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Everything posted by Gunbuster

  1. Yes, US games works on JPN PSP fine and JPN games works on US PSP fine
  2. I wonder how much will this cost?
  3. Another one for Sony Japan Today reports that in addition to a hefty, $90.7-million fine for damages, Sony Computer Entertainment may be forbidden from manufacturing, using, selling or importing into the United States any of their products that include computer controlled vibrating motors because those products infringe on patents held by Immersion Corp. http://www.joystiq.com/entry/1234000920037859/
  4. you can get the 1GB duo at Bestbuy http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?sk...d=1095941103960 Sanddisk version http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?sk...d=1108125653511 BTW, I had problems with the Sandisk brand as they somehow lose data I pick up a 2GB CF for $140 after tax
  5. Can pick up a 1gig for about $100: http://www.circuitcity.com/ccd/productDeta..._n=57&WT.mc_t=U I wonder if anyone is going to make a CF/SD card reader for the PSP? MemoryStick prices are ridiculous. Can you use that one? I thought it had to be the "Duo" version for it to work with the PSP.
  6. no lines at Walmart and there's a ton of them (like 50 units in their glass case)
  7. Here's another one for those who have time and money http://www.pspvideo9.com/
  8. I just got Yoko Ishida new Album "All of me" (her 2nd album) and it has the ending theme to Red Ninja, "Foolish Dream". Its a beautiful song I highly recoomend this album, it has alot of good songs on it. Yoko also sang the intro to the new AMG TV series.
  9. Nerv, that was beautiful man! VoDS is released by ADV in states Thanks again everyone for your recommendation!!
  10. Gunbuster

    MW Con 5

    What kind of prizes?
  11. from Magic Box - Eiji Aonuma from Nintendo, said that the development of Legend of Zelda for GameCube is already completed, the game is scheduled for a year end release in Japan. He also commented that the Nintnedo DS version of Zelda would be similar to Legend of Zelda: The Four Swords.
  12. Thanks everyone for your recommendation (sp). The reason why no Ghibli is because he watched them all already. He likes them and wanted more films like that. I already showed him: Battle Angle (he sort of like it) Akira (that was too much, it wasn't fun ^__^; Blood last vampie (is was too short and no character development Ninja Scroll (was too much..he couldn't take the "female disgracing" scenes) Vampire Hunter D (he doesn't understand..see below) and many other ones he didn't understand (I'll ask him tomorrow what he borrowed from me ^__^; I'm trying to remember what I gave him (I gave him a tons of DVDs movies) and most of the time he didn't understand it because the movie expected the viewer to know some sort of background on the characters already. He doesn't have time to watch a series, that's why I asked for a movie that can stand on its own.
  13. Can anyone recommend an anime movie for a newbie? No studio Ghibli Movies please. The movie has to be funny as well as good characters development. A movie that can stand on it's own without reference to a series or manga. Thanks in advance
  14. oh yeah, i forgot about her ;; I think she said "ozuresamadeshita" or "o yoresamadeshita" but i could be wrong. I'm so rusty on my Japanese..does' anyone know the kanji?
  15. The rest of the translation is Minmay, "because that's a tea store" Hikaru is thinking "it's not a bookstore?" Roy is saying "that's enough you guys"
  16. The software is available from Sony Japan web site but it costs 1000 yen (10 bucks) or you can do it for free at http://portablevideo.engadget.com/entry/1234000980024404/ My whole take on playing movies on the PSP from memsticks is that it cost too much (comparing memstick prices to CFs and SDs) and very time comsuming (you have to re compress all your files you want to watch). If you have the money and all the time in the world, more power to you I just like to drag and drop and go
  17. Actually, IM software for the PSP (real IM software, not the DS's Pictochat crap) wouldn't be so farfetched. The PSP's wireless functions are built on 802.11b... in theory, it should be able to communicate wirelessly (for games, but why not for messaging?) over the net with other PSPs, provided that you're in a wireless hotspot, or you have a wireless router at home. Don't forget that the DS has both Wi-Fi (802.11b) and blue tooth. The picocat is really nice especially when it comes with it. The DS has the advantage over the PSP with IM because of the touch screen. Typing on those tiny keyboard really blows ( I have problems typing on Laptop keyboards let alone a tiny one ) Nintendo is using their Wi-fi at stores now "Nintendo has started the Nintendo DS download service in Japan on February 26, at major game retailers across Japan. Users can bring in their Nintendo DS to download new content. Available downloads are playable demos of Chokkan Hitofude and Meteos; plus 6 bonus songs for Daigassou! Band Bros"
  18. Wow @_@;; But doesn't Famitsu rate games really strict? and about the camera issue, almost all third person game has that problem, right?
  19. Same here, I have been waiting for it ever since I found out he's working on the second one. I preorder the DVD/soundtrack/book to support him to do more of his work
  20. Nintendo will release DS in 4 colors in japan
  21. Nintendo have always said that the DS is not the replacement of the GBA. They said if the PSP sales beats the DS, they will release the next gen Gameboy
  22. Wow, I can't believe I missed this thread. Hi Hurin You have beaten me to the Macross project I have been working on I have been working with Ali's script on the R2 DVD for a while now and only have gotten so far as getting the subtitles to finally appear on screen. I've only used IFO edit to add the script into the DVD structure. I have gotten some problems that I'm addressing (which is when the title screen apears, the sub doesn't work and vise versa). I am also doing the re-timing on the script for the R2 (it's off, the R2 version have a couple more seconds delay before the actually film start and you know a couple of millisecond will cause a chain reaction on the subtitles). Anyway to the point of this post, I'm going to check out your steps to see if I can get my version to work. Thank you for posting your steps. Once I finish this project I'm going to start on either the R2 GunBuster OVA or the R2 SF2 movie (I hate the US version)
  23. Is the VF-1A a re-issue? If so, you might want to look for the reissue fastpacks (armor), because the reissue has a more curved wrist area then the original bandai VF--1A. Your forearm armor may not fit properly
  24. You make it sound like that's a bad thing I'm alright, and even glad, for a little T&A. But lately I've been really turned off by the excessive T&A out there. It just seems to me that the programmers/writers/whomever is trying to cover up some gameplay/script deficencies by throwing some more tits and ass at the viewer. "Game or movie not up to snuff? Give 'em a woodie and that'll fix everything!" is just really grating on my nerves. Everquest and Sudeki spring to mind as perfect examples. I gotta agree with Cory here. I dont mind the T&A but if it is used to cover up the game deficiencies, no way no how will I get the game. Are you guys talking about Leisure Suit Larry now?
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