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Everything posted by Gunbuster

  1. I have this one and the resin kit. the PVC is very nice compared to the resin kit. For the price..yes, it's a little high, but the resin kit cost $120 and you have sand it down, prime it, glue it and then paint/air brush it. So if you don't want spend $45 more and to do all that, the price is good for the PVC
  2. The most memorable death: Kenshin in the OVA series. What a way a bad as killer to go out, you would think he dies fighting an army or 2. He die quietly in the arms of his women with this real name spoken to him, “welcome home Shinta”. It was so poetic, that he started with Shinta, changed to Kenshin to make it rain blood and dies with Shinta Saddest: grave of the fireflies, you’re not human if u don’t cry in that movie And all the others one you guys mention: Cowboy Bebop’s Spike, Naruto’s zabusa, Optimus Prime, Metal Gear’s Sniper Wolf and Ninja,
  3. YES!! I got that email as well. A day for all TF fan to rejoice :-P I'm still waiting on reissue of the Dinobots!!
  4. I pick hand and feet for weapons I get
  5. They did play on the 2nd day of AX.
  6. Some new robotech news "robotech shadows" is in production (see robotech.com for more info) and they said they do have the Rights to do Macross DYRL for worldwide release. We sae the new Robotech invasion game as well. Only PS2 and Xbox. Only cyclone game, no playing alpha fighters in the game. I know some of the members were in the panel, so they should shed more light on this subject. I was kind of sleeping during the panel @_@;; (only 2 hours sleep the other night) Oh yeah, lots of cosplay pics!! Question, do we post AX2004 cosplay pics here or in teh "hot chick" topic? Edit: Sorry Mods, I did not read the other "hot chick" thread, before I posted the pic. I didn't want to repeat what just happened
  7. Don't forget about the "Stealth" boat that makes waves in the water that even the evil people cannot see
  8. It is the Movie, I have it. With the edit out Chun Li scene
  9. Where did you get the $30 price tag from? I would have loved to have the SF2 movie on the Disc (even though it's edited...I got the import already), Sf2 movie have one of the best animations/ART and fight sequences to date of all the SF franchaise. I'm getting the the US version for the english version of 3rd strike. If they took out the movie, I wished they replace it with another bonus item on the disc, even if they put in the SF live movie (worst movie ever) I would be ok, paying for that price
  10. Does anyone here know a place in Orange County that does installation service for Car stero/nav units and car alarms? One with good a good rep and knows what they are doing, but doesn't charge an arm and a leg. The only place I know is Auto Bac and they are expensive, unless you guys think their service is worth it. Note: I already have the units, I just need to someone to install it @_@;;; Thanks in advance
  11. it only cost $100,000.00 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=8111352149
  12. dang it, I missed all the earlier pics well, here's the best one I saw at AX
  13. in la. go down broadway. On your right there should be building with tons of smalll shops. at the end will be a toy store. You're kidding me Is this kenshin over 12 inch high? with a background and is resin? If it is, I'm looking for another one for a gift Guys, let me know if you find it. I'll take a closer pic of the kenshin if you want to see the details on it.
  14. Here's the pic for size comparison. There's some kind of filter that got turn on when I took the pic (not used to the camera yet). And about the dealer, he main deal with asian live action films. His booth consist of 80% DVDs and 15 % toys and 5% t-shirts. So I don't think he really knows, but then again, it has to be boot leg, I'm going to try and meet up with EXO and let him to check it out to see if it is.
  15. I originally posted this to see if these were bootleg or re-issues, I did not know that it would have turned out like this. As I told EXO, I was burned with the Macross 7 bootleg toys (those were horrible for the price I paid for them) and when I saw these alpha and cyclone rider at the price, I said to myself “this is too good to be true” or “this guy doesn’t know the value of these toys”. Knowing my luck, it’s always too good to be true. So I only picked up one to check it out. I was like man, I’m about to throw away $50 ^^; But after reading all you guys posting, I’m kicking myself for not picking up a couple of them. When I get home, I’ll post another pic for size comparison (someone asked if it’s a 1/35, I don’t know, but it’s around the same size as the 1/55 Bandai reissues).
  16. Doh! I only picked up one I was afraid it was a bootleg ^^; I didn't even write down the dealer's name I know he sells lots of asian live action movies and he said that he will be at AX and will bring more of the Alphas. I didn't see any of the other colors, only blue. Now I'm regetting not picking up the cyclone rider It has all the metal joints ans stuff ans stiff like it was new ^^; all the clicking sound too when you rotate the arms and flipping the legs. I'll make sure I write his name down when I see him at AX and see if he has a website ^^;
  17. trademark 2
  18. trademark stuff 1
  19. instruction
  20. sticker sheet and the intructions are in color
  21. inside
  22. here's another
  23. Did anyone went to the PMX this past weekend? What did you think? I knew it was small, that's why I went, no more 3 hours lines and stuff (this maybe bad for the con. but good for us). The concerts were kickass if you're into the J-rock and J-pop stuff. Since it was smal and slow for the dealer's, they dropped their prices. I found one dealer that has Alpha fighters and Cyclone riders. This is the point of my topic Anyway, do you guys know if there are re-issue on these toys? or boot-leg releases recently? He was selling the Alpha for $50 and Cyclone rider for $70 with no tax. I was so afraid that it was a bootleg (the moment u open it, it falls apart), but it looks so legit! below are some screen shot of the one I picked up. Please let me know. He said he has a bunch of them too.
  24. Just like what Blaine23 was saying. If this follows through...Publishers/developers will spend more money on the game reviewers to ensure the high ratings instead of spending it on the game development :-( And if this really follow through, I think becoming a game reviewer will be worthwhile, cause I know all the game companies will stand in line with kneepads
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