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Everything posted by Gunbuster

  1. Note: NEVER code your Phillips 642 for Region 0 or "Regionless" as it can permanently lock up the player and you can never use it again. EVER. My buddy and I both bought a 642 and he tried Region 0 on his and, slam, locked up for good. The safest route is to constantly recode your player depending on which region the DVD your playing is for (it's terribly easy). My one qualm about the 642 is that it REally?!! I have 3 of them in my house and all of them are set to "0" same with all my friends err.. I'll keep this in mind, you know there's an update firmware, right?
  2. Mr. March, why not pick up a philip DVD 642 for all your R2 DVDs? it's the best region free DVD player (with a code of course). The best part is it plays Divx AVI too! imagine just burning your Mac0 to a DVD or CD and just pop it into the player This DVD has progressive scan, component/S-Video, optic out, and it has one of the best PAL conversion (better than any DVD players I have seen, and I went through alot ) and the price is $69.99 USD cheaper than a 1/60 Just do a google and you'll find it
  3. Awesome, thanks for the update mikeszekely I guess I'll wait for the second batch of of the US PSP release (I got my PSP fix with the japanese version, so I can wait). I was just really mad at Ken for saying that was as design. I'm glad its going to be fix.
  4. Well, at least they finally admit it Sony has confirmed that the controller buttons on some Playstation Portable (PSP) units may become stuck and not return to their default position. A free repair program has been announced. More info here http://www.techjapan.com/Article900.html
  5. You make it sound like that's a bad thing
  6. Red Ninja main weapon is the "wire". You can grab your enemies and pull them up the roofs and decapitate them
  7. I forgot to post some pics of the actually game By the way, the US version has Yoko Ishida singing the Ending Credit Song!
  8. I think you'll like it since its like between Shinobi/Kunochi and Tenchu, it has more action then Tenchu, less than Shinobi, but more Stealth than Shinobi, less than Tenchu
  9. 4 more pics
  10. Below is a little skit a Japanese gaming site did, enjoy
  11. Check out the cute voice actress! ( I wish I kew who she was) for the Japanese version Don't worry, the US version has the same voice actress that did Saya in Blood the last vampire.
  12. I know the new Tenchu is out, but this one has better eyecandy if you know what I mean The character design is by D.K. The game is cool, its like between Shinobi/Kunochi and Tenchu, it has more action then Tenchu, less than Shinobi, but more Stealth than Shinobi, less than Tenchu), but it's bloody and have some fanservice forgot link more info can be found here US http://www.redninjagame.com Japan http://www.redninja.jp
  13. Here's the minmay decal 2a
  14. Here's the minmay decal 2
  15. Here's the minmay decal 1a
  16. Here's the minmay decal 1 , I hope its big enough for you guys
  17. What the topic says, can we talk about other games here beside macross games? Or will the thread get lock?
  18. yeah, I'm almost finishing up on my 2nd round of it. It's so fun with the infinite rockets And those who are waiting for the PS2 port, this is what Capcom is doing to it Japanese magazine CG World reported an interview with the developer of Biohazard 4 for PS2, regardly to the differences betweent the GC and PS2 version. • GameCube version uses 24-bit textures, they must be downsampled to 4 or 8-bit textures in the PS2 version, due to limited texture storage capacity. • Leon is created with 10,000 polygons on GameCube, the polygon count must be cut in half due to memory constraints. • As a comparision, Snake in MGS3 is created with 4000 polygons, and the Biohazard 4 village inhabitant is created with 3000 - 4000 polygons in the GC version. • With the large Direct Memory Access Bandwidth in PS2, the PS2 version allows a much higher number of textures to be displayed at once. However, if the number is too high the frame rate will drop at a fast pace. • The PS2 version may have additional texture layer or polygon lighting, therefore some adjustments have to be made
  19. you should check out Berserk
  20. Did anyone here watched Nova's Battle of the X-planes? Was this an old documentery? I just saw it tonight and it felt like a "real" Macross Plus
  21. Happy new year! and yes, may the new year bring you more Macross goodness
  22. samurai champloo, GITS SAC, Naruto
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