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Everything posted by Gunbuster

  1. From what I'd heard, the Itanium was a quite nice processor... when running in native mode. It totally sucked for x86 code, unarguably, but I'd heard Itanium code kicked ass. I do feel obliged to point out that just because Apple uses an x86 doesn't necessarily mean it will use an IBM-compatible architecture. At this point I couldn't possibly venture a guess as to whether they will, though. Jobs leaves that responsibility to the developers hands since the OSX is "processor independent" as Steve would put it. Since OSX's incarnation 5 years ago they developed the OSX to run on either processor. It is left for the developers to write code for either the PowerPC and/or Intel architecture in a move that Jobs has stated as "universal binaries" on Xcode. Is that directed to the IA64 part or the IBM-compatible architecture part? From both since OSX runs natively on 64 and not being dependent on the parameters of a processor makes it more compatible. Wait a sec, I thought the Mac OS was written for RISC processors (PPC)? If they want it to be more compatible with the X86, wouldn't they have to change the OS architecture to work CISC processors (intel)? Also, Microsoft does own part of Apple. So in buying Mac, you still supporting MS
  2. LOL! I guess Sony did learn something about pushing a format :: Believe it or not, Porn help push the internet and the DVD format to where we are today
  3. You should have gone to E3 to see Sega Next gEn stuff behind close doors. They had Next Gen Virutal Fighter, Next Gen After burner, Next Gen Sonic, Next Gen House of the Dead, etc.. it was all real time, the guy was controlling Sonic, unlike Sony which was all video
  4. Didn't I predict the third Xbox will over take Sony a long time ago
  5. Do you have a link to how to do this?
  6. I didn't ask them that, I got rid of all my old GB games awhile ago ;;
  7. Saw the Kameo game, looks amzaing! there is one sequence where the game had 1000 orc like creatures vs. another 1000 elves and you jump right into it! all in real time, the models looks good and each NPC has its own AI. IT was amazing. the game was running in 720P at 30fps during this sequence, but the lady said it will run at 60 frames with even more characters on screen when it comes out. The reaseon for that is that rare is runing it on a Alpha hardware.
  8. After playing 10 minutes with the gameboy micro, I'm difinitely picking it up (even though I have a DS, a SP, and a GBA). The unit is really cool! and the screen is big enough to read text, Nintendo had some action/adventure/RPG game on it so I can tell the texts are readable.
  9. I played the new Zelda and I think that will win Game of the Show. Many other "good looking" games were just videos and not playable. I only had limited time today, but i was able to play shadow of cololouss (sp) and It was awesome! I can't wiat for it. I'm a big fan of ICO. Soul Cal3 was a bit dissapointing, as there was only 2 playable character, one of them the new green girl with the circle blade and the other Mitsurugi. If feels the same as the previous soul calibur, nothing really new here (beside some destrubaible environments) IF you go to E3, you have to check out EA's 360 room, this is what I want if I win the lottery!! You have to experience it!
  10. I have 2 questions on those specs; 1. I thought 360 will support HD-DVD, no? 2. I guess no backward compatibiltiy?
  11. I thought they were used as a light source like a Flashlight
  12. Omedeto Gouzaimasu! Congratulation Noriko!
  13. Any major news from the con? Did anyone go to the concert?
  14. LOL! well, I can offer PS2 and Xbox games. I have both Predator and Red ninja Brand new. Let me know if those are good enough.
  15. This movie is definitely for fans of the book. For those of us who didn't read the book, you'll likely find yourself watching one 2-hour inside joke.
  16. Can we get free admission if we donate prizes that is worth more than the admission price?
  17. So whose going to E3 to check out the rest of the next gen stuff?
  18. Thanks Chas for scaning it!! Thanks samurai_m for hosting the files!!
  19. I was going to say that, why do you would u want to overclock it, the battery life is already short enough and you want it to be shorter?
  20. You can find the Dealer's list here http://www.animeboston.com/dealers/map.shtml Argh!! you're so lucky!! I want to go just to see Yoko (I'm a big fan of hers) Blessed with an endearing, expressive singer's voice and a dynamic range, Yoko was selected as the featured vocalist on Geneon Japan's Para Para Max CD series. From there, she emerged as one of the anime industrys' most prolific and outstanding female singers, performing the memorable theme songs to series such as Pretear, A Little Snow Fairy Sugar, Ai Yori Aoshi, Petite Princess Yucie, Gunparade March, Ai Yori Aoshi~Enishi~ and Texhnolyze. Yoko's first solo album, "sweets," was unveiled in 2003, and had the unique distinction of being released both in Japan and the U.S. that same year to anime fans.
  21. Anyone interested in checking out Madden Next Gen? http://www.easports.com/games/madden06/nextgen.jsp
  22. If that comes with that background stand, I'll pre-order it!
  23. are you using the scandisk brand memstick? I usually get this problem when I use that brand. "losing data"
  24. LOL! I totally forgot that Microsoft owns part of of immesive.. Sony will be paying Microsoft I have to give it to Microsoft on this one http://news.spong.com/detail/news.asp?prid=8511
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