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Everything posted by Gunbuster

  1. Wow..only time will tell now. So what happens if the opposite happens? MS still continues support for the xbox way beyond 2007 and then release Z-box later?
  2. more news on HD DVD and BD from slashdot "QT writes "Ars Technica has been following this week's next-gen DVD dramas closely. First, there's extensive coverage of the reasons why Microsoft backed HD-DVD, which was primarily inspired by mandatory support for copying discs to computers. The BDA, however, countered with an attack on Microsoft's reasons, and Microsoft returned fire. Richard E. Doherty, Microsoft's head of the media entertainment technology convergence group, said that 50GB Blu-ray disc are in fact many years away. Is MS playing games, or is Sony misrepresenting just how far along BD-ROM really is?" From the article: "HD DVD is proven to deliver 30GB capacity today, with the potential to deliver even greater capacity. The 50GB claim for BD-ROM discs is unproven and will not be available for many years to come, based on discussions with major Japanese and US replicators. Replicators not only do not have test lines running, they cannot even pre-order the equipment to begin evaluating this disc. They cannot judge the cost of these discs, or even whether they can be manufactured at all. Major replicators can mass manufacture 30GB HD DVD discs today and it's well understood that these discs will cost significantly less to manufacture than the lower-capacity 25GB BD discs." We previously discussed this topic when the announcement came out. " Question; if blue ray is not ready by spring 2006, how does Sony release the Ps3 in Japan?
  3. Capcom collection is being release for the PSP
  4. I have the limited edition and it works fine on my Philip DVD 642 and on my Xbox
  5. 331502[/snapback] I ment by scene to scene CG, the scenes yah they tookem and remade it, but on some when Cloud put Aries in the water is probaly the only one . I think. My words never come out right just that I know that FFVII AC consists of many flashbacks from FFVII which are remade in the movie. My friend the other day saw AC and wanted to spoil the movie badly for me which he nearly did..But since SE is working on so many projects at the same time, its no wonder a FFVII remake would take long. Like Kingdom Hearts 2, FFXI, FFXIII, and other new games. I think if SE had less projects to do, the FFVII remake would easier. And most of thier money is coming from FFXI Online making money off a few million players(Like me ). Ya think SE is working too hard?(Um whats up with the quoting?) 331557[/snapback] Hey Dean, I know you’re a big SE fanboy, but telling us that SE’s product quality is bad due to fact that they have too many projects on their plate doesn’t help them at all. Basically you’re telling me that SE’s management is really bad. One of the key responsible for managers/producers is to make sure their teams do not “bite off more than they can chewâ€. Also where the heck did you get millions of user on FFXI? @_@;; FFXI hasn’t even reached 1 million world wide yet (last year they just started turning profit when they reached 500K users). And it didn’t help that Sony screwed them with the PS2 slim (no HD support), I wonder if SE will move all their resources to the PC and 360 version (meaning will the PS2 users get new content next year? Time will tell) Please see an old chart for numbers (July 05) As of Sept 05, WoW has over 4 million+ users worldwide.
  6. I got my box from HLJ today, I got 2 set of figures exclude the Max chase fig :-( How rare is Max chase?
  7. should I post more? or you guys had enough
  8. another
  9. another
  10. another
  11. As requested here are some of the girls of TGS These are from my friend's friend's wesite. he has over 200 pics . and another section for the cosplay at TGS2005.
  12. My co-workers and friends went, but all they did was took pics and it wasn't the games that caught their eyes @_@;; I can post the pics, but I think you guys would lock the thread up :-P
  13. I would not want to ever play street fighter or soul calibur on the GC controller again. It was really painful. I am praying that the new controller would be better than the GC controller.
  14. YES! Nintendo will release a standard controller (my worries are over). The controller will dock with the gyro remote similar to the Dreamcast controller and the VMU. The question is do we have to pay for the standard controller? @_@;;
  15. What I meant from that line was if a system came standard with a "unique" input controller. Imagine what games we would be playing today or if the PS2 would have surived. Mouse and keyboard are "standard controls" now a days (even a stripdown keyboard version) I can still handle that. I wonder how fighting games like Street fighter, Tekken, Virtual Fighter, Soul Calibur, etc.. will be handle with the revolution controller
  16. That's what I'm talking about. Everyones says innovate, but when you do, no one buys @_@;; You guys must have heard about the XaviX XaviXPORT, right? very similar to what they are doing with the revolution and that remote controller. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?sk...d=1087340764150 If nintendo is after this audience then I'm really afraid ;;
  17. don't forget about the Virtual boy ;;
  18. Well, when you invest over 10 million of your own money, would you like to be safe or adventurous? Anyway I hope Nintendo will release a standard controller as well. I'm all for innovation, but aiming at the causal gamers and not the gamer is not a good practice as specially when gamers are your audience. its' like if the PS2 standard controller was the eyetoy (can you imagine if that had happen @_@; Since we are talking about nintendo, I wonder how well they will do with the cube (not counting the handheld since they already kicked PSP in terms of sales) since they have pushed zelda to next year. I mean the 360 will be release and the rumor of Sony doing a price drop on the PS2 system to hinder the 360 launch. I'm so afraid for Nintendo. Is there a killer app for nintendo this x-mas?
  19. Production on Advent Children was not started last year, it was started about 3 years ago. Originally Square wanted to do a remake on FF7 on the PS2 with all cool CG scenes that we have watched in the AC movie, but decided to cancel the project. The only problem was that they spent alot of time and money rendered out the scenes already, so "big boss" said slap them together and sell it as a movie. From there they spend all the time rendering out all the scenes to "connect" the other scenes together as smoothy as possibly as you can tell the story got "butched" (I guess they needed more time). During that time they estimated the movie was going to be 60 mins, but delayed it so they can add a whole 40 mins to it.
  20. The PS3 $500! @_@;; I hope that's not true, I'm still trying to find a way to make $400 bucks to get the 360 ;;
  21. You should wait for the new MGS3 that comes out in Nov. Lots of new features including a change in the camera system from top down to 3rd person (this should be interesting)
  22. Kojima did, that's how we got that freaking Raiden I will play an old snake over that Raiden anyday Raiden almost killed off the MGS series
  23. Wow, I didn't know I have been using this revolution technology for almost 3 years now http://www.gyration.com/ultrapro.htm Minus the d-pad and some buttons, it does the same thing. I used this mouse to surf the net on TV most of the time
  24. Go to Oxford, its better than London, more cute chicks there. And if you want to party, fly up (or take the loong train trip) to New Castle. They pary almost every night ;;
  25. I just picked up my "next gen" system, the gameboy micro I loved it at e3 and I love it even more than my PSP or DS. I can actually carry this with me
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