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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. What a waste of money. If you want a proper Star Convoy, then get MMC's Stellarus Prominon. And I say this as someone who has yet to buy into any 3P offering.
  2. Return of Mullet... sorry Superman. Incoming October next year according to Medicom. https://www.taghobby.com/archives/504084
  3. For those that still need TV Fast Packs, Bandai is selling another round of them starting tomorrow 16:00h local time. https://hobby.dengeki.com/news/1121591/
  4. This feels like an amalgamation of the previous two MG Hi-Nu Gundams to me. Anyway looking forward to getting my grubs on MG Gundam MK-V
  5. Not really seeing this superiority everyone is claiming with Azalea, a decent try but by no means light years ahead of MP-51. She looks like she has been given stilts as lower leg replacements, feet are too simple almost like door stoppers, unsightly knee-bend due to the knee-caps not moving properly, the back of the legs are not very clean, hips seem strangely disconnected to the crotch, chest sits in the right place, but then it is ruined by not tapering properly into the abdomen area and having a rounded appearance instead of stronger canted edges, she is also missing a proper collar piece and her face design is neither here nor there. From straight on Azalea gives me this wooden marionette design vibe. MP Arcee is not perfect, but I can tolerate her flaws better. There is no need for Takara to use 3P as a template for their MPs.
  6. Seems to have gone unnoticed, just realised that Bandai is doing Hi-Metal R for Dragonar!
  7. New Legioss Armo Soldier articulated kits being done by Wave, only 11 cm tall. Aramaki supposedly had a hand in this. https://www.taghobby.com/archives/494486
  8. Like me, I believe there are plenty of other fans out there that consider the robot mode the primary aspect in Transformers and not alt-mode accuracy. That might work for other franchises like Macross, but I think is wrongly applied to Transformers which is rooted in sentient robots with distinct personalities. Personally I think Maverick is a terrible looking robot and prime example of what happens when the priorities are set wrong. Ugly silhouette and proportions Undefined long tube-like legs High-heel looking feet Ill-defined waist, abdomen with belly syndrome and a torso piece that does not even sit flush Low hanging shoulders Terrible plastic colour and paint application Main wings just hanging out Vertical stabilizers just hanging out No amount repainting into Macross Valkyries, Leader-1 or whatever will save this thing or make it look good. And the same basically goes for Gigawatt, a giant square block tacked on to a pair of legs that Hasbro had lying around - zero effort.
  9. Yatte yaruze! Sentinel's Dancouga is a great quality toy. Appearance, proportions, articulation, die-cast parts, heft and paint - it all goes together nicely. Weak point would probably be the smaller bots - Eagle Fighter, Black Cougar and Land Liger they are kind of "meh". But lets be honest nobody is buying this for the individual robots - it is all about the combined form. Currently can't decide if I like TV or OVA wing pack to go with Dancouga. I gave Black Wing on his back a try - not my favourite combination, but was surprised that it does not cause stability issues (Black Wing also has die-cast). Personally I would recommend this over Bandai's SOC version anytime, it's more expensive but well worth it.
  10. Surprised Medicom went with Sensational Spider-Man as follow-up instead of the more popular black suit, but it looks great with that big sculpted spider symbol. It essentially repurposes the previous Spider-Man body style, but is not really reusing a lot of the same parts. Only the masked heads, neck, waist piece, upper thighs and the joints seem to be identical.
  11. I have one on pre-order with Amazon Japan.
  12. Thanks for the heads-up! My PO has sunk to as low as 19.4K Yen now. Looking forward to getting this in my hand next year.
  13. If anybody is still looking to get the re-issue full pack set, it is available for per-order at Anime-Export right now. http://www.anime-export.com/product/49396
  14. I would prefer a proper ab-cruch and double-jointed knees, instead of faking the wings.
  15. New Starscream is looking better and better, even alt-mode is perfectly workable for me as I see Takara trying to go for consistency across all modes by following the cartoon jet design rather than trying to fit in a real world one. Sure if you are after a real world "as accurate" representation of a fighter jet, then this is not what it should be. But then again I wouldn't be looking for something like that in transforming toys based in a franchise of walking, talking robots with personality, that's just setting yourself up for continuous disappointment and frustration. If I am not mistaken there are at least in total nine new MP/MPM toys since Bee v2, but who is counting right? Takara is definitely not properly prioritising their releases...
  16. While it is probably inevitable that comparisons with MP-28 will be drawn, don't forget that it is a victim of its time for cheap MP target pricing and the old design philosophy. A MP Hot Rod with Takara's current design MO would have much better aesthetics and proportions, but then you will have people complaining about fake parts, price, complexity etc.. That being said I am actually a bit surprised that the fake chest has more or less been accepted for SS86 Hot Rod without too much heavy opposition to it. As for Hasui doing the design on the SS86 version - I am not inclined to think so. Focusing on proportions by using alternate robot pieces and excelling at articulation are things he doesn't really have a good handle on. The rotating hip-skirt within the waist housing is something that has been employed with MP Hound and Bee v2 and to me an indication that some of the current MP designers are also providing their assistance on the SS86 line.
  17. Mafex Psylocke - planned release August 2021, more likely January 2022. https://www.taghobby.com/archives/479597
  18. Does this hinge allow the VF to pivot its arms forward? Seems like a USP that none of the others have, and would provide some nice arm articulation options.
  19. That Starscream is shaping up nicely, the feet, lower legs and chest intakes all look appropriate. And I just love that Takara places an emphasis on engineering great articulation into their MP toys. Expecting this to be around 35k Yen, never liked any of the existing toys so I'm in regardless.
  20. I'm pretty sure this is what Takara does, just a page back there is line drawings for Starscream or remember that previewed colour drawing of Optimus for MP-44. Takara knows just as much as we do that the G1 cartoon holds crap for consistency, so they are making base template designs for near as possible cartoon resemblance (there is no EXACT). Lets not pretend Takara are a bunch of amateurs using random cartoon still frames for their designs. Ironically with Netflix Transformers the Hasbro/Takara base design logic has just been practised in reverse with all those original retail toy compromises and shortcuts ending up in "glorious" CG animation. Needles to say the approach has not been universally embraced. Personally I think the hybrid style interfered too much with the earlier MP robot appearance and proportions, but arguing aesthetics is moot. What does irritate me with this type of discussion though, is the undertone amongst Transfans (intentionally or not) that those that might prefer a closer on-screen approximation are considered morons for entertaining Takara's offerings. I fail to understand why it is an issue or what exactly is baffling and wack about some fans preferring the original cartoon design? It's no different than people wanting their YF-21 being paper thin in fighter and dynamic looking in Battroid mode, insisting there be no collar on a VF-1, and landing gear being white etc. etc. ... And the reasons are exactly the same, it was portrayed that way in the anime (or lineart), but here we don't have fans being alienated as "stupid" for wanting such things in a toy.
  21. Starscream is looking good in those drawings. No raised head Intake ramps have a nice curvature to them (looks like they are collapsible to make them straight for fighter mode) Forearms are not stubby and fat Tapered biceps Chest intakes align with the rest of the body Lower legs are angular with only the back calf part being rounded Finally some proper feet that don't look like weird high heels No more split wings The only thing I don't like is how the leading wing edges go below the pelvis with that squarish back plate. Can't wait to see what type of articulation Takara has implemented in this guy.
  22. So far the right cues on the aesthetics seem to be there - no raised collar, tapered bicep and chest intakes line up with the lower torso parts. TagHobby
  23. That animated Batman looks fantastic, and I really need to pick up the current Wolverine before he goes out of stock.
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