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Everything posted by Gunbuster

  1. Hi Everyone, Just wanted to know if those who order from HLJ are having issues with their paypal payment system. I got a payment request from HLJ, but when I tried using the credit card option (I have done this many times in the past), it’s not accepting any of my Visa cards. I get an error message, “The card you entered cannot be used for this payment. Please enter a different credit card number”. I have been using my same visa cards from my previous orders and it worked fine before this happened. I tried this on different browsers, different computers, disabling SSL 3.0, etc… and I still get the same message. I contacted HLJ and I got an auto reply email that states that this is a payplay issue with this link. https://www.paypal-community.com/t5/PayPal-Forward/PayPal-Response-to-SSL-3-0-Vulnerability-aka-POODLE/ba-p/891829 So my question is, Are you guys see this issue? If so, how are you guys able to pay HLJ? Thanks in advance!
  2. If after watching episode 8 of Claymore doesn't grab you, then yea, the rest of the series won't. So try to get it that far in before you drop it :-)
  3. Aldnoah zero......
  4. I agree, I have similar thoughts on A/Z, but the soundtrack is so awesome, I pre-ordered when it pop up. :-)
  5. Question, so does HG has any license rights to publish any artwork beyond Macross? Like MacrossII, Plus, 7, frontier?
  6. well, here's at least a sneak peak of what it looks like in this commercial http://youtu.be/NQkgmHEA5_E Check out the how to make video as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbOOZM3hDMk
  7. wow, I'm really liking Aldnoah Zero a lot so far! But I have to ask, is this "calm and collective" personality for main characters a new trend?
  8. Thanks Marzan for that info! I'm going to keep this series on my radar while waiting for more info on Attack on titan.
  9. Looks like,"Akame ga Kill!" will be the "it" anime for the summer season. The first episode is pretty brutal!
  10. I take it as a twist on the harem genre. Almost all the harem anime I watched, it's about lots of girls loving a loser. Now this series give a good reason why all the girls want him. I'm just waiting for the rude awakening when he meets his match.
  11. To people who have PS4, I got a couple of Beta keys for "Playstation Now" from E3. Should I just post the keys here or you guys PM me for it?
  12. For the Sony guys, Between November 27th and December 18th of 2013, and then from January 8th through January 22nd of 2014, you can download two PS Mobile games to play on your PlayStation Certified smartphone, tablet, or PS Vita for free! Starting today, they will be giving away 10 free games (two each week for five weeks) to all PS Mobile gamers.
  13. Agree with Mike, the clear trailer is fine, but the "gold trimmings"...that looks really bad.
  14. It helps when you know someone at Sony :-)
  15. I got mine last night :-) got it for $430 after tax (it really hurt the wallet), but it came with extras (an extra controller, Killzone, 1 year of PSN Plus, 20 PSN dollars, and Elysium).
  16. I got my MP Soundwave at Comicon :-) so I'm good. Below is what I got on Saturday. While waiting in line for Soundwave, the guys in front and in the back of me was all bragging that they got 4 Soundwaves already and they plan to put it on ebay :-(
  17. Here's 7mins of gameplay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAQbh00CcJU&feature=player_embedded
  18. Don't forget Double Helix is doing the new Killer Instinct on Xbox one as well...
  19. I missed it too I sure hope they have some restock...
  20. Thanks for the quick reply on this guys. So close!! yet so far! I have to get to work early tomorrow, so I can't stay up
  21. Does anyone have the link to the MP Soundwave on the TRU site? I tried the old link and it didn't work and I tried searching and it only finds WFC Soundwaves. Can someone confirm that the MP Soundwave is going to be on sale tonight at TRU site? what time will it go live? PST or EST? Thanks in advance.
  22. thanks Major for the quick response! I'm going to try and order her after this Friday ;-)
  23. hey guys, got a quick question to those who have ordered from AmiAmi, if you live in the States, can you order figures from amiami with the note "For sale in Japan only." I was thinking of ordering The False Songstress - Sheryl Nome, but there was that disclaimer at the end of the descriptor on the right side. http://slist.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=FIG-MOE-9257 thanks in advance!
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