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About Cancer107

  • Birthday 12/28/1976

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  1. Interesting! (with Millard Johnson voice). I've never seen anyone did the modification like this... hope your good luck on this project (I know your skill is very good enough, though).
  2. In my comment in that fg page, with a link to this forum I told the modeler that his model has been highly-praised also by foreign viewers
  3. @Antibiotictab お疲れ様です~! Dear all, I updated my blog. Please take a look if you have time.
  4. It was a surprise news at Tokyo Hobby Show. They didn't have any materials to show us besides the panel at that time. You can see from the panel; -Release date will be 2013 Summer -"More details will be announced on model magazines subsequently." Let's wait for their update.
  5. Putting illegal scan matter aside, the poster should at least write the original source for his conscience. @neoexcaliber This is a page of an article from Dengeki Hobby Magazine 2012 November issue. Details are as Reïvaj and Jefuemon mentioned. I think Sato-san wrote that he used YF-21 decals for scratch-built Sound Booster/FAST pack. (my copy just arrived last week...)
  6. Ah, Unfortunately I'm living in Phillipines now for my job assignment and can not attend to any events in Japan until 2014. It really really sucks. I hope you guys enjoy WF and other Macross 30th Anniv. events for me. I believe Save and some other MW menbers will be at WF, why don't you Mac-ota gaijin butai guys join up there? I only have 2 VFs and 1 Mobile Suit here... I have cement and abrasive papers but no paints. ●SVF-440"Dullahans" #417 Battloid by VF-1 RIDERS member, KOMATU-san. build with Hasegawa 1/72 YF-19, Gokigenseimitsu Battloid conversion kit and VF-1 RIDERS "Dullahans" decal set. this is not for sale... @PetarB Sorry that I still can not upload the pictures & texts about my VF-11s. I'm not forgetting about it. Please wait... @Gian Thank you! There is no "canon" in Macross and you can enjoy your own "Macross World". That is one point I love from Macross.
  7. My yellow VF-11 at 11:15 !! Thanks antibiotictab, glad to know someone noted our small VF-11 meeting.
  8. @Jefuemon @Wasabi-san @DarrinG My favorite is Mr.color, too! In Japan Tamiya and Mr.color are most selling brands. (Newer manufacturer "Gaia Notes" follows them, I think. Another brand "Finishers' color" is very high quality but they are expensive and most of them are for car models) Testor's Model Master, Humbrol are available at Rainbow 10 (I bought 2 of VF-11 "Nothung" there!), Valejo and Citadel Colour should be also available at those big hobby shops in Tokyo. But unfortunately I have never tried those brands. I prefer Mr.color best because there are many colors for aircraft, and painted surface is durable compared to Tamiya. The finishing of Tamiya acrylic XF (matt color) is very nice though. Tamiya enamel also can be sprayed and the finishing is quite nice, too. However I use Tamiya enamel only for washing. >pronunciation Hahaha... we pronounce it just ta-mi-ya without any accent but it would be no problem if it is Tammy-ya or Tamy-a. We pronounce Mr.Smith just like Mistaah Sumisu Oh, it is the thread for Jefuemon's VF-1! Sorry for being off-topic.
  9. Thank you for following-up! What they are talking is that; the total number of "Angel Birds" are 6, so if the number of people who want to join this project is more than 6, they may separate to the groups of ground display and in-flight display. (now we have 7 people in this project) If there's someone who can bring completed 1/48 VF-1 Angel Bird to Shizuoka, please sign up!
  10. Thank you for the information! Have you been a Mr. Color user back in the USA or you started to use them after you came to Japan? I'm curious about which brand is popular among modelers in the US. Anyway small touch of Flat Base is making very nice effect to the model in this scale. Ooops!!
  11. Congratulations on completing your collection, and they are very beautiful...!
  12. Jefuemon, It is really a great work! As the other people said, the washing is very nice. What kind of paint did you use for the base color (I mean, white, green and black) ?
  13. @Jefuemon, I introduced some blogs of VF-1 RIDERS members in my new entry to my blog. The guy of "Field Grey Modeling" is the one who made decal set for "project Dullahans". He is really a good modeler and his blog is worth to see.
  14. Surprised to see our club's name on the forum list. @Vi-RS Thank you for referring to my blog. I'm only one of members of VF-1 RIDERS. There's no way I can build so many Valks like that on my own. BTW I updated a new article to my blog. Hope you like it. @Jefuemon razgriz' comment is fairly accurate >How many members in VF-1 RIDERS? Not fixed. As you can see from the number of Valks displayed, Everytime we have around 20 of members. >where we locate We are only active on the Internet, Once in a year we meet at Shizuoka Hobby show / Annual Modelers Club Joint Exhibition. >How to join Anyone who can visit Shizuoka Hobby show / Annual Modelers Club Joint Exhibition which is held every May. Only you have to do is to bring your Valk with you. It is very nice if you can come from Sapporo next time. If you would like to see, I will post details to join. For your information, the guy who maintaining facebook page is not me, but our "squadron leader" (founder of the club). thanks!
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