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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. Ash like snow... Ash like snow... Had some free time to spend on the Dynames. Definitely a great entry for MB line, love that sniper rifle.
  2. Maybe 1/100 only applies to fighter mode? What are the actual measurements for the two Battroids, would be nice to know if any of those properly scale to those official specs?
  3. Thanks! Indeed it is the SOC Mazinkaiser SKL. Honestly it is a bit of a disappointing attempt by Bandai, most of the articulation doesn't have good range and the biggest offender is when attaching the two guns to the chest. They do not lock in securely enough and will easily pop-out when touching it from certain angles due to how rounded the chest is. Unless you are a die hard SOC collector or big fan of SKL, it should not be priority purchase. My hope is that Sentinel might take a stab at it in their Riobot line.
  4. Not official Metal Build, but it is possible to achieve that now with some third party offering a replacement metal frame for the MG Hi-Nu Ver.Ka. TLX 1/100 TLX-04 Metal Frame Upgrade Kit for MG RX-93-2 Hi-Nu Gundam Ver.Ka Point Factory Studio 1/100 Alloy Frame Upgrade Kit for MG RX-93-ν2 Hi-ν Gundam Ka Versio
  5. Already? I thought pre-orders don't start until 13/09. Anyway I pre-ordered, not making the same mistake like I did with the Dynames, having to spend even more on the secondary market.
  6. Nice. Now imagine walking in there and asking the store clerk when the latest Transformers will be incoming. 🤪😄 Hopefully we get to see something like this in Europe, but I'm guessing it would probably end up in London or Paris not anywhere in Germany. Right in line with every other nerd/geek boutique shop out there, followed by people catching on that prices are too high, less visitors/buyers, no new stock, shop going into a lull sitting on old stock and finally closure after a brief couple of years. We will have to see how long corporate Bandai will want to entertain something like this outside Japan.
  7. The greatest victory is that which requires no battle or in trend speak – total ownage! After all these years, this is to me is still a great TNG/Picard moment.
  8. Review from schizophonic. Part 1 Part 2
  9. lechuck

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    Just catching up with the latest pictures and this to me doesn't seem like great engineering. For something that will probably be around 250€ in price I would expect better range for leg/hip articulation and not having to worry about denting or scraping bits on the toy.
  10. This is so bad. Why bother with saucer separation if the battle head is going to be bland and incorrectly sculpted. Then we have thick edges around the pylons and rear, the warp nacelles missing the lower socket part that connects to the pylon, saucer impulse engines all red, main impulse engine sculpted wrong and ugly seam lines everywhere. It's like they took that age old AMT/ERTL model kit as basis and decided to make it even more uglier. Sorry, but Aoshima's Enterprise-D is still the best to me, there is nothing out there that beats it at the moment.
  11. Nice haul, that Strike Freedom Soul Blue must have been costly or did you somehow land a good deal? That's actually the price including tax, so the base price is 28,000 Yen. Definitely feels like Luna Park is price gouging, even compared to aftermarket prices of regular Concept 2 (sealed) we are talking anywhere from ~10k to 15k Yen markup. Not sure that is really worth it for a slightly different colour variation.
  12. For those curious, comparison between HMR and Hi-Spec.
  13. It's Evolution Toy and way to pricy. I'll wait for a proper 1/100 kit or maybe a HMR version to come around.
  14. Personally I still prefer the HMR version. Engineering and articulation on Sentinel's take will offer a much greater experience compared to the HMR, but I just don't like Takanori's stylistic approach. Those very wide hips and the generous spacing between the crotch makes the overall silhouette and proportion incohesive, the very angular edges on the upper thighs vs. the rounded lower legs is jarring, giving it high heels instead of the flat two pronged heel design is a distinction that gets lost for the Mk.II and the exaggerated chest clamps don't do it any favours either.
  15. https://www.taghobby.com/archives/726925
  16. L-Gaim getting the Sentinel RIOBOT treatment. https://www.taghobby.com/archives/725924
  17. Didn't expect this... L-Gaim as the latest entry to the line. https://www.taghobby.com/archives/725924
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