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Posts posted by lechuck

  1. This is so bad.  Why bother with saucer separation if the battle head is going to be bland and incorrectly sculpted. Then we have thick edges around the pylons and rear, the warp nacelles missing the lower socket part that connects to the pylon, saucer impulse engines all red, main impulse engine sculpted wrong and ugly seam lines everywhere.

    It's like they took that age old AMT/ERTL model kit as basis and decided to make it even more uglier.

    Sorry, but Aoshima's Enterprise-D is still the best to me, there is nothing out there that beats it at the moment.

  2. On 8/7/2023 at 3:57 AM, mog_kupo said:

    Last month was a good one




    Nice haul, that Strike Freedom Soul Blue must have been costly or did you somehow land a good deal?

    1 hour ago, Scyla said:

    Luna Park has it for ¥49,800:


    ¥19,000 seems a bit steep to me.

    [edit:] The ¥30,800 is probably without the Japanese sales tax so the markup is not as steep.

    That's actually the price including tax, so the base price is 28,000 Yen. Definitely feels like Luna Park is price gouging, even compared to aftermarket prices of regular Concept 2 (sealed) we are talking anywhere from ~10k to 15k Yen markup.

    Not sure that is really worth it for a slightly different colour variation.

  3. Personally I still prefer the HMR version.

    Engineering and articulation on Sentinel's take will offer a much greater experience compared to the HMR, but I just don't like Takanori's stylistic approach.

    Those very wide hips and the generous spacing between the crotch makes the overall silhouette and proportion incohesive, the very angular edges on the upper thighs vs. the rounded lower legs is jarring, giving it high heels instead of the flat two pronged heel design is a distinction that gets lost for the Mk.II and the exaggerated chest clamps don't do it any favours either.

  4. 27 minutes ago, technoblue said:

    IMO, this release of Optimus is a strange one, especially when compared to the toy version of Megatron (MP-36+). The accessories are barebones and there is no trailer or Roller. There is no printed on detail. There is no remolding or even a toy-accurate head sculpt. It appears to be a budget version of MP-44 with toy stickers, silver thighs, and a variant of Convoy’s head sculpt with yellow eyes. 

    I was excited about the initial announcement but, now that the marketing shots are out there, I’m going to pass on this one. 

    The Diaclone Trailbreaker looks to be the better pick. But it’s a hard sell unless you are a die-hard official MP collector. Chances are most people with mixed MP collections have a good copy of one of the many third-party releases already.

    I think I might pick up MP-44S for novelty and curiosity, but I'm not big on using stickers either, that should not be a thing for MPs. On the other hand it gives fans the option to not completely be locked in with toy detailing and only having to contend with yellow eyes and silver colouring/striping if they don't want to spend the requested after-market prices for the OG MP-44 mould now. As for the trailer, plenty complained of having "yet another trailer accessory lying in the cupboard" and that it drove up the cost of MP-44 significantly (I don't quite subscribe to that). Now all of a sudden it is to little being offered, it's damned if you do or damned of you don't – Takara can never really win this.

  5. Amazon Japan pre-order pages are already up.

    Transformers Masterpiece MP-44S Optimus Prime (it's actually not named "Convoy" this time)
    Transformers Masterpiece MP-56+ Rigoras

    All the toy details on Prime are stickers, not tampo!?



    No factions symbols on Rigoras, so I guess stickers again. Also, the included force field accessory should have been included with MP-56 Trailbreaker in the first place.

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