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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. My hope is that Bandai wraps up their DX SDF/DYRL line with a 1/48 VF-4. But preferably not reusing the Yamato template, I would like to have a much better Battroid that does the lineart more justice.
  2. Code Geass finally coming to Metal Build. Where there is a Guren, there must also be a Lancelot Albion! https://www.taghobby.com/archives/569905
  3. It seems Takara is giving us a Masterpiece sub-line called MPG, which Raiden is going to be a part of. I guess this is the toyline where all the combiners will go. https://www.taghobby.com/archives/569888 Wouldn't be my preference, but at this point I am expecting the individual combiner robot scaling to be incompatible with the regular MP line. I hope I'm wrong about it.
  4. Oooh... A VF-1 Battroid with the same articulation like their Siege or BB Movie Optimus would so awesome. Smooth torso movement/ab-crunch, double jointed shoulders and knees, forward pivoting shoulders, slick thigh swivel, multi angle feet, plus a set of TV AND DYRL hands... mouthwatering.
  5. VF-5000B Star Mirage?
  6. It's not taking from any design, it's inspired by previous iterations of Bumblebee but is essentially their own design. I like how Threezero's MDLX line is shaping up. At 12cm this is similar in size as MP-45, so I am hoping that their Optimus scales the same with MP-44.
  7. If you are in the EU, then you would have to look up the Zavvi online shop for your country. They are selling Star Saber for 210€.
  8. I'm in too, love that tail-light gun feature! I think it's good that Cliffjumper is utilising the base structure of MP-45, because that means he is going to be a fun and poseable little bugger. Also looking forward to the reveal of all his accessories, maybe the antenna and gun to attach on his bonnet or even better his glass gas setup - would be a nice tie-in with MP-55 Nightbird. Never shared any of the issues others had with MP-45, transformation is a tiny bit fiddly, but nothing that is irritating or aggravating. My biggest contention point is how the folded rear bumper hinders the range of waist swivel and that I can never get his gun to tab in the hand properly. I wouldn't be worried about bot mode, I mean this image already speaks volumes. On the right is a nicely proportioned - still in prototype stage - robot which will correctly transform into the super deformed car. On the left you have clumsy looking super deformed robot which will incorrectly transform into a properly proportioned car. I know which side I want to be on.
  9. Not officially announced, but it seems MP Cliffjumper is coming. https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/mp-cliffjumper-prototype.1217784/page-29#post-19446542
  10. I watched this over the weekend, I'm fine with the story so far, but I was also somewhat disappointed that it didn't have more He-Man. My thoughts: The intro in the first episode for everyone to get to speed was disappointing with the usage of comic or classic toy art. I would have preferred it to homage the original cartoon more. To me (Evil)-Lynn, Man-At-Arms and Roboto were the most likeable characters in this. Also is Andra a completely new character, my memory can't recall her from the original show? I don't like the in-universe split of magic being something entirely different from science. I question the necessity of this being a spiritual continuation of the original show, it feels like there is a lot of force injecting of universe mythology into something that never really had it. I think the 200x cartoon would have been a better platform to work with and continue. While watching this I couldn't help feel that the story setup and angle seemed strangely familiar, but it wasn't until today that it occurred to me what it was - Justice League Dark: Apokolips War. Same sort of thing, heroes head to action, it goes wrong, post-battle there is outfall, we follow from the viewpoint of one of the betrayed and the build up of a rag-tag band, that need to fix things because there is imminent total destruction. At least the DC title makes it unmistakeable that it is not going to be standard Superman/Batman fare.
  11. That is the same upgrade I posted above. Apparently the person doing this is not quite finished with designing the parts and will be teaming up with Dr. Wu. https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/tim_heada-mpm12-arm-replacement-kit.1217872/ Personally those new arms fix a lot of the priority issues I have with MPM-12. The shoulder pauldrons actually move with the arm, arm length is proportionate and the forearms are not super wide as well as getting rid of that aesthetically displeasing cab door section behind them.
  12. Also MP Crosscut got some better release images.
  13. More from MP-55 Nightbird. Unfortunately no image with her and alternate face.
  14. Haha! You are evil for having us all associate with that image from now on. 😄
  15. In case anyone is on the fence about getting MPM-12 because of the issues, there might be a solution coming up. https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/mpm-12-optimus-prime-bumblebee-movie.1208361/page-129#post-19352251
  16. https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/mp-55-nightbird.1217459/page-15#post-19378277
  17. Thanks for that @no3Ljm! It looks like the Battroid head for Arad's AX is wearing a red headband that is pulled down along the eyebrows.
  18. I prefer my figures to each have individual sculpting for their suit and gear instead of awkward fitting addendum stuff on a base bucks, more consistent and accurate paint, female characters that have the same range of articulation as their male counterparts, double joints on elbows and knees that actually provide more than right angle bends and more accessories for the character instead of a piece that belongs to another figure. So I am pretty comfortable with the 90% more effort the Mafex figures have over ML and definitely well worth it to spend the extra $60. Out of curiosity, if you are convinced the MLs are that good why are you buying Mafex - you do get them right?
