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Everything posted by Gunbuster

  1. Sega had an adapter for the Genesis to play Master System game, does that count?
  2. Is anyone suprise?
  3. Hey areaseven, do you have the avi? the link doesn't work. I also wished they ported the Azumanga version of puzzle bobble to home (it was on the naomi system-Dreamcast)
  4. I thought is was a 5 GB difference between the 2 format and they can use the same production line as regular DVDs. I also hear the studios backing Blu-Ray want to go even further and equip every player with an Internet connection, so they can remotely be disabled if you've been tinkering with your player TOSHIBA UNVEILS 45GB HD DVD-ROM DISC AND DOUBLE-SIDED HYBRID DISC 10 May, 2005 http://www.toshiba.co.jp/about/press/2005_05/pr1002.htm Dye Breakthrough Allows Manufacture on Standard DVD-Recordable Disc Production Lines A group of four manufacturers has announced successful development of a prototype of a HD DVD-R disc, the write-once next generation DVD disc, that can be easily produced at high volume on standard DVD-Recordable production lines. http://forums.dvdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=34792 Blu-ray=big brother link http://news.com.com/DVD%2Bformat%2Bwar%2Bl..._3-5845919.html
  5. 325945[/snapback] Do you feel comfortable saying that you're a sci-fi fan? Or a fan or martial arts movies? I feel comfortable calling myself a gamer, even though I can't stand DDR. If you do consider yourself a fan of martial arts movies, at least (I assume) you're not using Chinese in daily conversation, or planning any trips to Xiaolin temple. 325949[/snapback] Yes, I feel comfortable being an anime fan, sci-fi fan, and martial arts fan. like you I consider myself as a gamer too, but I hate MMO (that's another subject matter). I don't use Chinese in my daily conversations, however I do use Japanese as I talk with my friends and penpals in Japan. I do plan on visiting one of those temples if I get a chance to visit China. I do understand about the association with hardcore fan, but it's like any other hobbies out there, like sports, you get the crazed fan that would beat you up casue you cheer for the other team. I just don't let it bother me and just flow with it.
  6. I don’t get this thread too :: I know this is a bit off topic, but I’m trying to understand :: Let say I really enjoyed Starwars, Star Gate TV series, FireFly, Blade Runner, and can’t wait for the Serenity movie, but I hated Star Trek Enterprise, Sea quest, FarScape, Hitch Hiker to the Galaxy (the movie)…..does that mean I’m not a Sci-fi fan? Or If I enjoyed Hero, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Daggers, Blood Sport, all the Bruce Lee films (especially fist of fury) and I hated the Karate kid, Mark for Death, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter Movie (the one with Van Danm)…does that mean I’m not a martial arts movie fan either? And yes, my majority of entertainments I watch are anime, Sci-fi, and martial art films
  7. Everybody is cereal-pissing. The next-gen sucks. 321490[/snapback] LOL! Hahaha …yeah, what happened to the good old days where we had to use imagination with our videogames?
  8. Wait a second, I thought that's what Sony's been doing ;;
  9. from magic box: - UNCONFIRMED: EB Games reported that Microsoft will launch Xbox 360 in US on November 2, for US$299.99. There will be around 21 launch titles, including Amped 3, Call of Duty 2, Condemned, Dead or Alive 4, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Final Fantasy XI, Full Auto, Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter, Gun, Kameo: Elements of Power, Madden NFL 06, NBA 2K6, NHL 2K6, The Outfit, Perfect Dark LE, Project Gotham Racing 3, Quake 4, Ridge Racer 6, Saints Row, Tony Hawk's American Wasteland and Top Spin 2. I'll probably get Dead or Alive 4, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter, Gun, and Kameo: Elements of Power
  10. it was so BAD! the only thing that kept me from falling asleep was the cute japanese actress. there was some cool drift scenes, but not worth the ticket price. The plot was bad, the actors/actress were bad, the translation was bad.. I would not recommend this
  11. I thought someone would have mentioned myth: Macross and Robotech are the same! source: Robotech fans? Wishful thinking
  12. you can use the Blue Tooth GPS reciever with the Axim. That's what I use. works great! If u plan to do alot of presentation, this has a VGA out so u can hook it up to a projector or a monitor with a specail adapter
  13. What kind of OS do u use? Mac or Windows? If you use windows, I recommend the Axim X50v. It has lots of options and can play Divx at full screen at full speed. If u r able to go to F&S, I can show you mine. The unit has Axim X50v, Intel® 624MHz, 128MB ROM 64MB SDRAM, VGA 802.11b, BT, 2 slots one for SD and CF. The only bad thing about this is battery life. It last abour 2.5 hours if you watch continuous movies, if you just use daily use (checking emails. schedules, writing a doc), it will last longer about 4-5 hours. I recommend getting a secondary battery. For its price you get more bang for the buck http://www1.us.dell.com/content/products/c...s=19&l=en&s=dhs
  14. My bet is on the power supply! This happened to me and I thought it was the motherboard. I spent $250 (on a new motherboard and CPU) to find out it was the power supply Yes, actually. If you have a known good system that fails to oot when connected to teh tester power supply, it means the PSU is likely bad. 317098[/snapback]
