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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. The Hi-Spec toy looks softer and more rounded compared to the HMR with its stronger edges and angles. What was the size of the Orguroid from MegaHouse? I remember wanting to have one, but back then it felt too pricey for me.
  2. On the topic of backpacks, it might be worth pointing out that the one on MS-02 is a bit too wide which breaks the upper body silhouette to some degree. MS unfortunately did not engineer the truck roof top collapse inwards, so your left with this somewhat unsightly bracket around the body. The hands throw me off, I like that their fully articulated, but at the same time it looks ugly because all the fingers are the same length.
  3. I can only hope that Sentinel never entertain any engagement with HG or Toynami. Riobot Legioss is such a great toy, that it should not be tarnished by those two companies. Maybe it is a good thing that the Riobot Legioss is a pricier toy, I doubt HG/Toynami could convince Robotech heads to actually invest that money in a proper toy.
  4. For a prototype that Battroid is already looking promising, hopefully the articulation is going to allow for some fun posing. That compact and dynamic verve in Battroid is something that is completely lost in all the modern transforming toys or model kits.
  5. They actually did copy the poses of that cover (minus DC embargo toy machine gun) for their promo.
  6. Nemesis Superm... The Dark Knight Falls Superman and Armored Batman, release in December.
  7. Magazine scans and what I assume is some background info on how the YF-19 was designed.
  8. And don't forget to reissue the Mk. I !!! Interested to see how the HMR compares against R3 version.
  9. Good to know, thanks guys. Hopefully we get a Nikick to go along with the Orguss, but seeing that the Dragonar stuff didn't yield a Falguen, I'm not holding my breath.
  10. Not big on the VF-19 Kai, but crossing my fingers this leads to a VF-19F/S release.
  11. Classic visor, faceplate and four head lasers - that's what makes this the variant that matters!
  12. I can live with a bundle, I just hope the clear packs also come with optional opaque pieces. Investing 100+ Euro on Strike Packs a couple of pieces of add-on plastic has been too absurd for me and so my VF-1S Hikaru has been naked all this time.
  13. Looks fine to me, I'm (still) in. Unlike with the Yamato one there is actually a proper Battroid mode to be had.
  14. So any guesses as to the size/scale is this Orguss?
  15. Better images of... Metal Build Shin Getter 1/Tarak Was hoping Sentinel would reissue their Riobot Shin Getter, this will be interesting to find out how the MB compares. Metal Build Lancelot Albion Look great, but will probably skip it the minute I find out cockpit is void of a pilot again (just like Guren). Sounds terribly pedantic, but things like that irk me to no end. Metal Build Sirbine
  16. I think you are asking to much of Hasbro. They probably don't have command of the G1JP cartoons like they do with the Sunbow, so it would mean licensing and distribution discussions. These are 30+ year old cartoons now with an inclination of Japanese/Asian story telling and themes, not sure that is going to really attract a new audience. The greater audience – who is that exactly going to be? Those that are buying into Star Saber and Deathsaurus already know who they are and don't need the cartoon as an introduction. It's doubtful your average mum and dad, auntie/uncle or grandparents buying toys for the kids know of or care about Haslab/Pulse, so the cartoon won't help. Even if today's kids got to know Victory and started nagging their family for the Haslab offerings, the sticker price would instantly kill any discussions to be had. Licencing, dubbing and maybe editing an old cartoon for a western audience in the hopes of increasing the user base for Haslab would be a poor ROI for Hasbro.
  17. I keep forgetting we have this wonderful thread for cool toy action posing pictures...
  18. Sentinel's next Riobots are going to be Tetsujin 28 FX and Black Ox. https://www.taghobby.com/archives/663550 https://www.taghobby.com/archives/663555
  19. It was the same for me, from all those preview images it just did not look right – especially the lower part of legs felt like it was wrongly proportioned – but once in hand any issues I had were gone. The design style has really grown on me and can appreciate it, in a way it feels like an in-between of MG Ver.Ka (Izubuchi's original design) and the first MG with the revised look that Izubuchi did on it. Also I just want to say that it feels so gratifying to have the Hi-Nu able stand with all the funnels attached and not toppling over or needing something to lean against.
  20. Anybody else have the Sentinel's Riobot Mazinkaiser? Getting a lot of enjoyment out of it, really like the articulation and accessories this toy has.
  21. Optimus Prime with GBP-1S armour... meh, not my cup of tea. I guess FM-01 (why are they calling themselves Fans Models now?) is going to be their Masterpiece OP.
  22. lechuck

    Hi-Metal R

    So that raises the question – what is Bandai doing differently with their VF-0S (transformation) to achieve better scale compatibility compared to Arcadia?
  23. This! I just don't get the disinterest on Bismark, did the show perform that bad in Japan back in the day? Or is WEP doing a HG and having some type of stranglehold on the licence? Anyway some fresh pics of SOC Mazinkaizer SKL. More at https://www.taghobby.com/archives/622667.
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