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Everything posted by Gunbuster

  1. IIRC, the PS2 version is coming out in Oct. 2005 (just in time for Halloween ) About RE4, I'm playing it and it's awesome, I really recommend it. Don't deny yourself this awesome game for any longer About the game, imagine Metal Gear Solid meets RE with the camera behind the character (plays really similar to 1st person shooters). The graphics is top notch, not sure if Sony POS 2 could handle it The game is very intense...try playing the game alone in the dark ;;
  2. That's so mess up Just because Sony make POS, it doesn't mean you have to do that to other people. I can only imagine a person gets home really excited to play his/her PS2 and get a "haterist" unit. I'm just glad they ARE scanning the serials now and it's on the reciept (not like that will stop someone from pulling the sticker off it and replacing it)
  3. you got to be kidding me
  4. I have to show this
  5. I have to show this
  6. I have to show this
  7. I have alot more shots, but I will stop for now (I got about 200 pics). 80% of them were cars I thought I was at a car show instead of an Electronic show. Let me know if you want more pics
  8. more car shots
  9. Another booth babe
  10. back profile
  11. It's her!
  12. Booth babe poster
  13. more car shots
  14. more car shots
  15. more car shots
  16. more car shots
  17. more car shots
  18. more car shots
  19. more car shots
  20. more car shots
  21. more car shots
  22. more car shots
  23. my camera acidentally took this shot
  24. This was underneath the hood
  25. more car shots
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