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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. I find the VF-1 toy to be somewhat outdated nowadays, articualtion is just to poor for being one of the simplistic VFs. If they truly wanted to do something new, they would tackle the VF-5000. It is missing from the M7 line-up and there are enough variants to produce. Also it is similar to a VF-1 and they can in bring all new ideas (please no t-bar) for transformation and articualtion. And this would then be the basis for an all new VF-1 toy, that they can milk.
  2. Always good to see MG love in this thread. Nice touch using copper (?) to accentuate the elbow area.
  3. For a prototype it looks fine to me. Maybe it is just the photo, but it looks way bigger than a VF-1. And I don't really understand the standards we are applying on this toy? There is no T-bar in a VF-1, but the Yamato toy uses this antiquated solution, which creates a gappy battroid and introduces the collar. But it is considered the "perfect" toy by the majority?
  4. I am the opposite, I like Bandai's straight spine and the way the nose section has been designed. The drooping and curved spine on the Arcadia seems way to forced to me, reminds me of some of the unsightly noses on Formula 1 cars.
  5. IT HAS A WAIST JOINT EVERYONE!!! Nevermind the bloody neck cover...
  6. THANK YOU F360! Now lets hope this turns out to be a really great Valk.
  7. lechuck

    Hi-Metal R

    VF-1 Battroid: 12.68m / 144 ~ 0.0881m * 100 = 8.81cm
  8. Very underwhelming to say the least. Dijeh and Hyaku Shiki are the best of the bunch, but we have known about them for months already.
  9. lechuck

    Hi-Metal R

    LOL, you have seen the VF-2SS thread right? Might be just the pose, but I think this 1/100 VF-1 can achieve more dynamic expressions in Battroid mode than the 1/60 version. But to be honest it still has the same toy design errors like the Yamato one with all the big gaps on the side and behind the head. I still wait for the day we get a truly next gen VF-1 toy, that doesn't require a t-bar of some sort.
  10. lechuck

    Hi-Metal R

    Dislikable evil badguy actionfigure vs. goodguy protagonist mecha robot toy You must defeat Shen-Long to stand a chance...
  11. lechuck

    Hi-Metal R

    Got one from AmiAmi. Don't know if it really helps, but I went through a VPN with a Japanese server.
  12. “You can’t outrun them, you can’t destroy them. If you damage them, the essence of what they are remains. They regenerate and keep coming. Eventually, you will weaken - your reserves will be gone. They are relentless.”
  13. Looking at Star Saber and Tracks just makes you realize what a sad affair of a toy MP Ultra Magnus really is.
  14. I can work with that gold plating, very happy it is not the shiny chrome type. Agree with the hands and like I said, the newest manipulators do not work with the smaller sized mobile suits. Anything above >= 20 cm is ok, but don't use them for anything below that size.
  15. The way the fingers bend on that prototype and the fold out tab on the beam sabre hilts are evidence to me that they will be using the MP hands. Personally I am not a fan of it, because it looks disproportioned with the rest of the arm. The MP hands were designed with the 22 cm tall Nu Gundam in mind, but they keep slapping them on smaller scaled mobile suits. Anyone catch that leg image with the forward bending knee joint. Perhaps a sign that MG Delta Gundam is indeed in the planning, would not know why the Hyaku Shiki would need this articulation. Oh and I am shocked that the preference seems to be with a gold chrome plated version...
  16. No they are not and never were. As hard as this maybe to understand, but the personification of American patriotism just doesn't work as well around the rest of the globe. Besides Germany is not necessarily a bastion when it comes to embracing superhero comic culture. And I agree that the movie poster is just generally bad.
  17. This is my hope that MCU steps in and gives us a more experienced Peter Parker/Spider-Man. If they have to have an origin story, then it should be told max. within 10 - 15 minutes and then time jump to the present day or something... And it better be Peter Parker AS Spider-Man in MCU, I do not want any of this Miles Morales, passing on the torch or any other nonsense stuff.
  18. Hyaku Shiki 2.0 is a bit out of the blue, but I'll take it. Good thing I held back so long, eventually I was going to pick up the baluute version. I wonder what the gold colour is going to be like, I hope it is not the "bling, bling" type. Delta Gundam will come out and with this new Hyaku Shiki they might just ride on that small wave and get it out sooner. The real question to ask is whether it will be a normal retail or web exclusive release.
  19. Ordered too, can never have enough Optimus Primes guarding your home...
  20. To bridge the time, Takara has you covered (courtesy of seibertron.com): Did Masterforce and Victory already have completed runs before the TF movie got screened?
  21. The good thing about this, I won't be charged 40+ Euros extra for a tray full of useless missiles. The only pieces I will be leaving in the box will be the wing boosters. It looks too messy in Battroid mode.
  22. If a FB2012 version were also a limited release, then it would tank. The VFX pastel colour scheme is the most blandest there is compared to any other valkyrie release.
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