  15. Why do Rockstar have been deserving this?
  16. WOW! I like seeing our Tax money at work here I would think there are more serious issue than this for our goverment to spend time on
  17. i don't understand, why did sony get two physics engines? one is Ageia's physics engine and the other Havok. I know Ageia is a chip while Havok is software, but wouldn't those two engine conflict with each other?
  18. LOL! This is so funny! It's ok to kill, blow people's head off and run people over with cars (something that you don't want the kids to do in real life), but having natural sex (something that the kids will eventualy do) is a big No, No? ...Things that make you say "hmm..." I think the real reason for this is, all the haters of the game (the ones that wanted to pull the game off the shelf in the first place for its violence) final has the ammo to do something about it.
  19. Anyone know if they are making a new Transformer game?
  20. Even the guy behind the Resident Evil dissed Sony...can you blamed the guy Capcom's Biohazard producer Mikami has made some strong criticisms toward Sony, Square and general customers in a recent radio program interview in Japan. 1. He mentioned that Sony makes their consoles easy to break to increase their installed base. He said the PS2 is selling so well because many people are buying a second one for replacement. 2. He said he has bought two sets of PlayStation and PlayStation 2 in the past, because the CD lens wore out quickly. When he played Super Robot Taisen on PS, it took one minute to load up each battle, he was so pissed off that he had to get a new PlayStation to play the game. 3. Other than PlayStation, he mentioned the current PC systems, walkman and Docomo cellphones are also easy to break, he said manufacturers purposely make the systems easier to break, so that customers would have to purchase a new one every one or two years. He said that how come no customers have complained about it? It's almost like cheating and committing a crime.... (the radio DJ interrupted the conversation and tried to switch to another topic.) 4. When asked "Do you think the customers are foolish?", he replied "Yes". He expressed that Square's Kingdom Hearts is selling so well because of "Aura Purchase", i.e. people buy this game because his/her friends are playing the same game, or really liked the game; despite whether he/she likes the game or not. He said that Kingdom Hearts does not deserve the 780,000+ unit sales, it doesn't worth the 6800 yen price tag. 5. At last he said "Square please forgive me", because he was so upset that Kingdom Hearts has sold a whole lot more than Biohazard on GameCube (both games released at around the same time), he thinks Biohazard is a much better quality game, although Kingdom Hearts is not a bad game either.
  21. I'm actually on my forth PS2, damn freaking drive keep on dying on me (and no, I did not mod the PS2 or play it 24/7). That's Sony quality for ya I still say it's too early to judge something that's not even out yet @_@;; I just hope someone kick Sony in the b@lls, so all 3 system will have a fair chance of getting good developers. I plan to pick up all 3 system, so in the end I win
  22. here's the New York Times link (free registration required) http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/11/technolo...ml?pagewanted=1
  23. Before the news of Apple switching over to Intel: there was an article in the NY times with this quote: “Mr. Kutaragi tried to interest Mr. Jobs in adopting the Cell chip, which is being developed by I.B.M. for use in the coming PlayStation 3, in exchange for access to certain Sony technologies. Mr. Jobs rejected the idea, telling Mr. Kutaragi that he was disappointed with the Cell design, which he believes will be even less effective than the PowerPC.” I wonder why Jobs think it’s less effective than the PPC ;; Anyone know?
  24. This was somehow expected cuz in general a consumer want to upgrade his/her current machines and not fully change to an new system and its format, IMO this could be a smart move by MS. Its like in the 80`s Betamax vs. VHS . Except Beta/VHS didn't have any legacy to deal with. It was fought solely on merit. ... How did VHS win? I thought this was already answered in the PSP thread. VHS won because of p0rn
  25. It seems logical that the HD DVD would win (just some modification on current equipment instead of ripping them out and install new and expensive equipment). This would sucks because that means making PS3 games will be more expensive (I’m just talking about the disc cost), so who pay for that expense? The publisher or the consumer?
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