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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. I like the old school/retro effects for the movie titling. So is Strange going to be in the mix or not?
  2. lechuck

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Can we put some spoiler tags on the Delta stuff, not everyone has watched the damn show yet
  3. lechuck

    Hi-Metal R

    Heads-up, NY has the Hikaru VF-1J up for pre-order again although one will have to pay upfront.
  4. lechuck

    Hi-Metal R

    Rather then advertising and wasting energy with two pilot types Bandai should address the glaring oversight of missing side covers in their HMR line! They have already amended the gaps around the head with the later releases - why stop there now.
  5. Disappointed that the Metal Build is not the Lancelot Albion, Bandai previewed this together with the ARX-8 back then. And I do not understand why Bandai to this day has not released a MB or Metal Composite Nu/Hi-Nu Gundam, the king of all Gundams!?
  6. At 16cm hight, that would make it exactly 1/60 scale. So would place nicely with Bandai DX and Arcadia Valks.
  7. How about some love for Hi-Metal R additions - Battroid shoulder/neck cover for the VF-1s that did not get them - side covers for Battroid mode - medium sized left and right Battroid mode wings (official offerings are either too long or too short for my liking)
  8. Wait - this anime is finished? I thought it was at half-way point and a second season is to come? Whatever happened to anime that conclude their overall story? Thumbs down from me for this show then.
  9. I am probably in the minority, but I would prefer the new MP Megatron to transform into a tank like in the Transformers Devastation game. This would also give Takara the opportunity to milk the mold at least one more time for a G2 version.
  10. Is there not a Japanese Blu-Ray edition that they are sourcing? Otherwise it would not make sense to press an "HD" version. But generally anime planning and distribution in the west just sucks big time. I really have a hard time understanding why these companies bother to announce anything when they can't even make sure to hold a release date. My situation: - Gundam Reconguista, finally going to be released in November after being on pre-order for almost a year - Aldnoah Zero Part 2, pushed back to December, originally planned to be released over summer - Z Gundam Part 1 and 2, pushed back to Feb. 2017, planned release August/September - Code Geass Akito the Exiled, pushed back to Q2 of 2017 (one full year since I pre-ordered!), planned December Out of curiosity, does anybody know what is behind Unicorn 2 - is there more material that can be adapted?
  11. I was contemplating getting the box set solely for the McFarlane Spidey because I like that head (don't really care for the other figures.). But apparently Hasbro has changed the hand plug/socket attachment so you can't use the extras from Pizza Spidey, so now I have lost interest, too much money to spend just for a head. Crossing my fingers that the new 2099 Spider-Man body will be used for the ANAD amazing version, big symbol, glowy eyes and all.
  12. OMG, finally a 90's Cyclops and Colossus!!! Glad the body-strap is not painted on to Cyclops, thought Hasbro might have cheapen-out when they came around to releasing him.
  13. Agree, looks promising what Evo Toys is doing. Any word on how tall that prototype was?
  14. The ship feels like a starfleet take on the Klingon K'tinga battlecruiser as the music seems to be pointing too. And if the ship is supposed be a battlecruiser, then I think naming it Discovery seems inappropriate. And once again the mighty Galaxy class still stands the test of time and remains the best starship design ever for me. This design has no chance of being a favourite.
  15. Markedly better that the western version. Negatives for me would be - the feet ... maybe just transformed incorrectly? - the still hollow upper tighs - and the lack of a waist joint But honestly why dip into Titans/Legends version in the first place? Save the money and just wait for the proper MP version to come, it has practically been set in stone since that poll Takara did a while ago.
  16. Good news for Trek fans outside of USA and Canada, Netflix has acquired international licensing for the new show. Each episode will be available a day after premier in the states! Additionally TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT will be added to the library end of 2016. Source -> Netflix
  17. Only watched the first episode so far and definitely enjoyed it. And that 80's synth wave soundtrack, love it. Arrgghh... so little time to binge watch the rest. All that is missing for a great viewing experience now is takeaway hamburgers packed in styrofoam
  18. I was going to do a screenshot from Netflix, but that seems to be blocked nowadays. Anyway Millia can be seen in Ep. 1 just after Lance and Co. failed their simulation and the instructor starts giving them a mouthing (group of cadets). Roy can be seen twice in Ep. 1, just after the Millia scene there will be a frontal shot of the instructor and slighly left you can see him standing in the distance from an elevated position. Second time you seem him is when Lance and Hunk are sneaking out (can't really miss this one).
  19. Prime timeline sounds good, anthology I can live with. Some interesting season long stories could be events leading up to the Narendra III attack with the Enterprise-C. Or maybe someone getting trapped in one of those vicious parallel universes (not JJ like) and he/her having to manoeuvre themselves without getting discovered, dealing with difficult choices going against their ethics and morale. But Ultimately I do wish they advance the timeline after the events of Nemesis, maybe even another 100 year jump or something. Do we know who is handling the designs, is Andrew Probert free? Please not the guy that is in charge for the JJ-Universe.
  20. I wish Bandai would re-release the Ozma variant already.
  21. Is there anyone willing, capable and having time to maybe design side covers and neck cover for Hi-Metal R VF-1s? The gappy-ness and that floating head crest annoy me in Battroid mode, otherwise I think these things are great.
  22. lechuck

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Finally some images of the -31 head designs. But wow, Kawamori must have already had a love-hate relationship with his lead character since inception, when he is assigning the uglier head design to Hayate. My ranking for the moment would be F > S > C, the rest is meh.
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