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Everything posted by Gunbuster

  1. "IGN is reporting that Ridge Racer 7 will require a 5GB install on the hard drive in order to play. This is the second game to confirm an install on the hard drive, with Genji 2 requiring 2GB of space to install." Wow, the more I read, the more the PS3 is a PC @_@;; I wonder how long the wait is to install the game
  2. As with some website stated that the slogan should be changed to "Pay Beyond."
  3. The Sony ads are confusing, did anyone get what the "baby crying" commercial meant? Attached is a billboard ad that that has a chess piece bleeding. I know it's a king so what it could mean is the next war game is over when Ps3 is release (since killing the king means game over), ...but it could also mean it's foreshadowing the PS3's future (because obviously Sony is the current king and it's obviously dead....)
  4. It's too late in my area. The problem is that TRU is also doing PS3 preorder tomorrow as well. At noontime, there were already 10 people waiting. From what I gather, there will be 10 preorders for PS3 and only 20+ preorder for Wii (depending on the stores location)
  5. Wow..I didn't know @_@;; Thanks Dangard Ace
  6. There's something wierd about the two. the right seems different. For example if you look at the feet of the robot on the left it's smooth, while the robot on the right has something on back of it's heel and the front of the foot has lines.
  7. AWESOME!! no Dub, no problem!! the original deluxe artbox, A+++ and in HD!!
  8. I confirm that the Wavebird reciever fits perfectly into the Wii, the GC ports are not deep in at all, it's almost on the surface of the unit. the cover just covers the ports and menory ports. This is in the standing position, if you lay it down, the side with the wave bird reciever plug in is slightly higher than the other side. About the memory, it's still 512MB unless Nintendo changes it last minute.
  9. My initials assumption was based on this “How powerful is Opera’s DS browser? Can it display flash, or streaming audio / video footage? The version of Opera we have been working with Nintendo on for the DS can surf the full Internet, but the initial version does not include Flash support.†The key word “initial version†You can read the rest of the interview here http://www.armchairempire.com/Interviews/o...-ds-browser.htm
  10. That might be true, but I’m a somewhat optimistic and believe that the main bottle neck is memory. They need to stream/store/cashing/load the flash data onto a bigger memory cart (ie. Adding more memory to the GBA cart) first before allowing it to be executed. Of course, updated libraries and plugins wouldn’t hurt
  11. The browser is really slow (yeah, I know about eh no picture mode), but it is better than the PSP version interms of navigation, but with no flash support, I would not recommend it. I bet they will release a Flash enable version later down the road as many sites now uses alot of flash.
  12. LOL! and if Sony plans to sell assets (cars and Tracks, levels) from the online, why do they need all that space on the blueray disc? And about the online thing, MS has it for Free too, it's call the silver level account. Create your gamer profile Create and maintain a friends list Access Xbox Live Marketplace including Xbox Live Arcade, demos, and trailers Send and receive text and voice messages Join in special Xbox Live Gold trial opportunities Access massively multiplayer games Note: Silver level requires Xbox 360 storage device and broadband connection. Xbox Live Marketplace downloads and MMO games may require an additional fee. Is there anyway that defines or outlines what you get on the Sony Online service?
  13. As F360° indicated, there are triggers on the PS3 controller. the L2 and R2 are triggers. They feel a bit wierd, but I think people will adapt to it. Also, the PS3 controller feels really cheap now, without the wieghts of the rumbles, it feels really light and cheap ;; I think there's a new name for the Ps3 controller, since it can't be call Dual "shock" anymore without the "shock" :-p
  14. That's how their pre-order pages look like. you can access it here from their main news page http://www.ncsx.com/2006/092506/ncs0925m.htm
  15. I buy alot of import games from them. National Console Support also import alot of Japanese Toys as well. I got great deals from them with Valks when they first got them in. Again, that's why I posted to see if anyone knows about this, I'm skepitic about this as well.
  16. Has anyone heard of this? What's the difference between this and the MPC version? I know there's a major difference in the price "JPY398,000 or approximately US$365 from NCS" http://mgrsti3030s.seamlesstech.biz/templa...subFolderID=179
  17. LOL! I agree with you there, however to all those rich people, there is never enough money for them
  18. For some reason that doesn’t sound right ;; To me it sound like At SONY buffet restaurant Sony executive#1 say to #2, hey we can charge customers $5 for this small plate and that plate will fill them up. #2, says, I got a better idea, whey don’t we charge customers a cover price of $10 just to come to our restaurant (cause we are Sony) and then charge them another $10 for this bigger blue plate which they can fill up as much food as they want, but we know that they only will fill up about $5 of food instead. .. We are going to make so much money!! And later on, we will charge for each piece of food they “downloadâ€.
  19. Hi Noriko Welcome to the "I own a SHE Gunbuster Club"! so far we are the only 2 Anyway, about the SOC, I'm definitely picking up at least 2, one for robot mode and one for Ship mode. Thanks for the pic Dangard Ace!
  20. well, here is the gist of it The microtransaction-focused game, Gran Turismo HD: Classic will be the online-focused entrant into the GT-series. In this game, players will (reportedly) start with no cars or courses available to them. Instead, they will need to purchase their stable of cars and courses to race on. The pricing reported in the Famitsu piece indicated that cars would cost between 50-100 yen ($0.43-$0.85) and courses between 200-500 yen ($1.71-$4.26). There are approximiately 750 cars and 50 tracks available for purchase in the GT: HD Classic. Let's do the math: 750 cars for $0.50-$1.00 (Sony will round-up, don't you think?) 50 tracks for $1.50-$4.50 A complete copy of the game will cost gamers somewhere between $426.50 and $975, and that's without factoring in whatever Sony decides to charge for the menus (since that's all you'll get with GT HD: Classic).
  21. you can get it here for cheaper http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail
  22. Hey Everyone, BOME is releasing a Noriko figure here's the link http://mgrsti3030s.seamlesstech.biz/templa...subFolderID=165
  23. The wii Sports works great at e3, however zelda did not sit too well after I beat the demo twice. The wiimote felt like it was forced onto the game. Even the demo lady told me i was the quickest one to beat the demo, but I knew if I had the regular contoller, I would have 'pwned" the boss and finished it in half the time. Beside the fishing game in zelda, the general gameplay felt "forced" with the wiimote. That's how I felt about the 2 new DS games star fox and mario 3 on 3, the touch gameplay felt so forced, all the mechanics I could have done fine with the regular d-pad and buttons. My whole deal is don't force the control scheme into the game because it's there, if it works great with the regular controller, then don't mess with it. I applaud the producer on smash brothers for not forcing the wiimote on it. That's why nintendo is delaying the GC version of zelda to make sure that the zelda fan who can't wait for it buys it and then realize that the game was really meant for the regualr controller and goes out and buy the GC version (that's why nintendo didn't make the wii version compatible with the GC controller)
  24. I'll be picking up one for sure, hopefully they won't sell out like the 360 last christmas. It's a suprise for me that we will be gettign the system first before Japan and we get a free pack in game too.
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