head (no fancy angling). Would appreciate it, thanks.
  11. Why is everybody acting stupidly suprised? This is what he looks like in the cartoon, what did you expect white with black and yellow striping?
  12. Hate the Batsuit (what's up with all that vein-piping?) and disappointed that aestethic insparation is being drawn from DKR. Is my perception wrong? I have always seen Batman as a sleek and clever martial-arts fighter not a big brutish brawler.
  13. They need to. It's another one of Yamato's "figher over everything else" designs. Battroid and Gerwalk are just a complete insult to fans of these modes.
  14. pass, good luck having fun posing the VF-0D in battroid.
  15. I know asking for scale in Transformers is like asking for no holes in swiss cheese, but UM in bot mode is a bit big for my liking and not really what I remember from animation. So the three things I don't like from the outset are size, red bumber and the lack of waist articulation.
  16. Star Saber looks pretty good in prototype form. Strong potential here to beat MP-10 as best Masterpiece yet.
  17. The S-Head was destroyed due to that stupid 3rd cyclops eye. And seriously, votes for A-type??? That is like placing Fiat Multipla ahead of Maserati Ghibli (2013). If this was a poll for ugly and boring I could understand.
  18. More web-exclusive Master Grades: MG Hi-Nu Ver.Ka HWS!!! MG Unicorn Full Armor (red psycho frame) MG 00 Gundam Seven Sword (inspection colour)
  19. I wonder how difficult it would be to give the Kai the backward sweeping wings like the YF-19. If I remember correctly, the Kai was shown doing this in that DYRL homage episode. And yellow > gold. Looks tacky and will only work if the rest of the Valkyrie gets a metallic red coating.
  20. Butt-flap is not so cool, but at least it is not a forward waist flap like on Rodimus, that becomes unsightly when you try to pose him with a leg moved forward. The gaps everywhere I am willing to deal with, but the lack of waist joint annoys me more. That is standard articulation I expect from a MP Transformer. I am curious to know what die-hard "no wrap-around armor" UM fans think of this so far?
  21. Web-exclusive MG MSA-0011 S Gundam (Bst) coming August. Not cheap, but Bandai has got to put that old mold some use right?
  22. I like the 00 movie, mainly because it pushed beyond the standard parameters of the Gundam franchise. When or where did Bandai say they would never do subs/dubs anymore after Unicorn? I wouldn't hold my breath, looking at past Blu-Ray releases, none of the older titles like Zeta, Seed, Wing, CCA, F91 or 08th had subs/dubs.
  23. Bat-suit looks horrible, they trying to make it look like graphic novel Dark Knight or something. And what is up with always having tiny ears on the cowl for batman nowadays. Meh As for vehicles, I can only hope we move away from the ugly, brutish and aesthetically non-descriptive ones from the Nolan movies. If not, then I hope Superman smashes the damn thing to pieces in the first few seconds
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