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Everything posted by Mephistopheles

  1. I was never impressed with the battlepod. It feels like not much thought or effort was put into the design.
  2. Well blocky robots were cool back in the eighties. I'd like to see how Kawamori would design the VF-1 now.
  3. I was playing SOCOM 2 online — it's a PS2 game —and had a guy tell me that he was going to hack my PS2. I still laugh about it when I think of it.
  4. The Stealth Valkyrie appears in the TV SDF - Macross. It is in the Deadulus Attack episode when Hikaru is flying through the ice. You see, most people thought you were just watching Hikaru's Valkyrie flying through the ice the entire time however it was actually the Stealth VF-1J. The reason why everyone thinks that it was Hikaru's VF-1J is because that is what the story was focusing on prior to them showing the Stealth VF-1J. They thought it was just Hikaru in the shade but as it turns out it is just a random cameo scene for the Stealth that is poorly placed. The story never mentioned the Stealth at any time so nobody had any reason to believe that it was a different Valkyrie. Well, now Yamato has cleared that misconception up with their Stealth VF-1J model.
  5. Come to think of it, I haven't seen any artwork that shows them either.
  6. You know it even better now. Now go forth and spread the word.
  7. Zim is a script kiddy. He has “hacked†many other forums run by amateurs. Forums that aren't very well protected. No big deal. His ability is limited to forum disruption. He is not able to do anything else. As a side note, I came across another forum he hacked and the people on that forum are convinced that Zim works for the government because of their anti-current-administration stance. Lol, right... There were also a bunch of newbs who claimed they found his home address and name based off his IP address... that had me laughing for a while.
  8. Hhmmm I guess I'd have to CAD individual parts to make my 1:1 scale fully transformable VF-1J. ...Hhmmm imagine all the small parts I could replace. You know, those small pieces of plastic that break or get lost and all you need is a replacement only replacement parts are unavailable and you are too lazy to make a mold.
  9. Well if it can take two giant rocket boosters it can take a fold booster. Realistically, they could mount it on anything they wanted provided that they built the proper mounts for it and weight wouldn't be an issue if it was mounted in space. I don't see a reason why it couldn't use it.
  10. That can mean seventeen things.
  11. If it comes with DYRL fast packs and DYRL hands then it is a DYRL design unless you use the TV hands... damn bubble hands. By the way, you actually see the Stealth throughout movie. If you look really close at some of the explosions in the distance scene you can see that the Stealth was the one that fired the missiles. You'll know it because the Stealth Valkyries are the shade of black as the background.
  12. After reviewing the episode Max is actually flying a VF-1A. What few shots of the cockpit from the outside do not match up with the VF-1D external cockpit design. Also, you get to see which head his valkyrie has in split second. When the SDF-1 comes under attack during the scene where you first see Max fly away from the SDF-1 next to the other CF VF-1As you can clearly see that his fighter has the VF-1A head. You have to be quick on the pause. This scene occurs around the 18'10"–18'40" mark. ...Of course this could all be due to discrepencies in the animation much like the hip joints firing lasers. Interestingly enough, I never noticed that the valkyries they fly through in the ceremony were VF-1Ds as well and that the air intake doubles as a thruster. On second look you can see that the VF-1Ds in this scene are sometimes shown as VF-1As but in the next shot they will be Ds again.
  13. It also comes with the DYRL hands.
  14. I haven't watched all of Eureka 7 but I'm not inclined to watch as every episode that I have watched the main character whines about something sucking.
  15. Well the Stealth is a VF-1J that is modelled after the ones in DYRL.
  16. Destroyer wouldn't quite be correct as destroyers are escort ships used for defensive purposes.
  17. He said that their sensors are unable to detect things ten light years away of course that is assuming that the Zentradi's position in space was ten light years away. I don't remember them mentioning how far away they were. So there is a chance that they can sense things from more than ten light years away. To solve for their sensor range you'd have to solve this equation: zentradi_distance_from_earth / (exact_arrival_time_from_detection - fold_travel_time) = sensor_range
  18. With all the information on the VF-1 I've found no information on the thrusters located on the sides of the torso of the battroid underneath the arms. Models either lack the closed shutters or if the shutters are present you cannot open them. How they manage to get there is unexplained nor do you see them in any other mode. If you can't picture what I am talking about then watch the Pineapple Salad episode to around the fifteen to sixteen minute mark where Max is fighting Milla. There will be a split screen showing Max's hand on the throttle and on the other side of the split screen you will see the thrusters under the arms of the VF-1 activate.
  19. I like the non-canon valkyries more-so than the ones featured; they generally have a more impressive paint scheme. Also, unless you paint it yourself, the primarily white valkyries don't look so great in comparison. Am I the only one who does not like how the VF-4 looks? It looks okay as a plane but when it transforms... it looks goofy. As far as other valkyries go, planes like the YF-19 and YF-21 have far more elaborate transformations which makes it much harder for them to produce. Let's not forget, most incarnations of a fully transformable YF-19/21 don't look right.
  20. Well the VF-1J is capable of having fast packs and if they didn't make one with fast packs people would be saying "Where's my VF-1J Hikaru TV with fast packs?" They make DYRL VF-1J but I don't recall one every being shown. Anyway, I'd rather have new color schemes like when they release Low-Vis and whatnot. By the way, did they actually release an Enigma color scheme or are all of those custom paint jobs?
  21. If it was an optical illuision you could simply use the color grabber tool in any photo-editor and see the numerical value of it.
  22. I'm sure that there was no thought given to the presence of the steak. We're talking about a world where people enlist in the military at age 16, become a fighter pilot with high-school level education, become a fighter pilot of an extremely complex machine in a few months, start out at the rank of Sgt and get promoted and comissioned to Ensign in one day. We give a lot of thought to the presence of a steak and very little thought to how structure that wasn't designed to be in space managed to allow its occupants to survive, no heat and no air. Then they build a city big enough to house 50,000 people in a section of the ship that was unused for no apparant reason. The steak's presence falls in line with why the Zentran and humans feel they need to fight at point blank range in space.
  23. The best incarnation of Megaman had to be in the legends series. I stopped playing Megaman after X4. The quailty difference between X4 and the rest are huge.
  24. What the? Is this Thundercats meets Josie and the Pussycats? Sounds like it. Why do they have to remake everything and turn it into something retarded? What's next?
  25. They refer to him as Captain so I guess Goval got demoted. Unless you are talking about somebody else. He also has a beard instead of a mustache and no accent, although that could simply be because he was an unnamed character. Also, he would be much older looking.
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