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Everything posted by Gunbuster

  1. I mean the items in the catalogs. Like the one in the below link http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3151151521
  2. Does anyone here know about the offical website that we can order these? Below is the link to the catalog. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3151955200 Thanks in advance
  3. According to Ain't It Cool News , director Ronny Yu (Freddy vs. Jason) is now writing a script for a big budget American live action adaptation of the anime movie Blood: The Last Vampire I can't wait for this!!!
  4. These are the images of the anime in Kill Bill. Looks like same guys who did Blood
  5. Now u can put away your N64 and SNES (this will save so much space for me ) and YES, it's from Nintendo http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3144
  6. Can someone repost those monster pics (the one blackace took). Thanks in advance
  7. When is the re-issue? And what are the changes? How can someone tell the difference between the first one and the re-issue? Will there be any indication on the Box?
  8. LMAO!!! Gotta have Mad Machine playing in the background. I was going to say that!
  9. Is there a website that shows where this film will be shown (in which state, city and theater)? I looked and can't find any info. Please help. Thank you. I have the DVD (R2), but I want to support this film.
  10. Hehehe..This can be a trick question, because most of the new and current anime is out sourced to Korea (The story/keyframes are done in Japan, but most of the animation is done in Korea), don't believe me, check the credits and you will probably see some Korean names. about real korean anime, I do not know. I do not think there's that many..because anime has only 3% of the entertainment over there. That's why I'm so supprise about Wonderful Days. It was a major gamble because it is the biggest and most Expensive animation produced in Korea (being in the spot light). that's how I know about it. I do not know how the producers got the studio to do this, its like releasing an anime movie in theaters in the States ^^; (And we all know how these movies did). Anyway, I'm also getting the DVD on Saturday as well and post a review of the subs. if its anything like the subs that's on the ripped movie on the net, then it's as good as any professional company can do :-) About Korean Movie..if you can only see one Korean Movie..I highly recommend seeing "My Sassy Girl". You won't regert it!
  11. Just letting who ever wanted to know that the Korean Anime "Wonderful Days" has been released on DVD and its English Subtitled. you can order it at yesasia Here's the link http://us.yesasia.com/en/PrdDept.aspx/pid-...on-anime/did-4/ My DVD is on its way...but I couldn't wait so I downloaded the first half of the movie to See what I'm going to see...Visual are Awesome!!!
  12. Yellowlightman: My friend emailed it to me, he said it was from some French gaming site ^^;
  13. here's a small pic
  14. Have you seen the poster the new game? ..I wish there was a wall paper of it
  15. According to the guy who post this, it's from a PS2....The graphics too good to be a PS2
  16. A very updated look! This is awesome!
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