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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. They gave that Cyclops those terrible single jointed jacket-arms again, and it is especially annoying because the upcoming AoA X-Man has the perfect arms for it.
  2. I'm in and will be watching from the first episode, we are back to 24th century Star Trek and that has me excited.
  3. So nothing new other than a different paint app and it immediately falling under Arcadia's price gouging "Premium Finish" line. A couple of years ago I would have felt more ecstatic about something this, but nowadays I am just not feeling it.
  4. Loving the Legioss, the ingenuity and effort in engineering on it makes the DX VF-1 look like a half-hearted attempt.
  5. Fear not my friend, I have that one too. A Japanese company tackling a scaled replica of my favourite starship, no chance I would miss that. It is practically gold-standard to me. The only nitpick I have is the battery compartment placement under the saucer, I think that could have been done better.
  6. Got my Emma Frost. I must admit it feels nice to be one of the first to have a sought after figure. Haven't opened her up yet, but both head-sculpts look great with the long haired one being my preferred choice. IMO Hasbro should have just kept the abdomen area all black, because any positioning of the chest will make it look awkward.
  7. Can't afford it and don't have the space, but it looks fantastic. The model really captures that organic design flow that a Galaxy class has. But for me there is one big oversight, at 2k I would like to have saucer separation included. It is a pity that 30+ years onwards fans still have to deal with essentially re-issued age-old AMT/ERTL model kits as affordable solutions.
  8. P-Bandai MG XM-X0 Crossbone Gundam X-0 preorder has gone up. I hope Bandai eventually considers making the XM-XX Ghost Gundam.
  9. I read a lot of complaints about the S-Gundam head, torso, shoulder pauldrons etc., which of course all look better now. But that image emphasises the one thing that I have never liked with the MG which should have been fixed and that is the wide hips, it just doesn't line up nicely with the waist (plate) and main body.
  10. The Earth parts of First Contact were fun, in no small part due to James Cromwell's portrayal of Zefram Cochrane... the portions set aboard the Enterprise-E were incredibly boring. Insurrection was just a bad idea, start to finish. A lesson nobody at Paramount learned about why the TNG crew are not action movie-friendly. Sorry, but Insurrection IS TNG materialised in movie form and unlike First Contact doesn't burn out all its fuel after 25 minutes and end up with completely anti-climatic storytelling. Lets not even talk about its poor Aliens homage attempt and completely destroying the Borg myth. As for DSC - it is not perfect, but I also don't think all of it is so bad as the internet-popular-opinion-mob shouts everywhere. Season 2 was definitely a step up, loved Pike, wished it was more ensemble and less central character driven. When it did have some crew moments, I thought it was great. I have arrange myself with general aesthetics like for ship designs, uniforms and gadgets. What I still have problems with is that the tech portrayal still feels far to advanced for something that predates TNG. Curious to see were season 3 will go. With the new Picard show, I am just glad we are going forward in the timeline and that TOS plays absolutely no role. After almost 20 years of nothing but prequels in proximity and a terrible, terrible reboot, I think we have paid enough tribute here.
  11. What accessories for Iceman are you thinking of Mommar, you mean the ice glacier slide he produces? That would be cool, but then I would rather have him in the riders line. I wonder what body they will use for him, should hopefully be the Silver Surfer one. And it would have been nicer to pair Iceman with Firestar instead of Storm in the Vintage line.
  12. One is not forced to build and display in Evolve mode. Sure it was not in CCA, but I would counter argue and say that the RG Nu appearance was not in the movie either. The HGUC or dare I say the original MG make a much better case with cleaner surfaces.
  13. I happen to like the Evolve mode of the Nu Gundam and ironically find it to be a far better implementation in comparison to what the MG RX-0 does. As for the RG Nu Gundam, it doesn't look right to me. The knees don't properly taper into the shins, the segregated lower front ankle guard looks awkward and only accentuates the "straight shin" problem. Then the feet look ugly due to a pronounced arch and heel. Then we have the abdomen and lower torso area that seems ill-proportioned compared to the waist. The added antenna sitting on the right chest is an unnecessary addition and the shoulder pauldrons have to many cuts and creases.
  14. Though asking price. If Bandai is clever they could really kill Arcadia by announcing a HMR VF-0 and SV-51 now. To bad we don't have something akin to MG or PG Valkyrie releases, I think we are at a point where this is much needed.
  15. Enjoyed this too. Can anyone say if what happens in "Helping Hand" is actually a possibility? Personally I would say it's a no.
  16. I have given up finding Thing on European shores for a reasonable price. Is there anyone here willing to hook me up with one from your local Walgreens for normal retail price? Padded envelope should suffice, I'll take the risk. Your expenses will of course be covered.
  17. Excellent! Now I don't need to worry about delegating funds for a potential DX VF-1S this year.
  18. For anyone that might still be wavering. First half of the vid compares the Custom against the original Re-GZ.
  19. I'm only interested in the Legioss jets. It's part of the shows title, but the Mospeada bikes have always left me cold.
  20. Lots of good ML reveals, my random thoughts on some of them: Hulk - Spot on head, sculpted ripped trousers, extra hands and butterfly-joints at the shoulders. What more could you want? Wish he was a single release, FA Wolverine does nothing for me. Sorry but that original face mask design looks so goofy. Union Jack - Seems to have now switched from the Sunfire body on previous showings to the BuckyCap one, feels like downgrade. 80th anniversary sub-line - Don't like that it has to share with movie stuff, should have been dedicated to comics only. 80th Cap and Iron Man - They both look great, will pick them up even though I personally prefer IM and Cap to have modern and contemporary looks, instead of the classic ones (still hoping for an ANAD Captain America). 80th Thor - Hope they will eventually also make an updated modern look for him. Vintage X-Men wave - Like the new Cyclops visor effects, but not fond of the X-Factor suit. I'm actually surprised they went with the X-Factor appearance, would have thought Hasbro would reissue the Jim Lee version acknowledging that they seriously messed up distribution the first time. And finally a Dazzler that won't peg warm. Colossus and Juggernaut - Colossus looks great. Never completed the Juggernaut wave, so this is a nice two-pack for me. At this point it should be clear to collectors that every BaF figure will eventually be re-released one way or another, so complaining about it is just naive. Hasbro is out to get that ROI. Cannonball - A clear pass from me. I am not spending 20+ bucks on a half static figure. This is typical Hasbro penny pinching either/or mentality. They are fully capable of producing an effects part that could be clamped around a working lower body. X-Force wave - Excited about Nightcrawler and Mr. Sinister, a must have bad guy. Spider-Man movie wave - Yay to bendable Scorpion tail and Julia Carpenter. Could see Hasbro quickly following up with a JC Madame Web figure. Hydroman's forearms look very similar to the one from Sandman, just "watery". Doppelgänger - a shame, such a terrible body reuse.
  21. That is cool package hommaging. Some of the others I would like to see Hasbro/Takara take a poke at: Magnum Ferrari 308 GTB BttF Delorean A-Team GMC Van Airwolf Aliens Dropship
  22. Can't really put my finger on it. I suppose it will be a quality toy, but momentarily I could not convince myself to spend that money on it and I never even had the Yamato version. This in contrast to having no problems spending the cash and pre-ordering MP Optimus ver. 3.0.
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