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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. Will put this on my watch list. It is not quite clear to me, is this movie still in the same universe as the previous Godzilla and Kong movie (the whole Monarch thing)?
  2. Doc Ock, DD and Elektra would be definite buys for me. Scarlet Spider is a maybe and the rest I do not care for. Also on the topic of Spider-Man figs, there is going to be a Legends 6 inch version from the new PS4 game and its using the Spidey 2099 buck. Normally I only commit to comic version figures but somehow I want to make an exception for this. I suppose its the costume variant that intrigues me. http://thefwoosh.com/index.php/2018/06/spider-man-legends-series-6-inch-gamerverse-spider-man-pre-order-at-gamestop/
  3. New MP Convoy officially confirmed. http://news.tfw2005.com/2018/06/09/masterpiece-convoy-v3-confirmed-365343 Looks very promising, as far as one can tell from the crude images. I wish Takara would give us an option of a trailer-less and therefore cheaper variant. My MP-10 version has spent its life in the box and highly doubt this new version will get any more usage by me.
  4. lechuck

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Neat, another Excalivor, thou shall be mine. I guess the fate of this thread has just been determined... thorough tracking of shipping notices.
  5. Not sure what to think of this sequel, but more Universal Century Gundam is always welcomed. GunPla-wise though I am not that enthused about the possibility of even more RX-0 Gundam kits. Anyway here is a short trailer:
  6. I'm in for a new MP Optimus. MP-10 articulation-wise is not that good compared to some of the newer releases and that irks me a lot, especially against Megatron. The main protagonist having the "weaker" toy, never sits well with me. On a side note, it is a bit sad how the (Trans-Fan) collecting community always react to the mention of new versions, revisions or re-releases of popular characters/toys.
  7. lechuck

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I was literally one button cllick away from getting my pre-order done with NY this morning, but then came a dredded pop-up telling me the item is no longer available. Had to revert to CDJapan now, not the cheapest and I still have custom fees to deal with.
  8. Does the Ent-D saucer separate? If yes, please show.
  9. Because great things should never be easily acquirable But seriously, I don't seem to feel the same pain as everyone else. The P-Bandai stuff seem to be readily obtainable (with the normal asking price) for me compared to anything Macross toy related. The only thing I do not like about P-Bandai releases are the non-coloured boxes.
  10. I hope it has a rotating cockpit and somehow integral side covers.
  11. If that is the case, then I think they did good job. Because I hate comic book version gold and red with talon thingies on his back.
  12. @dragonstar1982, whitestar and JBO - a bit late, but thanks for those comparison images and input on Dancouga. Did not realize that Sentinel's version was somewhat smaller, but it explains why the individual bots never looked quite convincing. Anyway, I have gone an ordered the Bandai version. Going to be my very first SOC, very intrigued what makes this such a credited and stand-out toy line.
  13. That Spider-Man suit, not sure I like it. I think they are overdoing it with the black striping. And why must his suit be glossy?
  14. I don't find it controversial at all, I am with you and think we need an updated OP that addresses poseability. I could even live with a MP-10.5 of sorts - add double jointed elbows and knees, change the joint system at the shoulders and get rid of the wheel pouches by flipping them into the lower leg cavity.
  15. 1/48 scale would work me, as I have other mecha in that scale too compared to 1/35 where I have nothing. I really hope that Bandai as a "robot company" really pours all their engineering effort into Battroid mode. After 30 years I don't think we have really ever come close. I would really like to see this mode with as minimal compromises to gaps, alignment and proportions as possible. How to put it - Battroid should look "natural".
  16. There was the Metamor-Force Dancouga, which does look a bit more dynamic when it comes to articulation. If anyone has both versions, I would like to know how they compare to each other? I have an itch to pick up GX-13R, but I still need convincing. So please share some nice picks and make me spend my money.
  17. OMG, why is this thread not in the toy section to get more attention!? Anyway, very happy that you are addressing the gappy-ness on the VF-1 Battroid, one of the big problems with this HMR line. Regarding your side-cover issue - rather than trying to cover the hanging tab-tip, a possible approach could be to accommodate a slit/hole in your side-covers to allow the tab-tip to poke through as an acceptable compromise. I would prefer it instead of having the side-cover hanging lower than the chest plate. If I am allowed to suggest another cool option part, I wouldn't mind a set of medium-sized wings for Battroid mode. Unfortunately I find Bandai's official offerings to either be to big or to small for my taste.
  18. Haha Dragon's Lair, even today the animation for that game still looks so smooth. And the Thriller-remix very befitting.
  19. Depends on what Hulk talk we are talking about (excuse the pun). Not well-versed with Hulk comics, but I do not believe Hulk was an eloquent talker back in the day.
  20. I hope we see some nice Iron Giant action. Is it Deadpool or Deathstroke? DC characters should not be a problem for WB, but Marvel... hmm iffy. Oh and the kid should have been putting on a Nintendo Power Glove...
  21. If I jumped into this trailer without knowing the timeline details, I would think this is either an entirely new timeline or that it is taking place post-Nemesis with some decades/a century in between. The presentation of the tech and ships all feel far to advanced to be a couple of years before TOS.
  22. The TNG staff didn't forget, but rather they were forced to forget. They were using models back in the day and any great visual ideas to tie in to the story would have just been too expensive. If you really want to talk about forgetting then look no further than the latter half of DS9, when for no logical reasons Galaxy class ships WITH their saucer section are being sent in to fight the Dominion, instead of just the stardrive sections. And this being when Star Trek production had switched over to CGI... Anyway I would take a Galaxy class with neck and saucer separation any day over a spine less Sovereign. Nemesis makes a visually compelling case for this...
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