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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. I am hoping they get around to making the Ozma variant with the much better head design. And knowing my luck that would be the one they decide to do as P-Bandai.
  2. It's up on Amazon JP for anyone that wants to get this delivered real fast. https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B0C4KZLR84/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  3. Netflix is reviving the Transformers: Forged to Fight game.
  4. Blitzway's Mazinkaiser toy to rule them all?
  5. Did anyone catch that there seem to be two versions of the intro in the final episode of Picard?
  6. Not to mention that 90% of MG kits are now P-Bandai only. The once mighty MG line has become a shadow of itself lately.
  7. Was teased, but Bandai is too busy pumping out non-canon Valkyrie variants that nobody asked for.
  8. Useful scale is pretty much crap for any of the offerings. In fiction the Orguss is listed as being 8.7 m tall. HMR at 17 cm ~ 1/51 Moderoid at 16 cm ~ 1/54 Variable Action at 21 cm ~ 1/41 Why is it so hard for these companies to design the Orguss with a more universal scale like 1/35, 1/48 or 1/60 in mind?
  9. Maybe 1/35 scale? Plamax looks bigger and they don't seem as small as the old 1/48 Actic Gear stuff from Takara.
  10. Hopefully the HG comes as close to that Battroid silhouette as possible. Agree. Although I could see Gamlin's 22S going retail to coincide with a Basara VF-19 Kai when they get around to it.
  11. When the Ent-D fired its phasers taking out a big chunk of Borg cube after initially being held by their tractor beam. Or when the stardrive and saucer section provided enough resistance to rescue Picard. I never said that the Galaxy-class could outright beat the Borg, but it was/is able to hold on to a certain point and not immediately fall over like you make it out to be. I wonder if the Defiant was rated as threat by the Borg cube during First Contact, probably more like an irritating fly to them. Having familiarity with something IS practical. The finer detail to this is that the Lakota was actually also holding back, it wasn't until Admiral Leyton ordered Captain Benteen to go all out with their weapons that the Lakota stood down.
  12. Not sure what you are trying to tell me here? The Enterprise-D had to deal with a Borg cube twice on its own and held on damn well admirably. A starship design not intended for battle, no ablative armour, no pulse phasers and no quantum torpedoes to the rescue. It too was deemed spaceworthy and repairable by Starfleet after its battle. And as I mentioned above, if it were not for the suicide attack, we basically saw again how an unprepared Galaxy class would soak up a heck of beating to survive and still keep as much of the crew alive on that initial Dominion encounter and would later become Starfleet's most veritable and valuable asset in the Dominion war. I am not really questioning the Defiant's qualities, it has its place. I just don't subscribe to the dogma that only that ship is good enough for battle because "built for Borg". The Defiant is an option, but not necessarily THE option. Besides, why would a command crew not take the ship they know the ins and outs of best over a ship they've never set foot on (except Worf) - that makes no sense. I would think humans would function better in an environment that is more familiar to them. Drama effect? Defiant and Voyager weren't exactly immune to that either. And I never claimed that the Galaxy-class is unbeatable or could not be surpassed. Of course the Enterprise-D (or Galaxy class) without any current Starfleet tech. upgrades is going to have a tough time, but that basically applies to the museum piece Defiant as well. Pretty absurd musing if you ask me, not once did I get any type of inclination like this from Geordi these past couple of episodes. Broken? He has had a good Starfleet career, has a family, brought up and shaped his daughters as decent people. Sure there was that disagreement with career path of one of the daughters, but that's already been resolved and it wasn't a catastrophic breakdown in relationship. As for his Enterprise-D project – it's just a pastime that gave him fulfilment, pride and joy, nothing more and nothing less. Maybe it took the twenty years because he wasn't constantly at it and spending time with his family? Or it took time to source a star drive section... or the right computer core... or warp core...? And flying into battle with a ship that has been rebuilt with the heart and soul of its former main engineer can not really be a bad thing. I remember the Defiant having a lot of trouble getting past a heavily upgraded Excelsior-class U.S.S. Lakota and only gaining the upper hand after some creative thinking. Now imagine the Defiant going up against a "fit for Dominion war" Galaxy-class of that time.
  13. ...On the Federation's first Dominion encounter with a ship not purposely built for attack or defence against a certain species, not having enough time for a counter measure against phased polaron beams that broke down their shields and most of all not expecting the Jem'Hadar going full suicide attack on their retreat. If it wasn't for that last bit the Odyssey would have actually survived - the Galaxy class swallowed all that prior beating despite not having any fancy ablative armour or adequate fire power. And let's not forget that the same Galaxy class became Starfleet's backbone in the Dominion war tasked with providing firepower against Cardassian, Breen and Dominion battleships.
  14. I see this sort of defacto argument so often for the Defiant to be THE Wunderwaffe against the Borg. It might have been designed for that intent, but its ineffectiveness was pretty much proven in First Contact. This so called Borg busting starship was actually being busted up by the Borg, heck even in DS9 the Defiant often times was struggling against Jem'Hadar attack fighters for all its supposedly superior firepower and defensive capabilities.
  15. Hah... the coincidence, just recently acquired one for myself too. So many accessories, I feel like Bandai should have added a second X0 Gundam in the package so I can put it all to use.
  16. Sentinel being going Brave – Metamor Force Dagwon
  17. It is a damn fine time to be Mazinger/Mazinkaiser fan, more of Blitzway's Mazinkaiser.
  18. MG Zeta Ver.Ka is imminent, came across this first look on my YT feeds. Looks fantastic as ever when you tackle Gunpla @anubis20! You mentioned your Metal Build can be retired, is it that much better – where does the MGEX excel in your opinion?
  19. So any (updated) Legioss in this Genesis Breaker story or why is it getting the shaft?
  20. Just watched ep. 9 last night and what can I say... YES, YES and YEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!! (with double fists!) – Starfleet's finest and best starship is back, Galaxy class forever! Now if the wormhole beings are with me, there will be a saucer separation and we finally get to see the stardrive section in full glorious battle action. Also it is interesting that Geordi/producers didn't go with the updated bridge layout from Generations, personally I kind of liked the additional consoles along the side pathways.
  21. Just watched Ep. 6 and... again with the Section 31 nonsense. I'm not even sure where we stand with this group - are they now officially part of Starfleet? I swear... I despise DS9 for ever introducing this diametrically opposed crap into the Star Trek universe - it's a concept that should have no place there! For three decades Star Trek told us that humans and human society has evolved - dropped our ego, not selfish, become an open, equal and transparent society. But... oh wait... because the people behind DS9 thought ST needed be more edgier ("because TNG was so unsuccessful with its approach") we get Section 31, a secret group bereft of any moral and ethical conscience, scheming and plotting for maintaining or gaining power over other species or galactic unions. Surprise... humans aren't that cool and evolved after all. Ugh... And here we are three decades later, still dealing with this stupidity DS9 introduced with almost every new ST series we get. We can be mad for Kurtzman and cohorts continuing to run with the idea, but the real blame goes to those people in charge of DS9 back in the day.
  22. More SRW - Compatible Kaiser https://www.taghobby.com/archives/698140
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