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Everything posted by Gunbuster

  1. Congrates! BTW where/which store did you waited?
  2. That's funny, there was a bunch of Ps3 (both 20 and 60GB versions) yesterday at Fry's. they are selling it in bundles, but no one is buying them. the 60GB version was going for $950 with 5 games and an extra controller (which is awhole lot better than buyign them on ebay).
  3. err..yeah....Let's hold off a year on our "completed" zelda game and tried to shove and camoflouge this new control scheme into the game which was NEVER designed to have in the first place. ;; Even Nintendo Power admitted that it was a second thought. Currently I have no problems with wii-mote with on the game, but you can tell the difference when the game is designed from the ground up with that controller in mind. Here's my question, why did nintendo delay the release of GC version after the Wii version instead of releasing it at the same time? if it's so much fun/difference with the wii-mote, then they shouldn't have no problem selling both versions out. Now Nintendo is making it even harder to get the GC version, why is that?
  4. Does anyone here know when and where I can get teh Gamecube version of Zelda? I have the Wii version, but I still want the GameCube version as well. any help would be appreciated.-Thanks
  5. That sucks! I guess it was a good thing I picked up the R1 DVD boxset (not sub) at Kinokuniya yesterday for 100 bucks ;;
  6. Is 480p considered Hi def? The GC has component cables and you can set RE4 on 480p
  7. Yes, it's at Franks for $185
  8. That's because it is a GC game ;; I'm enjoying Rayman alot, with Zelda you need a commitment, I will do that over the looong weekend
  9. You are being sarcastic, right?
  10. Do you think this guy deserve it? http://www.ocregister.com/ocregister/homep...cle_1359985.php "Two Lakewood men have been arrested on suspicion of pepper spraying a man and stealing two PlayStation 3 consoles during a late-night rendezvous outside a La Palma McDonald's today."
  11. Great catch Chowser! Trust me you are not missing much with the current launch games
  12. I just got my SOC Gunbuster today and WoW! it's a beauty! It's heavy and feels very solid. Do we post this SOC Gunbuster news here or in the SOC thread? I just read Fort Max review there and there's not much I can add except it way bigger than the SHE Gunbuster (about 2.5X bigger) and it's not fragile!!! The funny thing is today people got their ps3s and I got the SOC Gunbuster, I think I got the better deal I want go buy 2 more now to display them in both modes and the third one to play with
  13. Well, if you can deal with all those fake bidders on ebay, then I recommend selling it. Currently there's no game out there that is worth the $700 bucks price tag, unless you plan on using it as a blu-ray player
  14. Wait, did u actully took time off from work for that ;; did u get R:FOM? let me know, I'll see you online tonight
  15. My question is why does Resistance takes up 22GB of space? I know what the dev team said that it each of the 40 level is 300MB an there's high quality cutscene. The cutscene I've seen in the first few missions was a slide show ;; To those who have expereince GOW and pick up this game please let me know your thoughts, the textures are really low res on R:FOM and does not have details like GOW, but somehow it take up 22GB of space ;;
  16. I had my feel with Resistance and I am very puzzle about the all the reviews raving about the visual ;; The good stuff first, the controls feels great, smooth and precise. getting into tanks and blowing up enemies was fun. it has some physics on the objects (not environments) The bad: the graphic looks like if it was a PS2 game that had smore extra ram in the system. the textures are really plan, barley any bump mapping, most of the shadow of the enviroments are "baked" into the textures. I didn't see any real time lighting effects (i.e character's shadows, player's character's shadow), there's flash light you can turn on and off, but that's as far as I went with the game. I bet the game will get better later on with teh crazy weapons and enemies, but the first levels not doing anything for me (mind you I am spoil by Gears). again, I don't understand why alot of the reviewers are raving about the grpahics on this game @_@;; You do not want to put GOW and R:FOM side by side comparison like how PSM did, it just makes R:FOM looks even worse. if I had paid $700 bucks for this, I would have wanted my money back!
  17. A big one up for Sony over 360 with "PS3 Accepts Any Third-Party HDD" http://ps3.ign.com/articles/745/745271p1.html
  18. Here's mine for now 1.Berserk 2.Gunbuster 3.Naussica 4.Sprit away 5.Princess Monnonke Hime 6.EVA 7.Macross(and Macross plus) 8.Millennium Actress 9.Haibane Renmei 10.Fullmetal Alchemist honoerable mention: Ninja Scoll and Kenshin OVA
  19. NCSX has the gundam for US$3500 per unit to ship in Dec 06, but the "Attractive female model not included." part was the deal breaker for me link http://www.ncsx.com/2006/110606/ncs1106h.htm
  20. Anyone here playing GOW? Just wanted to know your thoughts on it? I know it looks very pretty, but how's the gameplay?
  21. "Nintendo revealed that the company will ship 4 million units of Wii in the first six week of the launch in US", That's almost like a million a week! I know for sure it won't sell out on the first day, which mean I won't need to camp out for it
  22. I played at e3, the demo ends at the first boss (it could be a mini boss), but it was really short! even the demo girl told me I was the fastest person to complete it (like in 10 minutes). I came back teh next day and spent more time on it and realize that the wii mote was a second thought to the game, I felt that if I had a regular controller I would have complete it in less time. with that say, I think that's why Nintendo didn't have the GameCube version on display, people would figure out that the game was designed for the regular controller first and wii-mote second
  23. Here's the link http://www.animaxis.com/en/zine/newsletter....asp?id=N001682 "Pathe has tapped a number of talented people to work on the "BLOOD" film, including Ronnie Yu ("Freddy vs. Jason") as director, with Bill Kong ("Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"; "House of Flying Daggers") producing. The role of heroine Saya will be played by Korean actress Ji-hyun Jun ("Windstruck"; "My Sassy Girl")." I am a fan of Ronnie Yu
  24. you're right, it does not say it "requires" and more likely it's an option. so is the whole game 5GB? I know the install files are meant to speed up load times, but after the 5 GB install, what are they streaming off the bluray disc?
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