  19. Without the moving neck or drumbell setup for the head, this figure will be a fail for any type of flying pose, it would be crazy for Medicom to omit that. I am convinced you will be able to pivot the shoulders around those rings. Also you forget that the ML does not have the double crunch and torso tilt option like Mafex figures have. A linear ab-crunch and waist swivel can only do so much, so no it is not just toe joint and dynamic wrists. Marvel Legends are average to good figures for their price, but lets not pretend that 25 dollars gets you parity or more against Japanese offerings.
  20. The Mafex version will incorporate their usual figure articulation, why would they reduce that? toe joint ankles can rotate left/right, hinge up/down and tilt double jointed knees, hidden (!) leg swivel pull down hips for better forward and outward leg motion waist crunch torso crunch, tilt and swivel rotating hands with the option to either hinge up/down or left/right double jointed elbows, bicep swivel shoulder assembly that allows for up/down, rotating and pivoting ball jointed neck and double ball joint setup for head So their is more compared to a ML and IMO their articulation scheme feels more seamless and natural.
  21. The individual cockpits and pilot figures are really classy, really gives Voltron some depth and a sense of scale.
  22. Very similar, but only one of them will give you much better articulation. Wishful thinking, but I hope they quickly get around to doing either Bleeding Edge or the black/gold Marvel Now! version. As exciting as all these previews are, my enthusiasm is once again dampened by another round of delays for Gambit and Animated Batman.
  23. I am linking this 31AX design update, the new wing profile looks nicer instead of the previous forward swept ones. Will try my luck at pre-ordering. Do we know if the Battroid head designs have been changed or tweaked for the AX in any way?
  24. So I just spied this from TFW2005, it looks like MP-53+ Crosscut is on the way.
  25. Sorry for some late replies, couldn't get to it earlier... Thanks for the explanation and clearing that up. I can't say for sure, but it probably boils down to how certain alt-modes have (for better or worse) been consistently depicted and that in turn has burned its way as a sort of de-facto design approach into the fans collective visual conscience. The original Starscream toy had the blocky undercarriage, the cartoon didn't really change anything and I am assuming the comics (never read them) didn't put emphasis to fix that either. So for a big chunk of that generation of kids it is fine to have that. That doesn't necessarily mean those fans think the design approach is the best way for jets, it's just that the particular depiction of jet alt-mode has become a part of the character. It is also for the same reasons you will not have fans happy if a new Cyclonus toy ended up with a big block on his underside, when the original toy, cartoon depiction and the comics (again assuming) kept it clean. Hmm... I should have probably worded my comment a bit more specific in that I meant G1 Cartoon die-hards and casual fans of a specific age demographic. I did not intend to speak for all, nor do I have the desire to do that in any capacity. If we are just going by the order of what became a reality first, then sure there is no contest - Diaclone toys, comics and last the cartoon. But was everyone's personal order of exposure to Transformers the same and which of the three had the biggest impact to generate a certain perception of what Transformers are or should look like? Not every kid was privileged to have the first Transformers branded Diaclone toys and I would argue that the cartoon had the greatest reach to get kids hooked on the toy line (it was 20 minutes advertising after all). As a kid I didn't have any S1/S2 toys, my first contact with Transformers was through the cartoon and I definitely wasn't so analytical as you were. I was content at seeing bright colours, moving pictures and good guy vs. bad guy robots. That's what they looked like or transformed into, I did not have any other basis or rendition in hand to compare against. Anyway, if you want more Diaclone real robot in your Transformers, then that's fine too and more power to you. Everyone should have a chance to get what they want. It is definitely subjective, but I feel there is a bit of a misconception as to what my preferences are. It is true that I like the later MPs, but not solely because they are closest to the cartoon look, but for their general design approach of providing a streamlined, kibble free and a well proportioned robot with a higher degree of engineering for articulation and transformation that is worthy of the Masterpiece tag. If we can pull that off with the proper alt-mode parts and robo greeblies, but not end up with big wheel pouches, hip kibble, wing kibble, long arms or short legs, wide chest/beer belly, big gaps, hollow spaces, basic articulation and five minute cup noodle transformation engagement, then by all means I am open for having that. I will be the first one to tell you that Ultra Magnus or Ironhide/Ratchet are just as much weak entries like the other Hasui stuff even if they are more on the cartoon side of things, because they share a lot of the same issues. In regards to the latest updates MP-55 Nightbird Bit of a surprise entry as I thought the easy choice for Takara was Lifeline (Paradron Medic), but on the other hand it probably makes sense to put a slight invest to the mould as Arcee in teal colours does not feel like a seller item. I think I might pick this up, she should fit in with my Autocons sub-line collection currently consisting of Exhaust, Loudpedal and Nemesis Prime. Actions Toys Ultimetal That is very much Studio Ox designs if I am not mistaken. Interesting, but not for me. ThreeZero MDLX Design style is appealing to me, a sort of G1 update I can get behind because the robots are still kibble free and no proportion issues. BB looks good to go, for Optimus they should tone down those front ankle guards and make his feet narrower and less flat. Also the protruding chest is not really to my liking, hopefully they tweak that too. Flame Toys The design style is not for me, but as always their stuff looks the quality.
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