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Everything posted by Gunbuster

  1. The box has the usual T-shirt, art book, Soundtrack CD, dog tags, and the game, etc.. I was unable to talk to Kojima as they rush people in and out for the signing, I only was able to shake his hand and thank him in japanese. I wished fellow members could have join us, I would have hold your place in line
  2. Any finally got my Metal Gear Solid box signed by Kojima and Yoji Shinkawa
  3. I got to shake the hand of the Legendary game designer Hideo Kojima, I hope some of his greatness rub off on me
  4. Got to the signing at 5pm and there was a huge line already I heard some people stayed overnight from Monday
  5. Is anyone from here be at the Metal Gear Solid 3 Signing in Universal City walk's EB? Hideo Kojima and Yoji Shinkawa will be signing at 630pm to 8pm today (11/30/2004) at the EB. I'll be there
  6. you should try www.bestanime.com Thanks for the link akt_m and yes I tried Google, but there's too many sites that don't cover the new stuff only a couple of the titles here and there. I need it to be all on one site I found this: http://www.jascii.net/newanime/season.php which is exactly what I'm looking for, some pics and a little discription of the new shows.
  7. Is there a website where I can find out all the names of the latest anime?
  8. Just finish watching my friend's R2 Appleseed.... All I can say is if you are a mecha fan, you owe it to yourself to watch this kickA$$ movie!! The action is incredible, the animation is amazing! (Even though it look like 99% of it is mo-cap) some of the coolest effects and the style is top notch I don't want to over hype it so I'll stop for now
  9. You mean like this TV From magic box "Nintendo of Japan announced they are working on a TV Tuner both Nintendo DS and GameBoy Advance SP, called the DSTV Tuner, it will be compatible with both GBA-SP and Nintendo DS, and it operates on 3 alkaline batteries, which can run for 6 hours. The DSTV Tuner is scheduled for a spring 2005 release, for 9240 yen."
  10. I'm playing (actually watching) it now. 45minutes of cut scenes before real gameplay it's all good though, I expected to be a "interactive" movie from the start At least I don't need net connection to play it
  11. Nope I'm unsing a T3 connection with (26309kbps/10416kps from dslreport) and no I did not fudge it got a P4 3.0 GHz with 2 GB of ram got XP with SP1 (not touching SP2) still got problem connection to that POS I stop all anti virus, firewalls, NATs...I quit!!! forget it I'll wait for the private version
  12. hehehe, was playing Feel the magic and asphalt urban GT on the DS Played the Metroid Demo as well, the graphics on that is simlar to the DreamCast (well, it's better than the PS1 and N64 for sure). I can't wait till Sund for the offical release
  13. I agree with JsARCLIGHT My biggest fear is when will they start to do this with DVD moives ...remember Divx
  14. LOL! I got the same problem as JsARCLIGHT. I spend a freaking whole day on messing with my network and found out that their server were down. The website staus says they were up and the error message says that it was my network connection. so I'm going to boycott Steam and wait for Xbox version. I can wait because I got tons of games to play anyway. MGS3, POP2, Underground 2 and getting the DS system as well. I’m also playing “A nightmare before Christmas” right now. so F steam
  15. It doesn't matter if you get it early or not, you still have to wait till they turn on the server to verify your key :-P
  16. Good point Keith. I can't help it, but I feel that all this is an after thought like the Star Wars series. I wouldn't be surprise if Kawamori release a "Special Edition" Macross DYRL with addtional footage hinting Minmay is somehow related to Mayans. I mean why is Minmay and the other Basara so special? If it's singing from the heart, there are thousand of singers that do that on Earth, How come the Zentradi didn't get affect by that? I mean come'on there are tons of old broadcast signal flying everywhere in space, they should have heard some of it while scanning the radio waves. I mean if the Zentrdi know that there's a planet with thousands of singers, wouldn't they turn tail and run from it? I hope that made sense ;;
  17. Agent one, that's pretty good and short to the point, but I'm in the same boat as Duke Togo. Amazing fights, amazing animation and art, but so much "magic"@_@;; How come we dont see these Mayan in the "future" of Macross (the series or the movie) using their "magic" (other people call it the "force" from Star Wars). I don't know.. I feel like this was a "Lucas syndrone".
  18. Thanks Mercurial Morpheus and JELEINEN for looking. I found that text doc too and it need some major text edit, but I'll work on it to get the time stamp on the DVDs and drop in the edits when I get to it. BTW, Mercurial Morpheus, your link on the comparasion did not work, it leads back to the Gunbuster script, can you post that link again? Thanks
  19. I was wondering if anyone has the timed script for Gunbuster and is kind enough to shared it. If not, how about a text version of the script (I can timed it myself)? I want to add the subtitles to the R2 Gunbuster DVDs I just got. Thanks in advance
  20. I just got my Gunbuster re-issue box. So happy I'm looking through the mini art book that comes with it, why can't they release a Gunbuster art book like the EVA and Mohoromatic series
  21. Awesome!! die cast Predaking!!
  22. NCS has this on the next TF collection http://www.ncsx.com/2004/ncs102504/tc1718.htm Can anyone confirm that Predaking is gone? What the heck is Sound Blaster? is this Sound Wave's brother? and why does it cost so much?
  23. A 160 pages of Gunbuster goodness, my only complaint is the DVD cover sized of the book ^-^;;
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