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Everything posted by Mephistopheles

  1. I didn't see Claudia in Macross Plus however there were some character designs similar to the three Zentradi spies and the Mayor of Macross City or possibly the cook. Oddly enough there was a girl who looked a bit like Minmay, she was wearing a chinese dress as well. There was a guy who could have been Gloval only he'd have to dye his hair blond. The scene is right before Sharon's concert on earth during the military ceremony. They zoom in on some special guests in the audience.
  2. I've heard that eating a human would be more nutritious than eating a cow, pig or chicken. Eating a Zentradi wouldn't be so bad as long as they gave it a snazzy name like Solyent Green.
  3. Exactly dude!!! Fields of soy! 427187[/snapback] And Vats of Steak! 427328[/snapback] Just imagine how many people a single dead Zentradi could feed...
  4. Nope, the Macross runs on Spirtia. Minmay was powering the ship. Proof you ask? When Minmay was singing during the fight against Bodolza notice all the cannons from the Macross firing, the ones that were mysteriously absent in prior engagements? Well, up until then Minmay wasn't producing enough power for those cannons to be firing. During the battle her emotional state became elevated and thus she was able to provide power to all the guns on the Macross.
  5. And this is why I always liked the VF-0, VF-1 and VF-11. Their transformations are easy to understand and see.
  6. He ate the steak while they were on Earth. I would imagine that it would be a temporary item. The Macross had enough extra room for a city, who is to say that they didn't have farms in it as well or OT had a method of long term preserving perishables. Salvaging remains is somewhat supported by scenes in the series however I don't think they had a lot of time to do it. As for ammo stores, on a ship that big there is enough room to store and even produce enough ammo to last a while. Also, aren't the head cannons on the valkyries lasers? Fuel for the valkyries? I thought they ran on fusion reactors. That was always something I never understood. In an atmosphere the engines behave just like modern jet engines but in space or battlroid mode they couldn't possibly work the same. How do they produce thrust? Burning jet fuel? Wouldn't that make them the same as the VF-0?
  7. Wolverine is supposed to be like 5'5"
  8. So you forced a biological explanation onto spiritia so you could do Macross' Phantom Menace? 417030[/snapback] No. Perhaps I wasn't clear. I was making fun of spiritia.
  9. Oh It was aimed at you and a general group. You've been quite happy to say you don't like it at all... look at your statements on Page 8. If you don't like it, why even debate? I mean seriously you should just point out you don't like it and leave because you're not open to any other argument except to hear that it sucks. Look at your whole Chemical Secretions argument. Three people replied about how Spiritia was some sort of life source ... and yet you just keep hammering some sort of idiotic tangent. You (and others) ignore the good points people make and just go on different tacts about what is wrong with the series. So, you aren't here to argue reasonably, you're here to point out every single flaw the series. Hey while you're at it, why don't you complain about Star Wars, because the Force can't occur because the human body is basically one biological chemical combustion engine. 416859[/snapback] It's not that I'm not open for comments nor am I only willing to listen to anything other than agreements to my opinions; I was explaining why I did not enjoy it. As far as the chemical secretions aspect goes, it follows some logic. Spiritia is influenced by emotion and emotion is infuenced by chemicals secreted within your brain -- the entire basis behind drugs that change your mood. It was nothing more than stab at the concept of spiritia and how it was harvested. The Star Wars explanation of the Force wasn't well recieved by me and many other fans. I liked it much better when it had no explanation at all. Many things, especially things "magical" in nature do not need an explanation. Anyway, my reason for disliking Macross 7 overall was the main characters who I could not relate to and the concept of spiritia.
  10. Or when he crapped his pants from nearly being killed... ...well, killed instantly.
  11. Bro, do you know what "Bukkake" means in Japanese? Check it out and let us know what it means. I'm sure by then you'll get the names correct. 416742[/snapback] Oh I know what it means, that's why I put it there. That and I didn't know how to spell his real name off the top of my head.
  12. I'm thinking that by the time he got out of the plane and made it to Claudia's and sat there for a while he could have made it to the hospital and been saved easily. His wounds were not fatal it was just that he didn't take care of them so he bled to death.
  13. Nothing is wrong with arguments persay. However at times you haven't even tried to engage in arguments, you'd rather just come in here and state how horribly stupid the series is without hearing the other side. Thats not an argument, and in large doses it can be disasterous for a forum (to the extent that not talking about it is better for it.)Were all for "arguments" when people want to discuss, but many people don't want to, rather beat their own drum. 416557[/snapback] By 'you' were you referring specifically me or was intended to be a more general audience?
  14. No, they clearly show the hole close immediatly behind Britai. Besides which, the room would have decompressed completely if the hole wasn't sealed. The zentradi's ability to speak in the room proves it had air, and thus was sealed. Max re-enters the ship through a diffrent hole, or more likely an airlock. 416401[/snapback] You're right; it does close but it is kind of hard to notice without playing in slow motion. It shows the second hole sealing too but then later on Max walks right through... well unless they skip over the part where he cuts through the hull. That answers that question.
  15. What is wrong with arguments? Forums don't last very long when everybody agrees or rather, they don't get very many posts.
  16. Ah, I see. I wonder why the inquistors never noticed that the Zentradi don't use .45ACP?
  17. As for pineapple salad, I've not had the recipe that Claudia prepared, but I have had, a couple of times a nice Waldorf that uses pinapples. As for Roy, his ignoring the wounds isn't that big a problem -- you're right that it was meant to be a John Wayne moment. But I still defy anyone to explain how everyone on the fraggin' ship (especially Claudia) failed to notice those three large and bloody holes in his back! 416305[/snapback] Yeah, it would be hard to jump out of a jet with a huge blood spot on your back without being noticed and forcibly sent to the hospital however the scene could have never occurred if realism was applied.
  18. By the time they were "officially" dating Misa was no longer the SOO, she had been promoted out of that role. If I remember correctly, Vanessa was promoted to the new SOO after SW1. 416199[/snapback] Doesn't matter you're not allowed to date your superiors in any military if they are in your chain of command. Misa was definitely in Hikaru's chain of command. Misa being happy is of little consequence as if she is unable to put Hikaru into harm's way it could have grave consequences. The military doesn't like to take chances so they would and should put a stop to it. I've seen these orders given many times in my military career.
  19. A bulkhead does not cover the hole as Max later enters through the hole after Britai fights Hikaru. The hole was open the entire time.
  20. Is pineapple salad good? Is it worth dying for? Focker seemed to think so. This is one of two parts that always confused me. Roy doesn't seek medical attention which is odd. Anybody ever make pineapple salad? Is that a real dish? The other part is when Hikaru, Misa, Bukkake and Max are making their first attempt at leaving the Zentradi ship. They blow a hole in the ship to kick Britai out then proceed to cut through the air lock for an exit. Huh?
  21. Call them models and it suddenly changes to a hobby and everyone is cool with it.
  22. The women aboard Macross were not allowed to have children so they wouldn't contaminate the purity of Earth. By the way, Gobal should have issued a no contact order for Misa and Hikaru. You can't have a pilot dating the strategic operations officer as they will have trouble putting them in harms way.
  23. Minmei and her family are Chinese, not Japanese. Just trying to put another possible aspect into the view. 415965[/snapback] I was surprised that they left the cousins bit in when Harmony Gold turned it into Robotech. I tell you what, if my girlfriend started to make out with her cousin I think the relationship would be over forever. Maybe that is why Hikaru chose Misa over Minmay.
  24. Good thing he didn't get anyone pregnant. Not that any of the women in Macross were allowed to have kids anyway.
  25. Yeah, it's Robotech.
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