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Everything posted by Mechinyun

  1. Good Question, I was wondering the same thing.
  2. I wish I had my pictures here, they are all up in my parents closet. Macross man are you holding up one of those robot wrist watches? Looks like it, I use to LOVE those watches when I was a kid but never got one, a few months ago I got the itch and picked these up off ebay
  3. I'd like to think they are out there. It would be cool to get a series following a early fleet with SW1 technology. Got me thinking though, fold technology seemingly let the Zentradai fold extremely far distances. Couldn't the fleets relay their position back to earth or whoever and have them relatively quick fold to that position?
  4. Im starting to jonez for a Vf-171.... more i see them the more I like it better than the vf-25.
  5. NEED SUBS NOW - HULK SMASHHHHH Great episode!!
  6. That thought crossed my mind too
  7. Mechinyun

    Why no macross?

    Why is the SDF-1 such a non-produced item? Other than Wave's little guy we haven't had anything since the 80's. I mean heck, the macross is really one of the big focal points of the series. Anyone heard any rumblings of something in the works? It could be a uber item, both versions produced, lighted, maybe even a access panel to see a mini Macross city in the leg.
  8. You did an excellent job on those!
  9. Anyone using Silver Dragons Recast Shoulders? How are they? Do they look exactly like the original?
  10. Absolutely! To be honest I had never been a big fan of the 21, I always preferred the 19. However now that I got the 21 staring me in face I am falling in love... even my wife likes it more than the rest of my valks. yum yum..
  11. Got mine today.. man what a nice toy!!!!! Highly recommended
  12. Just got my VF-0A, was hoping for a no problems... both shoulders have cracks right out of the box... bewareeeeee
  13. Dude, go rent it right NOW!
  14. yf-19
  15. Sweet catch man!
  16. Not sure what your thinking on price, but I just picked one up on ebay for 120 shipped. Havent gotten it yet though. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=320275410476
  17. This is just super cool Mars Webcam! http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastro...bcam-goes-live/
  18. I dont know the exact dates but I do know shockwave was a stand alone robot produced well before transformers came out and wasn't part of the series takara was calling the robots before transformers. He was made by a Korean company and had a different name, apparently we wont ever see a re-issue because of that.
  19. I got a pretty good deal I think from amazon.com, the shipping was really low IMO. vf-0a $139.95 yf-21 $209.95 black action base $5.95 Fold Booster Set $42.99 Total shipping: $28.33 Im still kicking my own ass for not buying the vf-0a when it was on sale at HLJ.com for like 90 some dollars :/
  20. Wow, great catch.. I never noticed that... shockwave has always been one of my favorites.. maybe subliminally this is part of why.
  21. I am interested to know if they are going to bump the video ouput resolution, cant wait to play macross on my TV.
  22. How about a VF-1S vs. Starscream
  23. I'm honestly no so hot on the vf-0a with the ghost/booster, I think all that ordinance and the ghost hanging off the plane makes it look clunky. Totally opposite opinion for the vf-1 with super parts, that plane imho looks just as good if not better with them on.
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